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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 74 Uchiha Clan Association

Hearing the knock on the door, Kabuto quickly climbed into his bed. He was afraid that if Quanmei came back and saw him not resting in bed, she would lecture him again.

“Please come in.” Kabuto said after finishing preparations.

As visitors push through the door, the first thing that catches their eyes is a large bouquet of flowers.

Just when Kabuto was thinking about who came to see him, a man holding flowers walked in.

The person who came had a dead fish eye and a white broom head. It was Kakashi who was worried about Kabuto’s safety.

“I heard that you were injured. It won’t affect the teacher’s cough treatment. Is it okay?” Kakashi said.

Kabuto took the flowers from Kakashi’s hand and said with a smile: “Thank you for the gift.”

“My injuries are almost done. Don’t worry, it won’t affect the Fourth Generation’s treatment.”

Hearing Kabuto’s words, Kakashi felt relieved.

Afterwards, Kakashi and Kabuto talked about the Yondaime’s injury, and without bothering Kabuto anymore, they prepared to leave.

As soon as he walked out of Kabuto’s room, Kakashi suddenly thought of something and returned to Kabuto’s room.

Just when Kabuto was feeling strange, he saw Kakashi sneakily take out a book with a pink cover from his arms and hand it to Kabuto: “You must be bored at home while you are recuperating, so I will give you this book to relieve your boredom.”

“To tell you the truth, this was written by Jiraiya-sama, one of the three ninjas. It is also a book that a man must read in his life!”

This book is, of course, “Making Out in Heaven”!

When he saw a scantily clad woman and a man kissing passionately on the cover, Kabuto thought it was some kind of inappropriate book.

But after hearing Kakashi’s words, Kabuto suddenly became serious.

Kabuto couldn’t help but think of what his former teacher Yusuke said: “A person cannot be judged by his appearance, and a sea cannot be measured by its measure!”

“I didn’t expect that besides ‘people should not be judged by their appearance’, this is also true for books!” Kabuto sighed, and then solemnly thanked Kakashi.

After Kakashi left, Kabuto began to study the contents of “Intimate Love in Heaven” seriously.

A few minutes later, a blushing Kabuto gently closed the copy of “Intimate Paradise” in his hand and sighed: “I didn’t expect Jiraiya-sama and Kakashi-senpai to be such unruly people!”

Shaking his head, he was about to turn around and return the book to Kakashi when Kabuto suddenly noticed a mess of footsteps outside the door, which sounded like more than one person.

“not good!”

Kabuto quickly stuffed the copy of “Intimate Paradise” into the quilt. As soon as he stuffed it in, the door was opened.

Then three girls walked in, namely Izumi, Anko and Kurama Kyoko.

Anko and Kurama Kyoko were originally Itachi’s teammates during the chunin exam, and later they also met Izumi, and they became good friends.

When Anko and Kurama Kyoko met Izumi who was shopping on the street, they learned from Izumi that Kabuto was injured, so they came over to visit Kabuto together.

The three of them came in and chatted with Kabuto for a while. At this time, Izumi noticed that Kabuto’s expression was not right, and asked doubtfully: “Kabuto, why are your face so red and there is a lot of sweat on your head? Has your injury changed?”

Hearing Izumi’s words, Kabuto quickly shook his head in denial.

At this moment, Anko, who had sharp eyes, noticed a pink object exposed from Kabuto’s quilt, which seemed to be a corner of a book.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Hong Dou suddenly pulled out “Intimate Paradise” from the quilt in her pocket, then picked it up and looked at it.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it. At this glance, Hongdou’s face really became Hongdou. The man and woman kissing passionately on the cover suddenly made Hongdou.

“Kabuto, you actually read such inappropriate stuff!” Anko’s face turned red and she looked at Kabuto with a look of contempt, while raising the copy of “Intimate Paradise” in her hand.

Izumi and Kurama Kyoko on the side also saw the cover of the book in Anko’s hand, and their faces turned red for a moment.

“Hmph, I really misjudged you!” Hongdou threw the book on Kabuto’s bed, turned around and walked out of the ward.

Kurama Kyoko was originally a shy girl, so she felt even more uncomfortable when she saw this book, and immediately followed Anko out.

Izumi glanced at Kabuto with a strange look, and then said, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell my brother. You’d better recover well!”

After saying that, Izumi also left and closed Kabuto’s door.

“Wait a minute and listen to my explanation! You listen to me.”

Kabuto wanted to retain a few people, but before he finished speaking, several people had already left without a trace.

Kabuto sighed after taking a look at “Making Love in Heaven”.

For the first time in my life, I felt like ‘blaming’ someone else, and the person being blamed was naturally Kakashi.

Kakashi, who was unaware of this, was walking down the streets of Konoha.

“Ah sneeze!”

Who is thinking of me? Kakashi thought to himself.

That night, the Uchiha clan held a clan meeting.

The number of clan members participating in the clan meeting was obviously much less than the original number, and many clan members had already died in this Root Organization attack.

Originally, the clan leader Fugaku was the one who presided over the clan meeting, but now that Fugaku was killed in battle, the three elders of the Uchiha clan presided over it.

This time, Yusuke also rarely attended the clan meeting.

Although Yusuke was the number one expert in the family at this time and was also the number one hero in saving the entire family, he did not hold any position in the clan after all. According to etiquette, he sat under the three family elders.

Even so, Yusuke seemed to be the center of the entire conference hall as he sat there, attracting the attention of all the Uchiha clan members, while the three family elders were like foils.

No matter how they felt about Yusuke before, now all the tribesmen looked at Yusuke with a kind of awe in their eyes.

The family that was about to be destroyed, thanks to Yusuke’s efforts to turn the tide, not only retained most of its vitality, but also eliminated its old enemy Danzo and the Root Organization.

This not only pushed Yusuke’s prestige to the top, but also allowed the tribe to see the changes that power can bring.

At the beginning of the clan meeting, the other two elders except Uchiha Kenjiro proposed candidates for the new clan leader, but they were never able to convince all the clan members present.

Just as the two old rivals were engaged in a verbal exchange, Uchiha Kenjiro made a shocking statement: “I propose that Yusuke’s disciple, the eldest son of the former clan leader Fugaku, Itachi, be appointed as the new clan leader!”

When Uchiha Kenjiro said this, he specially emphasized the word ‘Yusuke’. Obviously he wanted to use Yusuke’s power to settle the matter.

Uchiha Kenjiro’s words caused a stir.

The Uchiha tribesmen present looked at Itachi, who was only ten years old, with confusion and uncertainty. Some tribesmen wanted to raise objections, but looking at Yusuke sitting beside him, they did not dare to object.

Obviously, Uchiha Kenjiro took advantage of this situation and achieved the effect he wanted.

However, at this moment, a weak voice sounded from below: “Since we established a disciple, why not just appoint Yusuke-sama as the clan leader?”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !


There is one more update, I am revising it and will post it later.


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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