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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 75 The overall situation is decided

Hearing these words, the originally quiet crowd became excited again, and most of them expressed support.

Uchiha Kenjiro first glanced at Yusuke awkwardly, and then explained loudly: “Yusuke is the number one master of our Uchiha clan and the hero of the Uchiha clan. There is no doubt about this.”

“But Yusuke focuses on his spiritual practice, rarely participates in clan meetings, and has little understanding of the complicated affairs within our clan. Presumably Yusuke has no intention of becoming the clan leader.”

Of course Uchiha Kenjiro doesn’t want Yusuke to become the clan leader. People like Yusuke are obviously beyond his control. Once Yusuke really becomes the clan leader, not only will his power not increase, but it may be gradually weakened.

At this moment, Itachi, who had been silent all this time, stood up and walked to the center of the conference hall.

“There is something I need to officially announce to everyone.”

“Before he died, my father had already made an announcement and appointed Teacher Yusuke as the new clan leader. I also believe that only a teacher can lead the family to get back on its feet!”

After Itachi finished his announcement, not only Uchiha Kenjiro, but also the other two family elders became uncomfortable.

Although they didn’t know how Yusuke would manage the family after becoming the clan leader, they all had a vague feeling that this person would never be as easy to deal with as Fugaku.

The three elders looked at each other and immediately reached an agreement. We must first prevent Yusuke from becoming the clan leader. As for their respective interests, we can discuss them later.

“Itachi, was anyone else present besides you at your father’s appointment?”

The one who spoke was one of the three elders named Uchiha Makoto.

Although Uchiha Makoto is no longer young, he is still handsome. It can be seen that he must have been a handsome man with outstanding appearance when he was young.

After Uchiha Makoto finished speaking, the Uchiha clan members present began to whisper again.

“I was also there at the time. I wonder if I am worthy of everyone’s trust?” At this time, Yusuke’s voice sounded, and the noisy crowd became quiet again.

Feeling Yusuke’s eyes on him, Uchiha Makoto immediately felt that the air around him seemed to be stagnant, as if he had fallen into a swamp, making every move very difficult.

“Is this an illusion? No, it seems to be just a simple aura.” Uchiha Makoto was shocked.

A drop of cold sweat slowly dripped from his forehead. Uchiha Cheng thought about it again and again and decided to listen to his inner voice: “Of course not. Since you, Yusuke, are also present, I believe it must be true!”

After saying this, Uchiha Makoto suddenly felt relaxed all over, and the feeling of being restrained immediately disappeared.

While secretly sighing at Yusuke’s horror, Uchiha Makoto took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

“Hmph! Even if Fugaku made the appointment before his death, the patriarch of our Uchiha clan cannot be determined by the appointment of the previous clan leader alone!”

Seeing that Uchiha Makoto actually gave in on the spot, his old rival, another elder Uchiha Mitsuyoshi, was very dissatisfied and stood up with a cold snort.

Unlike Kenjiro Uchiha who was strong and Makoto Uchiha who was handsome, this elder was very fat. If his expression wasn’t very serious, he would look quite naive.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately felt the feeling that Uchiha Makoto felt just now.

Yusuke looked at Uchiha Mitsuki with a smile, and said in a calm tone: “Then do you know if Elder Mitsuki has any dissatisfaction with me running for the clan leader? If so, please feel free to give me some advice. “

Although Yusuke smiled brightly, everyone present could see the sharp dagger-like gaze in his eyes, which was obviously putting pressure on Uchiha Mitsuyoshi.

Although he wanted to organize his language and put forward some objection reasons, Uchiha Mitsuyoshi found that because Yusuke put too much pressure on him, it was much harder for him to think than usual.

Opening his mouth with difficulty, Uchiha Mitsuyoshi let out a dry cough due to his dry throat, but he still couldn’t take Yusuke’s words.

Yusuke no longer paid attention to Uchiha Mitsuyoshi, but stood up and looked around, looking at the Uchiha clan members present.

“Originally, I just focused on my cultivation and didn’t get too involved in the clan’s affairs.”

“But after this Root Organization attack, I saw too many problems within our Uchiha clan.”

“Obviously, the family has declined over the years, so much so that even the root organization dares to take advantage of us, the Uchiha clan!”

“Now that the patriarch Fugaku has entrusted the family to me before his death, I will take over without hesitation!”

Released all his spiritual pressure and swept the entire place, Yusuke’s sharp gaze swept across all the clan members present.

“Who is in favor and who is against?”

After Yusuke finished speaking, the entire venue fell silent.

Even the three elders who wanted to object couldn’t help but lower their heads after meeting Yusuke’s gaze. No one dared to stand up.

At this moment, the Uchiha clan members of the original Fugaku clan headed by Kanichiro immediately shouted Yusuke’s name loudly, supporting Yusuke to become the leader of the Uchiha clan.

With this, Yusuke officially became the new leader of the Uchiha clan!

In an inaccessible place in the ninja world, there is a high mountain called ‘Xumi’.

This high mountain is hidden in the clouds and mist, looking eerie and eerie, with no trace of birds or animals visible on the entire mountain. The mountain wall is surrounded by steep cliffs, and underneath these cliffs are covered with sharp and sharp rocks.

From a dark cave on Mount Xumi, waves of scalp-numbing screams could be heard from time to time.

In the deepest part of the cave, a naked man was lying on the operating table, and in front of the operating table stood a middle-aged man with white hair and wearing a white robe.

The limbs of the person lying on the operating table were fixed by the sealing technique, and he could not move at all.

This white-haired middle-aged man is obviously not doing any treatment for the people on the operating table, but is using him to conduct a very cruel human experiment.

As the screams became smaller and smaller, the people on the operating table became weaker and weaker, and finally became silent.

“Damn it, did you fail again!”

“This guy’s Blood Succession Limit is too weak, and there is no way to apply it to my “Oni Meiluo Technique”. It seems that we have to find some more blood successor ninjas to continue the experiment. “

Putting down the tool in his hand, the white-haired man let out a reluctant sigh.

However, at this moment, a gloomy and hoarse voice sounded in the cave.

“What a wonderful idea. I am actually very interested in this technique of yours. I wonder if you would be willing to share some experiences with your old friends?”


Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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