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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 76 Biliuhu

Upon hearing this voice, Bei Liuhu immediately knew the identity of the speaker. After all, this voice was so representative, and the owner of the voice was once very familiar to him.


The white-haired man whom Orochimaru called Hirohu exclaimed, but his expression soon returned to normal.

Following the sound of unhurried footsteps, a slender figure walked in.

At this time, Orochimaru was not wearing the Akatsuki organization’s trademark windbreaker, but a loose light-colored kimono.

Because of Yusuke and Scorpion’s taunts, Orochimaru did not wear a shuriken rope outside his kimono.

Originally, Orochimaru had long wanted to go to Mount Sumeru to find Beiruhu, but there was always a scorpion following him, and he really couldn’t get away.

Now that Scorpion is involved in the mission to encircle and kill Yusuke, it also gives Orochimaru the opportunity to act alone.

In Orochimaru’s eyes, the Akatsuki organization is only a temporary shelter, and he does not want the people of the Akatsuki organization to know the existence of Beiruhu.

After all, scientific research talents like Beilihu can play a huge role if used properly. He didn’t want the Akatsuki organization to become too powerful.

“Orochimaru, how did you find me? Besides, this place is guarded by my men, how did you get in?” Beilihu asked with a gloomy expression.

For Orochimaru, Beiruhu also felt jealous.

When Beiruhu was still in Konoha, Orochimaru could be said to be the most outstanding among the ninjas of his generation. His outstanding talent formed a strong contrast with his own, which made Beiruhu unwilling to accept it.

Orochimaru looked around at Beiruhu’s experimental equipment in the cave, and said in a calm tone: “You don’t think your three unscrupulous men can stop me, do you?”

“As for why I was able to find you, it’s because you have never left my sight!”

Having said this, Orochimaru paused and looked at Beiruhu with a pair of snake eyes.

“Although your strength is very weak, I have noticed your ambition a long time ago, and I very much agree with some of your ideas.”

“It’s just that our thoughts are simply incomprehensible to those mediocre people, and of course that includes that pedantic old man from the third generation!”

Orochimaru and Beiruhu were both scientific ninjas, but Orochimaru’s own talent was already very outstanding, and he soon rose to prominence in Konoha and even the entire ninja world.

Although Beilihu is also very smart, his own conditions are very average. Although he trains himself very hard, he has only reached the level of an ordinary jounin.

Compared with the Sannin of the same period, there was still a huge gap, which made the arrogant Beilihu unbearable.

However, the ninja world originally relied on talent, and ninjas without talent had extremely limited room for growth.

Therefore, Beiliuhu, who was unwilling to be ordinary, embarked on the road of developing forbidden arts and started human experiments.

But people are different. Danzo can do human experiments, and Orochimaru can do human experiments as long as it’s not too excessive. But you, just a humble guy, want to imitate others and do human experiments. This is naturally intolerable to some people. .

So not long after Beiruhu’s human experiment started, Konoha senior officials discovered it and confiscated the laboratory. He only escaped from Konoha with a narrow escape.

Beiruhu’s experience made him full of resentment towards Konoha, especially the third generation as Hokage.

Hearing Orochimaru mention the third generation, Beiruhu also showed an angry look, and then two rebellious ninjas who also fled Konoha because of the development of forbidden techniques buried the third generation together for a while.

About fifteen minutes later. . .

“Back to the topic, Orochimaru, you didn’t come to me just to reminisce about old times, right?” At this time, Beiruhu’s tone was not as harsh as it was at the beginning.

Apparently, the three generations scolded each other for a while with Orochimaru, which made the relationship between the two people, who had not seen each other for many years, slightly eased.

“I’m here this time for the forbidden technique that you have been studying to fuse the blood inheritance boundary. It seems that you call it “Oni Meiluo’s technique”. Orochimaru said slowly.

Bei Liuhu sneered: “Are you kidding me? I’ve spent so much effort on this technique, can I just give it to you if you want it?”

Orochimaru smiled: “Don’t worry, I don’t need the full version of your technique, only the elementary version.”

Hearing Orochimaru’s words, Beiruhu became even more afraid of Orochimaru. It was obvious that the other party had been secretly monitoring him, and even the development of his Onigaura technique was clearly known.

The elementary version of the Onigaura no Jutsu allows a person to fuse with a psychic beast or a blood inheritance boundary, such as the version of Onigaura no Jutsu used by Beiruhu on several of his subordinates.

What Beiruhu is developing is an advanced version of the Oniyara Jutsu. This version of the Oniyara Jutsu allows the user to combine the five chakra attributes of water, fire, earth, thunder and wind. It is also Beiliuhu’s ultimate dream!

It has to be said that Beiruhu is also a rare scientific research genius in the ninja world. If it were not for the limitations of his vision and the fact that he did not understand that the fusion of seven attributes of chakra can create the “Blood Successor Snare”, Beiruhu would definitely consider the ultimate version of Oni. The art of Yaluo!

“Even if it’s the junior version, you have to pay the same price!” Bei Liu shouted.

If it were anyone else, Beilihu would not even consider trading the Oni Yaluo Technique.

But he knew that he was not Orochimaru’s opponent yet. If Orochimaru became malicious after telling the truth, he might not be able to wait until the day when his magical power would be accomplished.

Orochimaru thought for a while, then smiled and said: “Your Onigaura technique requires a lot of blood successor ninjas to experiment.”

“In exchange, when you have a target that is difficult to capture, I will take action for you once and capture that target alive and give it to you.”

Bei Liuhu thought about it for a while, and finally reluctantly agreed. After all, the situation is stronger than the person, and it is better than angering Orochimaru and killing him.

“One day, I must wash away today’s shame!” Bei Liuhu secretly made up his mind.

Taking out a scroll from the bookshelf in the laboratory, Beiruhu threw it to Orochimaru and asked: “What is the use of this technique that can only fuse one kind of blood inheritance boundary? With your strength, this technique can’t be used against Orochimaru.” You don’t seem to be of much help, right?”

Orochimaru licked his lips: “I just have an interesting idea!”

It turns out that after Orochimaru saw the power of Yusuke’s Fire Release, he suddenly had an enlightenment.

Many Bloodline Limit abilities may seem average, but in fact, if developed in depth enough, they can be extremely powerful.

For example, Yusuke, who has been playing with fire, his fire escape power is obviously far beyond that of all other fire escape ninjas.

From the perspective of Orochimaru, who was unaware of the existence of Ryūren Wakahu, this was because Yusuke had developed Fire Release to a relatively high level.

Orochimaru, who has the limit of ice escape after using the “Fuji Turn”, feels that ice escape ninjutsu has extremely huge potential, but the prerequisite is that it can be developed to a sufficient extent.

At this time, Orochimaru thought of the “Onimera no Jutsu” studied by Beiruhu.

In Orochimaru’s vision, he only needs to make some modifications and enhancements to Beiruhu’s basic “Oni Meiluo no Jutsu” so that he can continuously integrate the same type of ice escape blood inheritance limit, so that he can continuously strengthen his ice escape. ability!

It can be said that Orochimaru’s ideas and Biruhu’s ideas happened to be on two different paths. If Biruhu chose comprehensiveness, Orochimaru chose specialization!

As usual, thank you all book friends for your support! ! !


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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