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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 77 Black Crow

While Orochimaru was busy researching on strengthening the ice escape blood successor’s limit ability, Yusuke was holding a Zanpakutō against his left arm in his own mind.

“Do you really want to cut it?” Yusuke asked.

“If you want to achieve the effect you want, this sword is necessary!” The sound of the Zanpakutō in Yusuke’s hand sounded, and the person who spoke was naturally Ruohuo.

“Forget it!” Yusuke sighed, and at the same time he raised the knife and dropped it, and a broken left arm at shoulder length floated into the air.

This left arm is naturally not Yusuke’s physical left arm, but a part of his spiritual body.

After the left arm was broken, Yusuke’s mental body immediately extended a left arm, but the mental body was darker than before, and the soul power was obviously weakened a lot.

Yusuke endured the severe pain of soul tearing, grabbed the left arm that had just been severed, and opened the Sharingan in his eyes.

At the same time, Yusuke’s spirit returned to the real world, and at this time, Yusuke in reality was holding a crow in his hand.

The Sharingan looked at the crow, and Yusuke injected his soul power from the broken arm in the spiritual world into the crow’s body.

I saw this crow fluttering wildly for a few times, and then calmed down. At the same time, the originally dark pupils in his eyes changed into the same Sharingan pattern as Yusuke’s.


Yusuke felt happy. However, at this time, Yusuke felt slightly weak because he had lost a small part of his mental strength.

It turned out that after the Root Organization’s attack on the Uchiha clan, Yusuke deeply realized that the means he had reserved were not enough.

When communicating with Liu Ren Ruo Huo, Liu Ren Ruo Huo proposed a method of cutting the soul to create a permanent clone.

This method actually already exists in the world of “Death”. It is the soul splitting method used by Stark, the first blade among the ten blades.

Of course, there are still some differences between the method provided by Ryukenwaka and the soul splitting used by Stark, but it is more suitable for Yusuke.

After careful consideration, Yusuke decided to use this method to create a crow clone that was connected to his soul.

This crow clone will permanently lose one-fifth of Yusuke’s soul power, but similarly, as Yusuke’s strength increases, the power of this crow clone will continue to increase.

Although one-fifth of the strength is quite a lot, according to Yusuke’s current training speed, it won’t take long to return to the current level.

But with this crow clone that is spiritually connected to Yusuke, Yusuke has a teleporter that he can activate on his own initiative.

As long as the crow clone releases “Kage Flame” through the Sharingan, Yusuke can directly reach the location of the crow clone through the “Flame Walking Technique”.

In addition to being used as a teleporter, this crow clone can also share vision with Yusuke, and can release the pupil technique mastered by Yusuke through the Sharingan, which has an auxiliary role that cannot be underestimated!

In addition, the core of this crow clone is Yusuke’s split soul, which means that even if the physical body is killed by the enemy, the crow clone will not die and can be replaced with another physical body and continued to be used.

After completing the crow clone, Yusuke quietly experienced the wonderful feeling of having a soul clone.

At this time, Yusuke felt like he had two independent brains thinking, interconnected but not affecting each other.

“With this crow clone, it will be much easier to do things in the future. I can also go out and deal with many things without worries.”

“And Shisui’s “Other God” also has a carrier! “

For Yusuke, this crow clone actually has a very important purpose – to store Shisui’s Sharingan with the ability of “better gods”!

In Yusuke’s subsequent plan, he will use the ability of “Alternate God” to control a very important person.

But if you want to use the ability of “Alternate Gods”, it doesn’t mean that Yusuke can activate it by holding Shisui’s eyeball in his hand, but he must implant it into the eye position of a living body and activate the Mangekyo Sharingan. .

Yusuke didn’t want to rip off his own eyeballs and replace them with Shisui’s, nor was he ready to hand over such an important ability as “Other Gods” to others, which put Yusuke in a dilemma.

Originally, Yusuke even considered using genjutsu to control Hidan’s head, transplant Shisui’s eyes to Hidan, and then use genjutsu to control Hidan to release the “Better God”.

This method is obviously very troublesome, but with the crow clone, it helps Yusuke solve this problem simply. Now Yusuke only needs to transplant Shisui’s eyes to the crow clone!

Looking at the crow clone in front of him that was connected to his soul, Yusuke named it ‘Black Crow’.

The word ‘Xuan’ also represents color. In Chinese, ‘black’ represents black with a slight red tint.

After giving the crow clone a name, Yusuke familiarized himself with the crow’s abilities in his laboratory for a while.

Not long after, Kabuto also came to Yusuke’s laboratory.

Kabuto’s appearance was naturally arranged by Yusuke. Yusuke is not good at transplanting the Sharingan, so he has to use his hands in his pocket.

It can also be seen from this that Lin was also an excellent medical ninja in the past. She was able to transplant Obito’s Sharingan to Kakashi at a young age. This shows that she must be very talented in medical ninjutsu. Outstanding.

“Teacher, you said there is an operation that requires me to perform. Could it be that you were injured in the previous battle?” Kabuto looked worried.

“That’s not true.”

Yusuke waved his hand, and at the same time, the mysterious crow that was originally standing on his shoulder flew to Kabuto’s shoulder.

“This crow is my psychic beast, and its name is ‘Black Crow’. Today’s surgery is for it.”

Yusuke was not prepared to tell anyone that Black Crow was his clone, he just defined it as his psychic beast.

“As expected of Teacher’s psychic beast, it even looks like Teacher!” Kabuto looked at Xuan Ya beside him and said with some surprise.

After hearing Kabuto’s words, Yusuke’s first reaction was that this kid Kabuto knew how to joke.

However, when Yusuke took a closer look, he discovered that the black crow’s eyes were indeed very similar to human eyes, and they were almost exactly the same as his own eyes, but he had not noticed it just now.

“This is just a coincidence.” Yusuke said perfunctorily. He himself did not expect that the crow clone split from his soul would have such characteristics.

Taking out a container containing a human eyeball from his arms, Yusuke said slowly: “I invite you here today to transplant this eyeball into Xuan Ya’s left eye!”

What is preserved in this container is Shisui’s left eye, which is also the eye that Shisui possesses the “Other Gods”!

In fact, Yusuke didn’t know exactly which eye of Shisui had the ability to be a “better god”, but he could deduce it from the eye covered by Danzo’s bandage.

In the original work, Danzo got Shisui’s right eye and transplanted it into his own right eye hidden under the bandage.

That eye Danzo can only use to cast illusions that temporarily control others, and does not have the ability to “better gods”. It can be seen that Shisui’s “better god” is in the left eye!

Second update today.


There will be two updates guaranteed after being put on the shelves. The update time is usually in the morning. If there are any changes, we will notify you in advance.

I have something going on outside this week, I will update more next week!


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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