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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 79 Other Gods

Just when Konoha was in turmoil, the regular meeting of the Akatsuki organization was held on time.

The person presiding over the meeting was naturally Tendo Payne, who was currently secretly controlled by Nagato, and the members of the Akatsuki organization who participated in the meeting also relied on Payne’s “Phantom Body Jutsu”.

Looking at the sparse figures, Pain’s already cold voice became even colder: “Why are there only a few of you? Where did Hidan and Loquat Juzo go?”

Obito saw Yusuke appear with Hidan’s head on the night the Root Organization was destroyed, but he did not provide this information to Nagato. That was his personal cooperation with Danzo, and he didn’t want Nagato to know.

“Loquat Juzo is dead, and Hidan is no different from death. This mission is a complete failure.” Xie said calmly.

This mission to kill Yusuke can be said to be a shame in Scorpion’s career. Not only did the puppets suffer heavy losses, but he also almost lost his life.

But this incident also sounded a wake-up call for Xion. Now Xion has realized the limitations of his puppetry ability, and is thinking about how to make more powerful puppets!

After hearing Xia’s words, Pain looked in the direction of Kakuzu’s missing body, his voice full of murderous intent.

“Kakuzu, I need an explanation!”

“In the past, you could finish the mission even if you killed one partner. This time, not only did you kill two, but the mission also failed. Is this challenging my bottom line?”

Kakuzu was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then understood what Pain meant.

It turned out that he had ‘accidentally killed’ three of his partners before, which made Payne mistakenly believe that he was also responsible for Loquat Juzo and Hidan this time.

Kakuzu quickly explained: “Chief, you really blamed me wrongly this time. The target’s strength is indeed unfathomable. If the target hadn’t left temporarily due to something, Scorpion and I might have died in each other’s hands.”

Pain was also shocked when he heard Kakuzu’s words. He didn’t expect that other than himself, there were still ninjas in the ninja world who could have such strength.

“Retell the situation of the battle at that time.” Payne said in a cold tone.

Hearing this, Kakuzu told the story of the battle from beginning to end.

After saying that, except for Kakuzu and Scorpion, all other members of the Akatsuki organization felt the same incredible feeling.

“In my opinion, the only person in the organization who can defeat him is you, the leader.” Kakuzu concluded.

After hearing Kakuzu’s narration, Orochimaru was also secretly shocked.

“Has Yusuke’s strength reached this point?”

He originally expected that Yusuke would give these Akatsuki members a bit of a look and put them into a tough fight. But to his surprise, Yusuke crushed them with an absolute advantage and killed two of them.

“It seems that I have to hurry up and improve the first version of “Oni Meiluo no Jutsu”, and then go to the Land of Snow as soon as possible! “Orochimaru secretly thought about his future plans.

At this time, Payne was also wary of Yusuke, but it was just wary. In his opinion, with the Samsara Eye, he still has the power to absolutely crush all other ninjas.

“The Uchiha Yusuke you say has such strength, isn’t it because you are too weak and is deliberately exaggerating?” At this time, a woman’s voice rang out.

From the silhouette of the Missing Body, it can be seen that this woman is very tall and her hair is tied up high.

She is a new member who has just joined the Akatsuki organization, but Pain has not introduced her yet.

Xie snorted coldly: “Who are you?”

“She is Ye Cang, a new member of the organization. I believe you have all heard of her name. Now her code name is ‘Zhu’.” Payne introduced.

Ever since Hagura was reminded by Yusuke, she successfully avoided the conspiracy of Sunagakure and Kirikage jointly targeting her. Since then, she left Sunagakure Village with resentment, looking for opportunities to take revenge on the village.

Later, when she was traveling abroad, she was discovered by Bai Jue, and Pain personally invited her to join the Akatsuki organization.

Since Yusuke had disguised himself when he came into contact with her, Ye Cang still didn’t know that Yusuke was the person he reminded him of before.

“Ye Cang, the ‘Scorching Release’, is just a junior ninja, but he is so arrogant. It just so happens that I am short of usable human puppets at the moment. Although your qualifications are average, you can still use them.” Xie said slowly.

Ye Cang also had a hot temper and sneered when he heard Xie’s words: “If you are not afraid that the remaining puppets will also be burned by the fire, then you can try it.”

“That’s enough!” At this time, Payne interrupted the quarrel between the two. Although the voice was not loud, both of them became honest.

Looking at the two or three big cats and kittens in front of him, Payne felt a headache.

Originally, Payne had just recruited a new member, Ye Cang, and he was secretly happy that he would soon have enough manpower to carry out subsequent plans.

Unexpectedly, just one person was recruited, but two more were reimbursed, and the plan suddenly came to a standstill again.

After thinking for a moment, Payne decided that he had to gather enough people first: “Kakuzu, you and Ye Cang partner; Orochimaru and Scorpion regroup.”

“Your next task is that each team must find a suitable official member!”

After the meeting ended, Orochimaru, who had remained silent, asked Kaku: “Since Hidan’s head is gone, why don’t you give me his body? I happen to have always been interested in his body.”

Kakuzu: “One hundred and fifty million! Hidan’s body is yours!” At this time, Kakuzu still couldn’t forget the 150 million reward Yusuke offered.

Orochimaru said no more and silently released his missing body.

Seeing Orochimaru leave, Kakuzu turned to look at Scorpion: “Aren’t you also interested in Hidan’s body?”

Xie sneered: “One hundred and fifty million? You’d better keep it for yourself!”

At this time, in the capital of the Fire Country, a black crow flew into the courtyard of the Daiming’s mansion.

This crow is naturally Yusuke’s clone – Black Crow. At this time, Xuan Ya was standing silently on the branch of a big tree, waiting for the daimyo to pass by.

In Yusuke’s plan, he is preparing to use “Betsutenjin” to control the Daimyos of the Land of Fire!

Yusuke also considered using “Belt God” to control the Third Hokage, but after careful consideration, he gave up the idea.

Controlling the Third Hokage will indeed allow the Uchiha clan to gain a foothold in Konoha immediately, but controlling the daimyo will allow Yusuke to control the top political resources of the Fire Nation, paving the way for the Uchiha clan’s future plans to dominate Konoha and even the Fire Nation. the way.

As for the third generation’s own strength, Yusuke really didn’t take it seriously. According to Yusuke’s plan, all three of his disciples will become shadow-level or even super-kage-level beings in the future!

Although it is very simple to control the daimyo with “Better Tenjin”, Yusuke cannot directly let Xuan Ya rush into the daimyo’s room to forcefully use “Better Tenjin”.

After all, as the highest leader of the Fire Country, the Daimyo is protected by many elite ninjas.

Otherwise, any ninja could assassinate the Daimyo, and the five major countries would have been in chaos long ago.

Not long after, the daimyo came out of the room and happened to see the black crow standing on the branch.

And at this opportunity, Xuan Ya’s pupils changed into the pattern of Shisui Mangekyō Sharingan in an instant, and he cast “Beyond the God”.

The will that Black Crow imposes on the daimyo is very simple – he believes that the Uchiha clan can make the Fire Country more powerful, and he has unconditional trust in Uchiha Yusuke, the leader of the Uchiha clan!

“Better God” is indeed the most powerful illusion. It completed the control of the daimyo in an instant without any trace at all, and the ninjas responsible for guarding the daimyo did not notice anything abnormal at all.

After the “Beyond God” was cast, the black crow’s eyes immediately returned to normal, and he opened his wings and flew towards Konoha.

At this time, Sandai, who was far away in Konoha, had no idea that from this moment on, his immediate boss would become Yusuke’s puppet!

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !

Second update today!



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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