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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 80 Sword of Fire (Two in One)

Shortly after Yusuke officially became the leader of the Uchiha clan, the Fire Nation daimyo summoned the third generation Hokage, the Hokage advisor and Yusuke to the Fire Nation capital to discuss the matter of nominating Yusuke as the new Hokage advisor.

Before the deliberations began, the daimyo met with Yusuke alone.

Although Yusuke used “Belt the God” to impose his will on the daimyo, it did not change the daimyo’s personality or his understanding of common sense.

Therefore, except for the Daimyo’s absolute trust in Yusuke, there has been no change in the way he handles things. This is also the magic of the illusion of “Beyond God”.

During this meeting, Yusuke bluntly criticized the Konoha management led by the third generation. Under their management, Konoha went from strength to weakness in just a few years.

A few years ago, Konoha still had masters such as White Fang, Sannin, Yellow Flash, Danzo, and Uchiha Fugaku sitting in charge. It could be said that it was at its peak, and no ninja village dared to stroke Konoha’s tiger beard.

However, now White Fang has committed suicide, the Sannin has left the village, and Yellow Flash is unconscious; Danzo’s Root Organization and the Uchiha clan are also fighting each other, leading to the destruction of Danzo and the Root Organization, and the Uchiha clan has also suffered heavy losses.

All this illustrates the incompetence of the Third Hokage and the management team under his leadership.

Under the influence of Yusuke’s well-founded analysis and the influence of “Belt the God”, the daimyo completely agreed with Yusuke’s point of view, and was also very dissatisfied with the third generation Hokage and the two current Hokage consultants.

Taking this opportunity, Yusuke proposed a plan to reorganize Konoha’s management and received the support of the daimyo.

In the subsequent meeting with the third generation and two Hokage advisors, the daimyo personally proposed Yusuke’s plan to reorganize Konoha’s management and added two seats, chief advisor and honorary advisor, to the existing ones to help the Hokage make decisions. .

Although it was said to be ‘help’, anyone could see that it was actually a way to check and balance the Hokage, greatly weakening the Hokage’s right to speak.

Although the third generation and two advisors raised objections, due to the insistence of the daimyo, they had no choice but to compromise in the end.

When Yusuke, the Third Hokage and others returned to Konoha, the Third Hokage had no choice but to officially announce the three appointments proposed by the daimyo.

These three appointments made everyone in Konoha unbelievable, and also made all forces aware that Konoha’s power distribution would usher in a new round of reshuffle.

The first appointment is to appoint Uchiha Yusuke, the current leader of the Uchiha clan, as the chief Hokage advisor. The chief Hokage advisor has a higher status than the Hokage advisor.

The reason for the appointment is to commend Yusuke for breaking Danzo and the Root Organization’s actions to destabilize Konoha, and for exposing a large number of crimes committed by Danzo and the Root Organization. It is also to commemorate the contributions of the entire Uchiha clan to the Country of Fire since they participated in the establishment of Konoha. contributions made.

The second appointment is the addition of an honorary advisor.

The daimyo was very dissatisfied with the current inaction of Konoha’s top brass in recent years, and decided to arrange for an honorary consultant to supervise Konoha’s top brass on behalf of the daimyo. When there are major differences in decision-making among Konoha’s top brass, the final decision can be made by reporting to the Daimyo.

This honorary consultant is naturally the helper Yusuke is looking for to increase his voice in high-level decision-making.

The third appointment is an entirely new position. Konoha will build a new ‘Konoha Research Institute’, which will specialize in the development of ninjutsu and ninja tools. Yusuke will serve as the first director and will be fully responsible for the construction and operation of the institute. At the same time, all researchers originally affiliated with the Root Organization will Placed under the Konoha Research Institute.

Since then, the Uchiha clan has officially returned to the political core of Konoha, and the name Uchiha Yusuke has spread throughout the ninja world.

Now Yusuke has four identities, the Hokage’s chief advisor, the director of Konoha Research Institute, the head of Konoha Police Department and the leader of the Uchiha clan.

Yusuke, who held great power, immediately began to rectify the Uchiha clan, taking back all the rights of the three family elders and handing them over to Kanichiro and Itachi for management.

At the same time, Yusuke established an inspection team headed by Itachi to severely punish those tribesmen who misbehaved, and naturally most of the people who were punished were those radical tribesmen.

If Fugaku wanted to implement these measures as the clan leader, he would definitely encounter a huge backlash within the clan, and it would not be impossible to even be directly kicked out.

But now that Yusuke, who carries a high prestige, is carrying out the reform, no one in the family dares to oppose it, and the reorganization of the entire family has been successfully completed.

After solving the family’s “internal worries”, Yusuke also officially opened the recruitment scope of police department personnel. Many small ninja families and ninjas without their own strength have gradually joined the police department.

Some larger ninja families, such as the Aburame family, the Nara family, etc., have also arranged for a small number of clan members to join the police department. This can be regarded as the beginning of good contact with the Uchiha clan, and it also expresses a desire to no longer be with the Uchiha clan. A hostile attitude.

Almost all forces are keenly aware that from now on, the person with the most say in Konoha will no longer be the Hokage, but the young Hokage’s chief advisor who is fully supported by the daimyo!

In the office of the Minister of Police, Yusuke, Itachi, and Koichiro were discussing the recent rectification of the family.

“What’s going on with the radical clan members recently? Do they dare to cause trouble again?” Yusuke asked.

Kuuichiro smiled and said: “No, those guys are all honest now. This is all due to your power, the patriarch!”

Since Fugaku’s death, Kanichiro has become Yusuke’s right-hand man. Although his personal strength is average, he is mature and prudent in his work and has a certain reputation within the clan. Yusuke is relatively confident about him.

Hearing what Kuouichiro said, Itachi shook his head: “Teacher’s power is only one aspect. If you rely solely on power to suppress opponents, the family will return to its original state sooner or later.”

“Now that the radicals have calmed down, it is more because of your series of measures, teacher, that the family has returned to the core of the village and gradually assumed a leadership position. Even the radicals are convinced.”

After hearing this, Kuouichiro nodded with a look of approval.

Yusuke waved his hands and said: “I will take care of these trivial matters now. After that, I will hand over the police department to you two.”

“I will still focus on my practice. Only report to me what you can’t handle.”

Itachi and Kanichiro said in unison: “Understood!”

At this moment, a young ninja from the Uchiha clan knocked on the door and entered the office holding a pile of clothes.

This boy’s name is Uchiha Haruyuki, and he is a young ninja with good qualifications in the clan.

Although Uchiha Haruyuki is relatively fat, he moves very quickly, and he has now activated the three Magatama Sharingan.

Yusuke saw that he was very capable and very clever, so he arranged for him to be his assistant to help him run errands. Of course, Yusuke would often give him guidance on ninjutsu practice, which benefited him a lot.

In addition, Uchiha Haruyuki was also the clan member who weakly said at the previous clan meeting, “Since we have established a disciple, why not just appoint Yusuke-sama as clan leader?”

“Master Patriarch, these are the Hokage Advisor shawls and scarves customized for you. Please try them on.” Uchiha Haruyuki said to Yusuke while holding the clothes in his hands.

Yusuke picked up the light green shawl and looked at it. The image of Mito Kadobu appeared in his mind, and he instantly lost interest in this ‘Hokage Consultant Suit’.

Waving his hand, Yusuke picked up a white coat from the hanger and put it on: “Just put this shawl and scarf in the cabinet. From now on, I will just wear the institute’s dean’s coat.”

Now Yusuke is still wearing the uniform vest of Konoha Jounin, but the difference is that he has an extra white coat on the outside, which represents his identity as the director of Konoha Research Institute.

“Itachi, Kanichiro, I’ll leave the work of the police department to you. I have something to go to the Hokage Building.” After saying that, Yusuke left the police department office.

When Yusuke arrived at the third generation’s office in the Hokage Building, the third generation and several advisors were already there.

Yesterday, Konoha received a letter from Kumogakure Village. The letter mentioned that the original envoy to Kumogakure Village was about to visit and continue to conclude a peace treaty between the two shinobi villages with Konoha.

This time, the Third Generation summoned several advisors to discuss the matter of receiving envoys from Yunyin Village and the contents of the treaty.

As for the envoys from the Hidden Cloud Village visiting Konoha, Yusuke, as a time traveler, certainly knew the hidden conspiracy.

The conclusion of a peace treaty is just an excuse, and its real purpose is actually the supercilious look of the Hyuga clan.

In the original work, the visiting ninjas from Cloud Hidden Village secretly kidnapped Hyuga Hinata, the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family, and after being killed by Hyuga Hinata, they forcefully proposed that Konoha hand over the murderer of the visiting ninjas to the Hyuga clan.

After discussions between the top management of Konoha and the Hyuga clan, in order to appease the Cloud Hidden Village, they finally chose to let Hyuga Hizashi’s younger brother, the estranged Hyuga Hizashi, die in his brother’s stead, thus resolving the crisis.

This choice not only left Kumogakure Village without an excuse to launch a war, but also made it impossible to use and study the Byakugan on the corpse of Hyuga Hizashi, who had the “Caged Bird” curse seal, thus preserving the secret of the Hyuga clan’s Byakugan.

Therefore, this is the most perfect solution for Konoha’s top brass.

However, this is not the result that Yusuke wants to see now, and Yusuke will not choose the approach of Konoha senior officials in the original work of sacrificing their own people to appease the enemy.

After all, in Yusuke’s heart, Konoha was already his asset, and he didn’t want to give his face to Kumo Gakure.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Yusuke was thinking secretly in his heart.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me.”

“Once Kumogakure takes the initiative to stir up trouble, Konoha can launch a just war with the purpose of defending the territory!”

“In addition to capturing Kumogakure’s tailed beast, this war is more importantly about pushing myself and the Uchiha clan’s reputation to the top of the village!”

After discussing with the Sandaime and others about the visit of the Kumogakure envoy, Yusuke left the Hokage Building, returned to his laboratory, and entered the spiritual world to begin the day’s practice.

Yusuke had a vague feeling in his heart that he seemed to have made some breakthroughs in his mastery of Ryūren Wakahu recently.

And today, he will try the power of swastika again!

The method of training is still to fight against the incarnation of Ryuken Wakana. Although Yusuke split one-fifth of his soul some time ago, but now during the battle, Ryuken Wakana feels that Yusuke’s power seems to be advancing instead of retreating. A kind of momentum that was not seen before.

The two people’s slashing swords kept interlacing, and scorching flames flew in all directions. Although Yusuke was still not the opponent of Ryujiruohuo, there was a vague feeling of being evenly matched.

“It’s a little interesting!”

Blocking Yusuke’s powerful slash, Ryūren Wakahui resisted the blade and looked at Yusuke in front of him.

“It seems that you have changed quite a lot recently. In the past, you were always unable to display the dominance of Huo Yan, but now you have given me a little hope.” Liu Ren Ruo Huo continued.

Looking at the incarnation of Ryukenwaka that looked exactly like him, Yusuke’s eyes seemed to have flames about to overflow, and he grinned: “People will always change according to the environment, and now it’s time for me to change. “

“Swastika: Sword of Fire!”

The spiritual pressure around Yusuke suddenly surged, forcing Ryūren Wakahui to take two steps back.

This spiritual pressure did not spread, but was wrapped up in the flames surrounding the body and integrated into the long knife in Yusuke’s hand. The blade that originally shone with cold light turned into a red and black color!

Looking at the seemingly ordinary long knife in Yusuke’s hand but concealing the power of violent flames, Ryuken Wakahui’s eyes flashed and he praised loudly: “Good! I didn’t expect you to succeed!”

“Originally, I thought you could only achieve swastika through continuous training and increasing spiritual pressure. It seems that you are not so invincible.”

Since becoming the leader of the Uchiha clan and further becoming the Hokage’s chief advisor, Yusuke has felt that his mentality and aura have gradually changed.

A kind of momentum and domineering that was not there before gradually formed in Yusuke.

Of course, the aura that Yusuke can control is far inferior to that of a strong man like the captain. After all, most of the opponent’s domineering force is innate, while Yusuke gradually develops it due to changes in status.

“If a domineering man like Madara had obtained Ryuken Wakahu, he might have unified the ninja world long ago, right?” Yusuke couldn’t help but secretly complained in his heart.

“How about, let’s try the power of the “Sword of Fire” in your hand! “Liu Ren Ruohuo looked at Yusuke and said with a smile.

“The Sword of Great Fire” is a form of Ryuken Wakahu Swastika, which can seal all the spiritual pressure in the Zanpakuto blade. When the sword of fire strikes the target, the spiritual pressure sealed in the blade will instantly explode into explosive flames, burning the enemy to ashes.

In terms of power, the “Sword of the Great Fire” is the most basic form of the Ryuken Wakahu Swastika, and its destructive power is far inferior to the “Remnant Fire Taito·East·Rising Sun Blade” which also concentrates spiritual pressure.

Although he was only using the most basic swastika form of Ryūren Wakahui, and his spiritual pressure was much worse than that of the captain, Yusuke could feel that even Susanoo, who had once stopped water, could now kill him with one sword. It burns to ashes!

After removing the swastika, the red-black color on the blade of the long knife in Yusuke’s hand gradually faded away.

“There are no enemies in the spiritual world, and it is impossible to see the true power of Swastika.”

“However, I already have a very good target to try my moves on!”

The next day, the third generation officially announced the news that the envoy from Kumogakure Village was about to visit, and arranged for Nara Shikaku to be responsible for the reception.

Everyone in Konoha thought this was a peaceful and friendly visit, but no one thought that this would actually be the trigger for a war!

At this time, Yusuke arrived at the Hatake clan’s residence.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! ! (●`●)(●`●)

Regarding the status relationship between the daimyo and Naruto, the author refers to the setting when the fifth generation Tsunade meets the daimyo in “Naruto: Successor of the Will of Fire”: the daimyo is very powerful, and when Tsunade, the fifth generation hokage, talks to There was no room for excuse; and the daimyo declared that if Tsunade did not solve the problem of Beiruhu, there would be no need for Konoha to exist.

Above, therefore, the author sets the Daimyo status in this book to be higher than Naruto and can suppress Naruto in terms of power.


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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