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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 85 The Yunyin Mission Arrives

Mizuki adjusted his breathing to calm himself down. What Yusuke said unintentionally just now was like repeating what he was thinking in his heart, which made him a little flustered.

“I’m here to see you this time because Lord Orochimaru wants to make a deal with you.” Mizuki said after finishing the adjustment.

While speaking, he took out a scroll from his arms, held it in his hands and gently placed it on the desk in front of Yusuke.

“This scroll contains information about a very powerful organization, and I believe it is also very important to you. As long as you agree to Lord Orochimaru’s request, I can give you the seal to unlock this scroll.”

After putting down the scroll, Mizuki looked at Yusuke with expectant eyes.

Orochimaru obviously attaches great importance to this transaction with Yusuke, and Mizuki also hopes that he can give Orochimaru a satisfactory result.

Yusuke did not look at the scroll. Although he did not know the contents of the scroll, Yusuke also guessed Orochimaru’s bargaining chip-the information of the Akatsuki organization.

“The information in this scroll is of little value to me.” Yusuke said calmly.

Mizuki heard the words and said hurriedly: “Sir Orochimaru also confessed that although you are very strong, the power of this organization cannot be underestimated. There are even masters who can defeat you. In addition,”

Before Mizuki could finish speaking, Yusuke interrupted him: “I’m not interested in the information about this organization. You should first tell me what Orochimaru wants to get from me!”

Regarding the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization, Yusuke knows more than Orochimaru. Besides, he also has someone inside the Akatsuki organization and does not need Orochimaru’s information at all.

Seeing that Yusuke seemed completely uninterested in the information provided by Orochimaru, Mizuki had no choice but to continue: “Sir Orochimaru knows that you have eliminated the Root Organization, and presumably all the experimental data of the Root Organization are in your hands. Lord Orochimaru knows that Danzo is already conducting He hopes that you can share this information with him about the experiment of integrating the blood inheritance limit into the human body.”

“Experimental data on the fusion of blood inheritance limits on the human body?” Yusuke thought secretly in his heart.

In order to use the Wood Release and Sharingan, Danzo has been studying the subject of the fusion of blood inheritance limits into the human body, and Yusuke has also seen this part of the information.

If he hadn’t prevented Danzo from destroying the Uchiha clan, Danzo would have transplanted a large number of Sharingan eyes into his right arm that was fused with Wood Release cells.

He knew that Orochimaru in the original work followed the “Bullshit Reincarnation” route. He could directly occupy the body of the blood successor ninja he wanted, and there was no need for blood successor limited fusion. Blood inheritance boundary fusion is more like what Bei Liuhu is doing.

Yusuke naturally didn’t know at this time that Orochimaru was impressed by the power of his fire escape and wanted to deeply develop the blood successor’s ability. The direction of development is to integrate the same type of blood inheritance limit to strengthen its own abilities.

“What does Orochimaru want with this information?” Yusuke asked.

Mizuki said honestly: “I’m sorry, I’m just transacting with you on behalf of Orochimaru-sama. As for the use of these information, Orochimaru-sama, I don’t know.”

Yusuke nodded, and he didn’t expect Mizuki to guide Orochimaru’s plan.

“Go back and tell Orochimaru that I don’t need this information from him. If he can help me get the other half of Hidan’s body, I will give him a copy of the experimental data.”

Yusuke was also very interested in Hidan’s other half.

If Hidan’s immortal body can be reused, the institute will be able to do whatever it takes when it studies some related ninjutsu or ninja tools that need to be tested on the human body.

After hearing Yusuke’s words, Mizuki didn’t dare to say anything. He nodded quickly and turned around to leave this depressing place.

Seeing Mizuki want to leave, Yusuke showed a kind smile: “Mizuki, don’t leave in a hurry.”

Hearing Yusuke’s words, Mizuki had to stop and turned around to look at Yusuke with confusion.

Yusuke smiled and said: “I think you are also a talented person. Please stay and work in the Konoha Police Department from now on.”

When Mizuki heard this, he showed a smile that was uglier than crying: “Advisor, I have other jobs now, so…”


The smile on Yusuke’s face dropped and he narrowed his eyes at Mizuki. The atmosphere at the scene immediately became solemn.

A large drop of cold sweat fell from Mizuki’s forehead. Mizuki said hurriedly: “However, no matter how big the job is, it is not as important as the matters of the police department. I will ask you to take care of me in the future.”

A kind smile appeared on Yusuke’s face again: “Don’t worry, I will find someone to take good care of you!”

Mizuki: “”

After leaving the police department, Mizuki let out a long breath.

“It’s really terrible. If you keep doing things under this person’s nose in the future, it will be really torture.”

“This time I have to ask Lord Orochimaru if he can let me leave Konoha and go to him!”

A week later, with the warm welcome of the villagers of Konoha, the Kumogakure Village delegation came to Konoha in the name of concluding a peace treaty.

The visit of the Kumogakure Village delegation was warmly received by Konoha’s top brass. Since the conclusion of a peace treaty requires a period of discussion and many clauses need to be negotiated and signed one by one, the mission will temporarily live in Konoha’s inn specially designed to receive foreign guests.

Originally, for such an important matter, Yusuke, as the Chief Hokage Advisor, needed to be present to participate in the meeting.

However, Yusuke, who knew the purpose of Kumogakure’s trip, was naturally not interested in this time-wasting meeting.

Just like the development in the original work, one night a few days later, the Kumogakure ninjas launched an operation to kidnap Hinata, and it was the leader of the Kumogakure mission who took action.

However, Kumogakure’s operation failed. As soon as he kidnapped Hinata, he was discovered by the Hyuga clan.

The clan leader, Hinata Hizu, was so angry that he personally shot and killed the leader of the Yunyin Village envoy.

Whether it was the Yunyin Village mission or the Hyuga clan, no one knew that every move they made fell into the eyes of an inconspicuous crow. This crow is Yusuke’s clone Black Crow.

After the incident was exposed, it immediately caused an uproar between Konoha and Kumogakure.

At this time, Kumogakure also saw the weakness of Konoha and the weakness of the third generation. Not only did it deny the action of kidnapping Hinata Hinata, but it also accused Konoha of unreasonably killing the envoys sent by its own village, and very strongly proposed that Konoha hand over The murderer of the Hinata clan.

Faced with the unreasonable demands of the Cloud Hidden Village, Konoha naturally has to treat them with caution.

So soon the third generation summoned all Konoha senior officials to participate in discussions to find a solution that could resolve this diplomatic crisis.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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