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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 87 Declaration of War (2-in-1)

“Mission? Do you mean to spread the debate about today’s meeting throughout the village?” Itachi also vaguely guessed Yusuke’s plan.

Yusuke glanced at Itachi approvingly: “Not bad, but remember to make the content authentic and focused!”

Itachi nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: “Highlight the key points?”

Patting Itachi’s shoulder, Yusuke said with deep meaning: “There are some things that you need to understand by yourself.”

Of course, it was not easy for Yusuke to explicitly highlight his point of view against the third generation, thereby enhancing his own prestige in the village. Yusuke believes that the smart Itachi will be able to realize this on his own!

On the day the meeting ended, Itachi secretly arranged for the Kumogakure incident and the argument between Yusuke and Sandai to be spread throughout the village.

As soon as the news spread, most people turned to Yusuke’s side. After all, people are not willing to be humiliated.

If the person who insults you is absolutely unable to resist, you may choose to accept it reluctantly.

But the Country of Fire is the most powerful among the five major countries, and Konoha Village has been the most powerful ninja village in the ninja world since the establishment of the first Hokage. In the eyes of most people in Konoha Village, Kumogakure is far inferior to Konoha.

Now when someone weaker than you insults you, you have to apologize and then put your face in front of the other person. This is unacceptable to normal people.

Soon, public opinion turned against the third generation, and Yusuke, who was opposite the third generation, was supported by most of the villagers, especially the young ninjas. Even the third generation’s son, Asuma, sided with Yusuke on this matter.

In the end, due to the pressure of public opinion and Yusuke’s strength, the Third Generation had no choice but to refuse to apologize to Kumogakure in the last discussion meeting, and expelled all the remaining Kumogakure ninjas in Konoha from the Country of Fire.

After the meeting, everyone left. Sandai sat alone in his seat and let out a long sigh.

Regarding the choice of compromise, Sandai also considered the village wholeheartedly, not because he had any selfish motives.

However, in terms of handling diplomatic relations, the third generation has always taken keeping peace of mind as the basic policy and ensuring the stability of Konoha as the first prerequisite. Other dignity and glory are nothing more than illusions in his opinion.

“I hope Yunyin Village will not dare to start a war!” Sandai secretly prayed in his heart.

“I hope Kumogakure can be as strong as ever this time!” Yusuke on the other side had completely opposite ideas to Sandai.

In the original work, the third generation did not say anything, just like Kumogakure bowed his head, and Yusuke was not sure whether Kumogakure really had the courage to launch a war against Konoha.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. In terms of overall strength, in Yusuke’s opinion, Konoha is stronger than Kumogakure even if his factor is removed.

If Kumogakure gave up on waging war against Konoha, then Yusuke would have lost the opportunity to capture the Kumogakure tailed beast in a legitimate manner. This is what Yusuke doesn’t want to see.

A few days later, Konoha officially issued a statement to Kumogakure refusing to apologize, and at the same time condemned Kumogakure’s unscrupulous villainous behavior in order to limit the Byakugan blood succession.

When the ninjas of the Kumogakure mission who had been expelled from the Country of Fire returned to Kumogakure Village with this statement, the hot-tempered fourth generation Raikage beat up all the ninjas in the mission with bruises on the face and threatened to level Konoha.

Although Raikage is impulsive, he is not brainless. Including the high-level officials of Yunyin Village, they are also very calm. Attacking Konoha will not bring any benefit to Yunyin Village. In the end, both sides will suffer losses.

Therefore, the third generation expected but Yusuke was disappointed – Kumogakure was cowarded!

However, at this time, there was another person who was also paying close attention to the development of the situation, and he was Obito.

For him, the more chaotic the ninja world is, the better, so that he can fish in troubled waters.

In addition, once Kumogakure and Konoha go to war, most of Konoha’s masters, including Yusuke, will inevitably go to the front line. Then he also had an opportunity to sneak into Konoha and capture the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki who had not grown up.

After Obito knew that Kumogakure had given up on launching a war against Konoha, he was even more disappointed than Yusuke, and decided to personally come forward to promote the war!

“Is this the pupil technique left by Madara?” Obito said to Zetsu standing aside with the scroll in his hand.

“Yes, this pupil technique can allow the owner of the Sharingan to control the Jinchuuriki’s thoughts. Of course, this also requires that your pupil power is sufficient.” Black Zetsu said.

In the original work, the Akatsuki organization arranged for Itachi and Loquat Juzo to go to Kirigakure Village to perform a mission, and the two accidentally met the Fourth Mizukage. As a perfect Jinchuuriki, the Fourth Mizukage was still very powerful and killed Loquat Juzo on the spot.

In this battle, Loquat Juzo died to protect Itachi. Itachi was also stimulated by this, triggering the “Amaterasu” in the Mangekyō Sharingan for the first time, and burned the Fourth Mizukage until he was dying before leaving Kirigakure Village.

After that, Obito went to the Kirigakure Village and used a powerful eye technique to control the fourth generation of Mizukage. In order to retaliate against the Kirigage Village for planning to kill Lin, Obito controlled the fourth generation of Mizukage to implement tyranny and massacred the blood step family. In just a few years, Fog Shadow was built into the so-called ‘Hometown of Blood Fog’.

(The pupil technique that controls the fourth Mizukage is not explained in the original work, and the original Jinchuuriki is almost not controlled by genjutsu. This book sets the pupil technique as Madara leaves a special ability to control jinchuriki. Eye surgery.)

“Are you ready to use this eye technique now?” Black Zetsu asked Obito.

Obito nodded and said: “Yes, I will go to Cloud Hidden Village first to explore Raikage’s tone. If he has the idea of ​​launching a war against Konoha, I will propose cooperation with him and ensure that Kirikage will cooperate. Attack Konoha.”

“Gathering the power of two major ninja villages, I believe Raikage will also be moved.”

Hearing Obito’s thoughts, Black Zetsu also agreed: “It is indeed a good plan. So are you going to let the Akatsuki organization participate in this plan?”

Obito thought for a moment and shook his head: “It’s not necessary yet. The Akatsuki organization has not yet been exposed to the ninja world. Besides, Nagato is also busy recruiting formal members. The Akatsuki organization has not been able to fully recruit this pair of us.” The impact of the plan is also great.”

After discussing with Black Zetsu, Obito rushed to Kumogakure Village as quickly as possible to meet the Fourth Raikage.

During the negotiation with the Fourth Raikage, Obito assumed the identity of a subordinate of the Fourth Mizukage.

After learning that Kirigakure was willing to declare war on Konoha together, Raikage immediately agreed to form a strategic partner with Kirigakure.

Soon after, the Fourth Mizukage Yagura proposed to join forces with Kumogakure and formally declare war on Konoha.

Kirigakure was also very confused about Yagura’s decision, so the top ninjas in Kirigakure discussed asking Mizukage why they wanted to go to war with Konoha.

“Mizukage-sama, may I ask why we want to intervene in the fight between Kumogakure and Konoha?”

A female jonin wearing a Kirigakure jounin uniform asked Yagura.

This female jounin has long criss-crossed brown curly hair, her right eye is covered by her hair, and she has a pair of green eyes. She is a beautiful woman who looks very mature and intellectual. It is the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei in the original work.

Terumi Mei was just twenty-five years old at this time, but because of her strong strength and gentle and friendly personality, she already had a good reputation in Kirigakure and was supported by many people.

At this time, Aoya stood up and added: “I agree with Ming’s point of view. There is no reason for us to go to war with Konoha. Even if we want to fight, we can wait until both Kumogakure and Konoha are harmed before choosing the right time to take action.”

Ao is an elite jounin of Kirigakure and wears an eyepatch over his right eye. Inside the eyepatch is a Byakugan that Kirigakure captured after killing a Hyuga clan member during the war. Because of his white eyes, Konoha issued a wanted order for Ao.

At this time, Terumi Mei and Ao would not have thought that the Fourth Mizukage in front of them had been controlled by a person from their unknown organization using genjutsu.

After all, according to the understanding of normal ninjas, jinchūriki will not fall into genjutsu, let alone a perfect jinchūriki like Yagura.

With Terumi Mei and Ao taking the lead in questioning Yagura, other Kirigakure ninjas also began to whisper among themselves, and from time to time someone raised some objections.

“Shut up!”

At this moment, Yagura suddenly spoke up, and all the ninjas in the hall fell silent.

Yagura said with a gloomy expression: “I have already discussed this decision with Raikage. It is an inevitable action. You just need to obey the order.”

“Terrumi Mei, Ao, you two will serve as my deputies to prepare each family and wait for my orders. Once the war begins, we will attack Konoha from the east.”

Kirigakure Village is located on an island east of Konoha and is easy to defend but difficult to attack. And with the help of the humid environment near the island, Kirigakure’s water escape ninjutsu has a great advantage. Therefore, in the Third Ninja War, Kirigakure took advantage of the geographical advantages and suffered the least losses among the five major ninja villages.

In addition, since Yagura had just been controlled by Obito, the policy of cleaning up the bloodline limited families in the village had not yet been implemented.

Kirigakure, which has not experienced the dark period of the ‘Hometown of Blood Mist’, has many powerful blood successor families, the most representative of which is the warlike Kaguya clan.

There are a large number of blood-successor limited families and Kirigakure Village, which was least affected by the Third Ninja War, was still very powerful during this period.

After Yagura made his decision, although many people wanted to raise objections, they were all suppressed by Yagura.

Driven by Yagura and his supporters, Kirigakure and Kumogakure finally reached an agreement to jointly attack Konoha.

After the ‘kidnapping of the Hyuga Clan Incident’, Kokoha and Kumogakure attacked each other for a while, but the two great ninja villages did not take any other drastic actions apart from talking.

When everyone in the ninja world thought that there would be no war, Kumogakure and Kirigakure suddenly declared war on Konoha at the same time!

The entire ninja world is in panic. Everyone is worried that the war between the three great ninja villages of Konoha, Kumogakure and Kirigakure will gradually turn into a war for the entire ninja world, rekindling the flames of the Third Ninja World War that have just been calmed down. .

When Tsuchikage Onoki received this news, he decided to wait for the right opportunity to sneak attack on his old enemy Kumogakure.

As for Konoha’s ally Sunagakure, he wants to sit back and watch the fight between the tigers and wait until Konoha’s losses are relatively large before helping Konoha. This will not only get some benefits from Konoha, but also Sunagakure Village will have more say in future exchanges between allies in the face of Konoha’s declining strength.

When the news that Kumogakure and Kirigakure teamed up to declare war on Konoha reached Konoha, it first caused a panic within the village.

However, encouraged by Yusuke’s public opinion and Jiraiya’s return to the village, the morale in the village quickly recovered. The entire Konoha was united in wanting to give some color to the bullying Kumogakure and the inexplicable Kirigakure.

At the beginning, Yusuke did not expect that Kirigakure would intervene in the conflict between Kumogakure and Konoha, but knowing the plot, he immediately guessed the reason. It must be that Obito has controlled the fourth Mizukage Yagura, and Kirigakure Only then can such a decision be made.

After some thought, Yusuke decided to wait until the war started before letting the news out that Mizukage was controlled by genjutsu. After all, if the people of Kirigakure know this news now, then Kirigakure will definitely cancel the declaration of war on Konoha, and Kumogakure may also give up this war.

In the Konoha conference hall, not only all the high-level Konoha officials were present, but all the jounin from the village were also present. Everyone gathered together for the deployment of this war.

“Yusuke, you can be considered responsible for this war. I want to hear your opinion first.”

Sandai spoke slowly. Although it was not stated explicitly, it also hinted that it was Yusuke who caused Konoha to be besieged by two major ninja villages this time.

Faced with the third generation’s questioning, Yusuke remained calm and composed: “No matter which war, doesn’t our Konoha always win with an outnumbered enemy?”

“I think this war is an opportunity to show the tough side of Konoha to the entire ninja world. Several major ninja villages in the province regard us as soft persimmons. They even came to our village to kidnap people and dared to bite back.”

The third generation was about to retort, but Jiraiya nodded and spoke first: “That’s right. If we continue to be weak, it may lead to more similar incidents in the future.”

“Now at this critical moment, it is time for our generation to step forward. This is also the meaning of the existence of those of us here!”

After hearing Jiraiya’s words, the third generation sighed secretly and said no more, officially introducing the topic to the battle plan.

Originally, Yusuke thought that Jiraiya would be on the side of the Third Generation. After all, Jiraiya was not only a disciple of the Third Generation, but he himself had been looking for ways to quell the war.

However, it is obvious that Jiraiya is not the kind of person who is willing to be bullied in order to stop the war. This method is not the way to peace he pursues.

“When it comes to courage, I’m afraid Jiraiya is number one in the entire Hokage world!” Yusuke secretly admired in his heart.

Yusuke nodded to Jiraiya, thanked him for his support, and then slowly said to everyone in the hall: “Don’t worry, everyone, Konoha Research Institute has already been prepared for this war.”

“The institute has an invention that can greatly reduce the casualty rate of ninjas!”

After saying that, a man wearing the institute’s work uniform stood up behind Yusuke.

As usual, thank you all for your support, today’s two-in-one update! !


Regarding the time when the Fourth Mizukage was controlled, some book friends also found problems. This setting is actually somewhat inconsistent in the animated version.

This book chooses the setting where Obito was controlled by the fourth generation of Mizukage after Itachi went to Kirigakure for Loquat Juzo.


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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