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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 9 The mission begins

“As for the Sharingan problem, I will help you check the family information to see if there is any way to solve it.” Uchiha Fugaku frowned.

Compared to Yusuke himself, it is Uchiha Fugaku who is more concerned about the problem of his Sharingan being unable to open.

In Uchiha Fugaku’s view, without the Sharingan, Yusuke’s future achievements will be limited.

Now Uchiha Fugaku has no idea of ​​jealousy at all. The family is in danger, and what he has to do is to try his best to improve the strength of family members.

“Then I’m sorry to trouble you. Regarding Itachi’s guidance, I will start immediately in the next two days to lay the foundation for Itachi. In three days, I will go out on a mission, and this mission should be longer.” Yusuke said .

“The mission in three days? Are you going to follow Danzo to the Rain Ninja Village to negotiate?” Uchiha Fugaku’s originally frowning brow almost turned into a ‘chuan’.

Yusuke nodded: “Yes, that’s the mission. I represent the Third Generation to supervise Danzo’s negotiation work.”

Uchiha Fugaku looked serious and said to Yusuke: “Then you have to be careful. Danzo is very vicious and has a great prejudice against our Uchiha clan. I think he will probably take the opportunity to get rid of him.” you.”

“But why did the Third Generation send you there? Could it be that he also wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of you and suppress our Uchiha clan.” Uchiha Fugaku couldn’t help but murmured to himself. His mood improved slightly after just talking to Yusuke. It sank immediately.

Looking at Uchiha Fugaku in front of him, who was working so hard for his family, Yusuke sighed secretly in his heart. He didn’t want to disturb him anymore, so he stood up and said goodbye: “I have disturbed the clan leader for so long today. If there is nothing else, I will leave first.”

Uchiha Fugaku came back from his thoughts, nodded and said: “Okay, you have to prepare well in the past few days. This mission must not be plotted by Danzo.”

Yusuke responded, said a few words to Itachi, the newly accepted disciple, and left Uchiha Fugaku’s mansion.

Early the next morning, Yusuke took Kabuto and Izumi to a training ground inside the Chiba Clan’s residence.

Yusuke and Uchiha Fugaku applied for this training ground, and it has since been used exclusively as a place for Yusuke to train his disciples. Of course Kabuto and Izumi are both influenced by Itachi.

Izumi is not Yusuke’s disciple, but Yusuke thought about it and realized that Izumi was old enough to practice. Anyway, teaching two people is still teaching, and teaching three people is still teaching, so he simply took Izumi to train with him.

“Itachi, why are you here so early?” Yusuke smiled when he saw Itachi who was already doing some basic training in the training ground.

“I’m not used to asking others to wait for me. I usually arrive a little earlier than the agreed time. In fact, it’s not too early.” Itachi said respectfully.

Looking at Itachi who was very polite like a little adult, Yusuke went up and touched his head and said with a smile: “You are just too reserved.”

“Itachi-kun, it’s you!” At this time, Izumi shouted in surprise beside Yusuke. Today, Izumi is wearing a purple short dress, and her long, smooth hair is tied into a ponytail with a red hairband.

“You are?” Itachi asked confused. The girl in front of me is very cute and seems a little familiar, as if she has seen her somewhere.

Izumi’s originally surprised face immediately collapsed in disappointment: “I am Uchiha Izumi who was at the same time as you! Don’t you recognize me?”

Itachi was also very embarrassed and apologized: “I’m sorry, I was rude.”

Seeing such a polite Itachi, Izumi became at a loss. She waved her hands and said, “No need to apologize, no need to apologize. We will train together from now on. We are all good friends.” As she spoke, her face turned slightly red.

Seeing Izumi, who had always been calm and generous, acting a bit shy, Yusuke raised his eyebrows unconsciously and became worried: “Izumi is not acting right. Could it be that she is interested in Itachi? This is not a good thing.”

Yusuke couldn’t help but sigh that this boy Itachi did have some talent. He was handsome, talented and the son of the Uchiha clan leader. He was very attractive to girls in every aspect.

But Yusuke doesn’t want anything to happen between his sister and Itachi. After all, he knew that Itachi didn’t like women, but his brother!

“It seems that I have to be careful not to let Izumi be fooled by Itachi’s beauty.” Yusuke was secretly wary.

Itachi and Kabuto introduced themselves to each other, and after all three children got to know each other, Yusuke officially began to teach them.

For new ninjas, the most important thing is not the dazzling ninjutsu, but the basic skills of the ninja.

Therefore, Yusuke explained his improved training methods for training chakra control and physical skills to several children. The children were all very smart and quickly understood the methods taught by Yusuke and began to train.

Yusuke took the three children for two days of training. During the training, he also secretly observed the conditions of the three children. Each person’s performance was not much different from Yusuke’s expectation.

There is no doubt that Itachi has the highest talent, whether it is chakra control ability or taijutsu ability, he is extremely outstanding;

Kabuto is inferior to Itachi in terms of physical skills, but his ability to control chakra is not inferior to Itachi’s;

As for his baby sister Quanmei, she is obviously a lot worse than the previous two, but compared to ordinary people, she is still pretty good.

In the evening of the next day, Yusuke called three children who had just finished practicing and were sweating profusely in front of him.

“Everyone is very good. I have watched the training for the past two days. I am very satisfied with your performance.” Yusuke said with a smile.

“Kabuto, your chakra control ability is very strong. For you, I plan to focus on the development of ninjutsu. Of course, you can’t abandon taijutsu. A strong ninja will not be weak in taijutsu. .”

In fact, Yusuke still has a hope for Kabuto, which is to train Kabuto to become a ninja scientist that surpasses Orochimaru.

“Itachi, your talents are outstanding in all aspects, and you are an all-round ninja. I will have stricter requirements for you in all aspects.”

Yusuke knew that Itachi, who was almost a hexagonal warrior, still had a shortcoming, and that was the amount of chakra. Since I am a teacher, I have to think of a way for him in the future.

“What about me? What about me?” Seeing that Yusuke had commented on Kabuto and Itachi but did not mention herself, Izumi pulled Yusuke with expectant eyes and asked.

“As for you, from now on I will focus on teaching you ninjutsu for defense, medical treatment and escape, so that you don’t have to worry about me.” Yusuke touched Izumi’s head and said with a smile.

Quanmei said dissatisfied: “What! Are people so weak?”

“Teacher, don’t worry, I will protect Izumi from now on.” Kabuto pushed up his glasses and said seriously.

“Yes, I will definitely try my best to protect Izumi.” Itachi said solemnly.

The three children have been getting along very well after training together for the past two days. It is obvious that their relationship has become very close.

Because Itachi and Izumi are two years old, Kabuto regards him as an older brother and is very humble in everything.

Although Itachi is a little younger than Kabuto, he is very mature mentally and takes care of Kabuto and Izumi without leaving any trace.

Of course Izumi is mentally inferior to the first two, but she is kind-hearted, lively and cute, and naturally very easy to get along with.

“It seems that training a new Sannin is very fulfilling!” Looking at the three small figures in the sunset in front of him, Yusuke touched his chin and thought to himself.

Although Izumi’s talent is far inferior to Itachi and Kabuto, it is still pretty good. From now on, with Itachi and Kabuto protecting her, she can just paddle.

After the day’s training, Itachi returned home. Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto were waiting for him to have dinner together.

“Itachi, you have been practicing for a day. You are tired. Come and eat.” Uchiha Mikoto said with a smile. At this time, her belly was a little bigger. It was obvious that it would not be too long before the baby was born.

“How have you been practicing these past two days? Yusuke was able to become a Jonin at a young age and have the strength he has now. I think it’s not just his talent, but also his very effective training methods. You have to be attentive. Go study, you know.” Uchiha Fugaku poured himself a glass of wine and said slowly.

“You are saying that teacher’s training method is indeed very efficient. Although it has only been two days, I feel that I have made great progress.” Itachi sat down cross-legged and said very seriously.

“I’m also very curious about Itachi’s teacher. I heard he’s only fourteen or fifteen years old. What kind of person is he?” Uchiha Mikoto asked.

“He’s a weird person.”

“He is a man of different appearances.”

Uchiha Fugaku and Itachi said at the same time. ‘Awkward’ was what Uchiha Fugaku said, and ‘duplicity’ was Itachi’s comment.

Uchiha Mikoto covered her mouth and smiled when she heard this, and asked: “What do you mean by your evaluation? I can’t understand it.”

Uchiha Fugaku poured himself another glass of wine and drank it in one gulp: “This boy obviously still cares about the family, but he behaves with disdain and arrogance towards the clan members. Don’t you think it’s awkward?”

Uchiha Fugaku seemed to be in a good mood today, and he seemed to have drank a lot, and was not as serious and deep as usual.

Seeing his mother turn to look at him with interest, Itachi also said calmly: “Although Teacher usually behaves inhumanely, I feel that he is actually a very enthusiastic person.”

In fact, Itachi originally wanted to describe it as ‘cold on the outside but hot on the inside’, but being in a good mood, he also wanted to make a rare joke.

And Yusuke, who was given the two comments of “awkward” and “double”, was rummaging through boxes at home.

After rummaging for a long time, Yusuke finally found a very heavy scroll from a dusty cabinet and handed it to Kabuto.

Kabuto took the scroll solemnly, looked at the title on the scroll, and said softly: “Twenty-one days of ninjutsu from beginner to master?”

“Yes, this is the ninjutsu enlightenment textbook carefully written by me, teacher! During my absence, in addition to practicing the two basic skills of chakra control and taijutsu, you must study it carefully during the rest of the time. When I come back , but I will test you well.” Yusuke said.

Kabuto nodded seriously and said, “Teacher, don’t worry, I won’t let you down!”

After Kabuto left Yusuke’s room holding the scroll, looking at the bright moon hanging high in the night sky outside the window, Yusuke felt extremely hard to calm down.

Yusuke had a vague feeling that something big was going to happen during this mission to the rain ninja!

Early the next morning, Yusuke arrived at the exit of the village on time and met with the envoy led by Danzo to the Amano Village. At this time, except for Danzo himself, all other members of the envoy had arrived.

Yusuke didn’t wait long, Danzo also appeared with two of his henchmen.

Danzo was wearing a half black and half white kimono. His face, including his right eye, and the open chest part of the kimono were tightly wrapped with bandages. There was an ‘X’ shaped scar on his chin.

Danzo glanced at the ninjas present with sinister eyes. Most of the ninjas lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Danzo.

When Danzo’s eyes glanced at Yusuke, Yusuke keenly felt the vague murderous intention, and immediately looked towards the source of the murderous intention, and happened to collide with Danzo’s eyes.

Looking at Yusuke’s calm eyes, Danzo withdrew his gaze, turned towards the direction of the Rain Ninja Village, and loudly ordered: “Let’s go!”


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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