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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 90 The War Begins (2-in-1)

When Yusuke led his army to the border of the Land of Fire, he immediately convened everyone to discuss the strategy against the enemy.

Yusuke is also a ninja who has experienced the Third Ninja War, and he knows a lot about ninja wars.

Ninjas are very mobile and can use various ninjutsu to solve problems caused by geographical factors. For ninjas, there are almost no impassable passes.

Therefore, in a ninja war, the defending side usually does not have the same geographical advantage as in a cold weapon war, but is more likely to be contained by the attacking side.

Of course, what we are talking about here is only the normal situation. There are also geographical advantages in some special situations, such as extremely steep cliffs and canyons, or geographical conditions that assist or inhibit certain chakra types, such as lakes, deserts, etc.

If Konoha takes completely defensive measures, if it wants to block Kumogakure from the border of Fire Country, it will inevitably have to extend the front line.

Your own ninjas will become exhausted, and the scattered ninja teams will be easily defeated one by one by the opponent.

Moreover, Konoha also has to deal with the attack from the Kirigakure Village on the eastern island. After the troops are divided into two groups, they are already at a disadvantage in terms of military strength. If they adopt a defensive strategy, the disadvantage will be amplified.

Based on the above reasons, Yusuke proposed a plan of attacking instead of defending, decided to accelerate the advance, directly led Konoha’s ninja troops through the buffer zone between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder, and concentrated the troops to launch an attack on the Land of Thunder.

In this way, the battlefield can be placed within the Kingdom of Thunder, which will not only turn passivity into initiative, but also minimize the losses to the Kingdom of Fire.

After discussion, everyone agreed that the plan proposed by Yusuke was extremely feasible.

After everyone discussed some details in depth based on Yusuke’s plan, they immediately accelerated their march towards the Kingdom of Thunder as planned.

During the march, in addition to the reconnaissance ninjas who explored the path first and collected intelligence on Kumogakure, Itachi served as the leader of the vanguard, clearing the way for the entire army. Izumi was also arranged by Yusuke to be Itachi’s assistant.

Although Izumi is still young, there is a big gap in strength and experience compared to Itachi. But with the protection of Yusuke’s Eye Technique, Yusuke is not worried about Izumi’s safety.

In addition, before the expedition, Yusuke had officially upgraded Itachi to Jonin so that he could legitimately lead the vanguard.

At this point, Kakashi and Yusuke’s short-standing record as the youngest Jonin in Konoha was officially broken by Itachi.

As the commander of Konoha’s northern front, Yusuke is in charge of the central army. But at the same time, Yusuke also used the Phantom Crow Clone to observe the movements of the Kumogakure ninja in the air.

Although the Phantom Crow clone is convenient, it is still far inferior to the Black Crow clone. When using the Phantom Crow clone, Yusuke needs to separate his mind to control and observe.

The clone Black Crow is like an innate instinct, thinking and sharing vision without consuming any extra energy from Yusuke.

Through the Phantom Crow clone flying high in the sky, Yusuke discovered many outposts of Kumogakure. At the same time, Kumogakure’s ninja army was also moving towards the Fire Country at a very fast speed.

Based on the current marching speed of the troops on both sides, the troops of both sides will meet at the border of the Land of Thunder in less than three days. This is also very consistent with Yusuke’s plan to move the battle line to the border of the Land of Thunder.

When the vanguard troops from Konoha and Kumogakure arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Thunder, they immediately started a fierce fight.

In most cases, ninja battles are not a charge in which the two armies set up a formation, but small-scale conflicts in local areas.

In the following days, the vanguard forces on both sides clashed dozens of times. Generally speaking, Konoha has the advantage.

Although Konoha is at a disadvantage compared to Kumogakure in terms of the number of ninjas, under the guidance of Yusuke Phantom Crow’s clone, Konoha adopted a strategy of concentrating its forces to initiate attacks, while Kumogakure’s military strength was relatively scattered and did not show its full potential. Gain numerical advantage.

In addition, with the help of the “First Aid Seal” plug-in, the casualty rate of Konoha ninjas is much lower than Kumogakure.

In the military tent of Yunyin’s commander, almost all the backbone of Yunyin Village were present.

At this time, the intelligence ninja was reporting the situation of the battle with Konoha to Raikage and everyone in the military tent.

After listening to the report from the intelligence ninja, Raikage was very angry. He did not expect that his side would be suppressed by Konoha despite having a numerical advantage.

You must know that the ninjas of Cloud Hidden Village are famous for their fighting prowess. Such a situation where they are outnumbered and still at a disadvantage is something that the Raikage will never tolerate.

With a loud bang, the Fourth Raikage violently smashed the table in front of his seat.

“I’m going to take action myself and teach those bastards in Konoha a lesson!”

With that said, the Fourth Raikage was about to rush out of the tent.

Seeing the Fourth Raikage being so impulsive, Mabuyi, Samui, Darui and others on the side immediately rushed forward and tried their best to stop the Fourth Raikage.

The Fourth Raikage was a very tall, muscular man. Mabuyi and the others gathered around the Fourth Raikage like a group of children blocking an adult.

“Lord Raikage, please don’t be impulsive.”

“Yes, Lord Raikage, you are our general, how could you be dispatched so easily?”

“Lord Kirabi, please quickly advise Raikage-sama.”

Everyone in the big tent was in a hurry, and finally stopped the tall Fourth Raikage.

At this time, Kirabi came out wearing sunglasses and holding a small notebook.

“Yo yo yo,”

“The frontline troops were defeated~”

“The military tent is a bit dilapidated~”

“Brother is feeling depressed~”

“Say goodbye to the enemy~”


After Qilabi sang a rap, he also performed a pose that was hard to describe. Everyone in the military tent also had a black look when they saw this.

The Fourth Raikage, who had just calmed down his anger, suddenly became angry again with veins pulsing on his forehead.

“Asshole, how many times have I told you not to rap during meetings!!”

The Fourth Raikage roared angrily and punched Kirabi out of the tent.

“Goodbye~yo!” With a long tail tone, Kirabi left a human-shaped hole on the top of the military tent.

After beating Kirabi away, the Fourth Raikage returned to his main position.

Seeing that the Fourth Raikage had calmed down, Mabuyi breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to introduce the information he had received.

Mabuyi is the exclusive secretary of the Fourth Raikage. She has a dark complexion common in the Land of Thunder, long white hair, and wears a formal work suit. She is a beauty with an intellectual temperament.

“Lord Raikage, this time the enemy leader is Uchiha Yusuke, the newly appointed leader of the Uchiha clan. According to the current intelligence, this person is very difficult to deal with. Not only did he eradicate the ‘Ninja’ during the previous internal fighting in Konoha, The Dark Danzo now holds several important positions in Konoha, and he also has the support of the Fire Nation Daimyo behind him.”

“This person’s voice in Konoha now even exceeds that of the Third Hokage!”

Mabuyi continued his analysis: “Uchiha Yusuke founded a new institution in Konoha called the ‘Konoha Research Institute.’ The unusually strong recovery ability displayed by Konoha ninjas in this war is probably from this institution. Research results.”

Lei Ying snorted coldly: “He’s just a junior with some deceitful skills. A ninja must rely on his strength to speak for himself after all. Wait until I meet him, and let him see the power that a commander of an army should have!”

After saying that, Lei Ying looked at the middle-aged man wearing a fan-shaped hat on his head and an eyepatch on his left eye and said, “Tutai, what suggestions do you have for the next action?”

Dodai is calm and resourceful. Starting from the era of the Second Raikage, he has been the advisor to all generations of Raikage, and the examiner for the partners of all generations of Raikages, “The Ultimate Thunder Plow and Hot Knife”.

At the same time, his personal strength is also extraordinary, and he possesses the boundary of Melting Escape Blood Succession. It can be said that he is a talented person with both civil and military skills.

Tutai frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then slowly said: “The other party’s strategy is obviously to turn passive into active, and concentrate their forces to launch attacks everywhere in our Kingdom of Thunder, making us tired to deal with it.”

“However, we have found the main force of the opponent’s vanguard force. As long as we can send experts to annihilate their main force, we can regain the initiative.”

At this time, Mabuyi on the side opened the folder in his hand and added: “The main force of the opponent’s vanguard force is led by a ten-year-old jounin named Uchiha Itachi.”

“According to intelligence, he is a disciple of the opponent’s coach Uchiha Yusuke, and almost all of the main forces under his command are elite ninjas from the Uchiha clan.”

Hearing Mabuyi’s addition, the Kumogakure ninjas in the tent looked very surprised.

During the war, it was not uncommon for ninjas to go to war at the age of ten or even younger, but this was the first time that they could become jounin at the age of ten and command the entire vanguard force in a war between two major ninja villages. Appear.

Seeing everyone’s surprise, Mabuyi felt a hint of contempt, and warned: “Don’t be deceived by his age. The intelligence mentioned that this young man’s strength was extraordinary, and several teams that fought against the team he led They were all seriously injured, and several of our elite jounin who fought against him also spoke very highly of him.”

Lei Ying looked around at everyone and said in a deep voice: “Which of you will take action to take care of this little brat that doesn’t even have all its fur?”

The atmosphere of Kumogakure Village encourages the concept of strength first, and most ninjas are very warlike. After Lei Ying asked, many experts from Yunyin Village proposed to go and meet the young man who commanded the entire vanguard force.

The Raikage thought for a while and finally decided to invest in the two-tailed jinchūriki to gain the initiative in the war for Kumogakure.

“Teakman, please take action this time!”

There is actually another very important reason why Raikage chose to invest in the Jinchuuriki.

Most of Konoha’s vanguard troops are ninjas from the Uchiha clan, and many are very good at illusions. The Jinchuuriki are almost immune to illusions and have a huge advantage against the Uchiha clan.

“Tutai, this operation is under your command. The teak people are also at your disposal!”

The jinchūriki’s appearance in battle was a big event for every shinobi village, just in case the Raikage decided to let the mature and prudent Dodai take the lead.

In a valley on the border of the Kingdom of Thunder, the thirty-man forward team led by Itachi was moving rapidly.

There are ten forward teams, all under the command of Itachi. But Itachi is also the captain of one of the teams, sniping at Kumogakure’s forward troops.

At this time, Itachi also separated the Phantom Crow clone to observe the movements of Kumogakure’s troops. It’s just that in terms of chakra amount, he is still far behind his teacher Yusuke, so there are only a few Phantom Crow clones, mainly serving the team he leads.

Izumi also followed Itachi, but her face looked a little ugly.

Izumi and Itachi are also ten years old at the same age, but she has been very well protected by Yusuke since she was a child. Her mind is not as mature as Itachi’s, and she still has a child’s heart. She had experienced a lot of killings in the past few days, which made her very uncomfortable.

However, Izumi is also a very smart girl. She knows that this is a process that a ninja must go through, so she is constantly adjusting her mentality.

This is exactly Yusuke’s purpose of arranging Izumi in the forward force. Yusuke believes that after this war is over, Izumi will transform into a ninja who is not only capable but also mentally qualified.

“Captain, they say that the Kumogakure ninja’s combat power is the best in the ninja world, but it doesn’t seem to be that good lately.”

“Yes, but captain, you are really awesome. You have become the leader of the forward troops at such a young age. You are worthy of being the disciple of the patriarch.”

Several members of the Uchiha clan in the team said to Itachi, their voices filled with admiration. There were also voices of approval all around.

This was not because a few people were flattering him, but because Itachi’s performance in the past few days was indeed outstanding. Whether it was his ability to mobilize troops or his personal combat ability, they were convinced.

Even some members who were originally dissatisfied because of Itachi’s age are now convinced of Itachi.

There is also a branch member of the Hyuga clan in Itachi’s team. At this time, this member of the Hyuga clan has mixed feelings in his heart.

Just a few months ago, the reputation of the Hyuga clan in Konoha had begun to surpass that of the Uchiha clan.

After the Root Organization’s sneak attack on the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan’s strength was greatly damaged. The Hyuga clan has been regarded by many people as the first family in Konoha.

However, not long after Yusuke came to power, the Uchiha clan turned around and returned to the political center of Konoha.

And recently, because of Yusuke, the reputation of the entire Uchiha clan has continued to increase, leaving the Hyuga clan behind again. This makes many members of the Hyuga clan feel resentful.

At this moment, Itachi frowned and reminded loudly: “Everyone, be careful. There is a group of Kumogakure’s troops coming towards our direction. Because of their secret skills, I can’t see who the members are. But judging from the speed of action, Look, they are all masters.”

It was not that Kumogakure’s ninjas didn’t discover that Yusuke and Itachi’s phantom crows were spying on military intelligence, but the phantom crows themselves were disembodied genjutsu bodies and flew high in the air. Kumogakure tried many methods but failed to successfully eliminate the phantom crows. .

In the end, Kumogakure had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and used a secret technique to create a fog around the ninja team in his village, making it impossible for Phantom Crow to see clearly.

After hearing Itachi’s reminder, all the ninjas who seemed to be communicating with each other easily just now stopped talking, and their expressions became serious, preparing for the upcoming encounter.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! ! Today is also a 4,000-word chapter. From now on, the author will write an update of a 4,000-word chapter to save trouble. . .


The author spent a day writing and revising this chapter. . . The scale of the war was changed several times. . . But in the end, I felt that the ninja war should not be like the 100,000-strong army in the later stages of Naruto. . . So it was changed to a smaller war



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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