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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 98 Battle of Yueyun Gorge

“The Mudun blood inheritance contained in this person’s body is very high, and his affinity for Mudun is far beyond that of others. He is my almost perfect carrier!” A Fei’s jumping voice sounded.

After hearing A Fei’s words, Obito also understood that A Fei wanted to capture Yamato and then possess him.

Although Fei is currently possessed by Obito, he can actually act independently without Obito.

Depending on the carrier of possession, the power A Fei can exert is also different.

In the original work, after possessing Yamato, Abi can perform the Bokujin Technique that is almost as good as the first generation, leaving the ninja coalition in the Fourth Ninja War helpless.

It wasn’t until Madara completed the “Infinite Tsukuyomi” technique that Fei felt that his combat power was no longer dispensable, so he took the initiative to remove the possession and let Yamato go.

“Okay, now that we’ve solved the third generation, let’s take this guy away too!” Obito said calmly. His tone was calm, and he obviously didn’t take Sandai seriously.

The third generation and Yamato present also heard clearly the conversation between Obito and Fei. They also knew that in addition to Naruto, who was the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, the other party also targeted Yamato.

“Who are you, and why can you use the First Hokage’s Wood Release!” Looking at Obito in front of him, the third generation said in a deep voice.

With a cold snort, Obito and Sandai had nothing to say, and ordered Fei, who was in control of the body at this time, to take action as soon as possible.

After receiving Obito’s order, Fei clasped his hands together: “Wood Release: Wooden Man’s Technique!”

Countless thick tree roots were seen growing out of the ground and spliced ​​together, eventually forming an extremely huge wooden man.

This wooden figure is in the form of a Thousand-Armed Buddha, with two hands clasped together in front of the chest, and countless palms spread out behind it like a peacock spreading its tail. This image makes the wooden figure Buddha very visually impactful.

There are also five relatively smaller heads on the Buddha’s head. These five heads can use ninjutsu with five different chakra attributes: fire, thunder, earth, water, and wind.

Although the wooden figure used by Abi at this time is much smaller than the wooden figure used by Yamato in the final battle in the original work, its size is still several times that of Gamabunta, making it intimidating.

Looking at the huge wooden figure in front of him, the third generation couldn’t help but think of the once invincible first generation Hokage, and a feeling of powerlessness arose in his heart.

But now, he is the only one in Konoha who has the ability to deal with enemies of this level.

“As the Hokage of Konoha, I want to take away Konoha’s family, so I have to pass this test first!”

With a loud shout, Sandai held the Vajra Ruyi Stick and killed without hesitation towards the huge wooden man hundreds of times bigger than himself.

Just as Obito and the Third Hokage were fighting, Raikage personally led all the ninjas on the Kumogakure front to launch a general attack on Konoha. Naturally, such a large-scale operation cannot be hidden from Yusuke, who is always monitored by the Phantom Crow in the sky.

After gathering all the ninjas on his side, Yusuke also led the army to meet the incoming Kumogakure troops.

Soon the ninja armies of Konoha and Kumogakure met at a canyon called ‘Yueyun Gorge’ on the border of Thunder Country.

The terrain of this canyon is not steep, and the ninja’s skills are enough to fight normally in this canyon.

The two sides faced off on both sides of the Yueun Gorge, and Kumogakure’s side also saw the Konoha army coach on the opposite side, Uchiha Yusuke, who had recently become famous in the ninja world.

The other party looked very young, less than twenty years old as the intelligence said. He was tall, and the white coat he wore was blown by the mountain wind in the canyon. In his calm eyes was an unprecedented golden-red flaming magatama Sharingan. The whole person stood there upright, like a famous sword that was not unsheathed. His aura was hidden, but it was impossible to ignore.

Beside Yusuke stood Itachi and Izumi, and behind them were many elite ninjas from the Uchiha clan.

Although Kumogakure had a numerical advantage at this time, he felt that his momentum was suppressed by Konoha on the opposite side.

After all, Konoha has always had the upper hand from the battle until now. Even today, even the two-tailed Jinchuuriki was captured alive by Konoha, which boosted Konoha’s morale even more.

Staring at Yusuke opposite, the Fourth Raikage shouted loudly: “Uchiha Yusuke, where is the Yuzuki? If you send her back safely now and formally surrender on behalf of Konoha, then I will let you go today. !”

Hearing Raikage’s words, Yusuke laughed and said, “Raikage-sama, I didn’t expect you to be so humorous.”

“How about you give me the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki and I’ll spare the lives of everyone here?”

Rabbi Riki, the Eight-Tailed Jinchurikage, is the partner of the Fourth-generation Raikage “The Ultimate Bull Thunder Plow Hot Sword”. He has been recognized as his younger brother by the Fourth-generation Raikage since he was a child. The two formed Kumogakure’s ‘Abby’ combination, a partner who could be entrusted with life and death, and could be said to be closer than brothers.

Now that he heard Yusuke asking him to hand over Kirabi by name, the Fourth Raikage couldn’t bear it with his fiery temper.

“You bastard, after today I will let the Uchiha clan choose a new clan leader!”

The Raikage roared angrily, and ordered Dodai to command the Kumogakure ninja to launch a massive attack, while he took the lead and rushed towards Yusuke’s location.

Seeing Kumogakure starting to attack, Yusuke told Itachi on the side: “Itachi, you command the entire army on my behalf. I will deal with the Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki.”

Itachi and Izumi immediately accepted the order after hearing this. They still don’t know the extent of Yusuke’s strength, but they believe that the mere Kumogakure must not be Yusuke’s opponent.

Looking at the Fourth Raikage who was quickly killing him, Yusuke’s eyes collided with those of the Fourth Raikage, and a murderous aura flashed in their eyes at the same time.

At this time, the Fourth Raikage has activated the “Thunder Chakra Mode”, and a layer of lightning chakra is wrapped around his body, fully activating his muscles. Not only does it greatly increase the movement and attack speed of the Fourth Raikage, but it also greatly increases his physical strength and defense capabilities.

A flame flashed in his right hand, and the already unsolved Ryuken Wakahu appeared in Yusuke’s hand. A long flame tail dragged out a red wheel of flame behind Yusuke, lighting up the night sky.

Due to the initial release of Liu Ren Ruo Huo, even the temperature of the entire canyon has risen a lot and it has become hot.

With a clang, the flaming Zanpakuto in Yusuke’s hand collided with the metal ring on Raikage’s right hand.

Yusuke was slightly surprised to see that the metal armband on the Fourth Raikage’s arm could instantly block his own Ryūken Wakahu, which was attached to his spiritual pressure and high-temperature flames.

Obviously, the material of the metal armband of the Fourth Raikage is very special. It is not only incredibly hard but also very heat-resistant.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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