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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 99 One against three

However, although the metal armband of the Fourth Raikage was able to withstand Yusuke Ryukenwaka’s slashes, it could only withstand it for a moment.

When the metal armband on his right arm came into contact with Yusuke’s Zanpakutō, the Fourth Raikage felt something bad and was immediately forced to retreat quickly.

In just one breath, he discovered that the metal ring on his right arm had become hot, and the area where it was in contact with the flames on the opponent’s blade had a tendency to melt.

This made the Fourth Raikage shocked and at the same time felt extremely troublesome. If he came into contact with the opponent’s weapon for another two seconds, not to mention the metal armband would be destroyed, he was afraid that his arm would also be scrapped.

This discovery made the Fourth Raikage more cautious when facing Yusuke’s attack.

However, this does not make him feel afraid or lose his fighting spirit. Ninja battles will always have various difficult abilities. A temporary advantage does not mean anything. Ninjas are looking for opportunities to kill the enemy with a fatal blow.

The opponent’s long knife wrapped in flames is indeed very powerful, but as long as you withdraw it in time every time you block it, you will not hurt your armband and arm.

Just like a normal person would be burned if he put his finger on the flame for a second, but would not feel anything if he passed through the flame for an instant.

The Fourth Raikage’s method seems simple, but not many people can actually use this method to deal with Yusuke’s flame slash. Only ninjas like the Fourth Raikage, whose reaction speed and physical speed have reached their peak, can do it.

Seeing the Fourth Raikage retreating, Yusuke immediately stepped forward and drew streaks of flaming sword light in the air in his hand, killing the Fourth Raikage until he could only parry but not fight back.

When several Kumogakure ninjas saw this, they immediately wanted to support the Fourth Raikage, but they were all killed by Yusuke.

Facing Yusuke’s slashes, most of these ninjas chose to block with their swords. As a result, Yusuke cut off both their bodies and their swords, and their bodies were burned into mummies by the flames on the blade.

Even if some ninjas dodged the slashing attack, they were swept by the entangled flames of the flowing blade and were instantly ignited and turned into charcoal.

Upon seeing this, the Fourth Raikage immediately told other Kumogakure ninjas to stay away from the area where he and Yusuke were fighting to avoid accidental injuries. He knew that a master of Yusuke’s level was not something ordinary ninjas could deal with, and even a moment of restraint would cost their lives.

After a fight, the Fourth Raikage felt that the ordinary “Thunder Chakra Mode” could not allow him to defeat the enemy in front of him, so he turned on the “Full Power Mode” without hesitation.

I saw that the blue thunder chakra around his body turned into golden thunder and lightning, and even his hair turned up.

“Super Saiyan?” Yusuke was stunned for a moment when he saw the new image of the Fourth Raikage.

In this state, the Fourth Raikage’s speed, reaction ability, strength and defense capabilities have been greatly improved again. Even the dynamic vision of Sharingan is extremely difficult to capture his movements.

After entering “all-out mode”, the Fourth Raikage relied on his speed to put some distance between him and Yusuke, who had been chasing him.

As soon as the distance was widened, the Fourth Raikage immediately used his special move, raised his left arm and struck at Yusuke’s throat at an extremely fast speed.

“Thunder Escape: Thunder Plow Hot Knife!”

This dodge and counterattack of retreating and advancing was so fast that a normal person would be killed by the Fourth Raikage before he could even react.

But Yusuke is not an ordinary person. At this moment, the left arm of the Fourth Raikage used the “Thunder Plow Hot Sword” and passed through Yusuke’s body, which turned into a fire phantom crow.

Yusuke completed the illusion of his body in time and escaped the lightning-fast fatal blow of the Fourth Raikage.

And because the Fourth Raikage’s speed was so fast, the flames on the Fire Phantom Crow’s body didn’t even have time to wrap around the Fourth Raikage’s arms.

“In terms of personal combat effectiveness, the fourth generation Raikage should have the highest combat effectiveness among the five kages in the five great ninja villages!” The fire phantom crow regrouped into Yusuke and thought to himself.

“In this case, I should also show some real strength.”

The flames in his hand doubled, and Yusuke turned into a beam of fire and killed the Fourth Raikage. The Fourth Raikage faced Yusuke without fear, and the two fought together again.

In terms of instantaneous technique and attack speed, Yusuke is weaker than the Fourth Raikage in “full power mode”, but when it comes to lethality and damage range, Yusuke is indeed more powerful.

“The Technique of Flame Escape and Flame Walking!”

Activating the most powerful positioning skill in conjunction with Ryūren Wakahu, Yusuke’s body blended into the surrounding flames, constantly emerging from the flames to launch attacks on the Fourth Raikage.

The mobility of the “Fire Walking Technique” made the Fourth Raikage lose its speed advantage, and Yusuke’s extremely lethal slashes and the flames caused by the slashes restrained the Fourth Raikage, which resulted in the Fourth Raikage still being Yusuke suppressed him with all his strength, and danger gradually began to arise.

“Water Release·Water Breaking Wave!”

“call out!”

Just when Yusuke found an opportunity to severely injure the Fourth Raikage, a high-pressure water column and a very fast pen injected with Thunder Chakra attacked Yusuke, forcing Yusuke to give up the attack on the Fourth Raikage.

It was Rabbi Kiri, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuriki, and the Raikage Guard Captain Darui who came to rescue the Fourth Raikage.

The “Water Breaking Wave” technique was released by Darui. He was proficient in Water Release and Thunder Release, and could also combine the two to perform the “Arashi Release” ninjutsu.

Darui has dark skin, thick white hair, and a very careless expression on his face. He was also very muscular, but standing next to the macho Fourth Raikage and Kirabi, he looked very ordinary.

In terms of personal strength, Darui can be said to be the strongest one on Kumogakure’s side, except for the Fourth Raikage, Kirabi and Yuzuki.

Seeing Darui and Kirabi coming to aid the Fourth Raikage, Yusuke’s expression remained unchanged. This was one of his purposes – to attract Kumogakure’s masters as much as possible to reduce the pressure on his side.

Looking at Darui, the “Kage Flame” in Yusuke’s eyes suddenly activated.

Darui felt a hint of danger, but unfortunately he did not notice the source of the danger. Before he could react, the Fourth Raikage suddenly kicked him away.

Just as Darui was knocked away by the Fourth Raikage, a Kumogakure ninja behind him was instantly engulfed in crimson flames and screamed a few times before falling silent.

The Raikage had just been attacked by Yusuke using the “Kage Flame” in Sharingan Eyes, but he managed to avoid it with his extraordinary reflexes, but he was also shocked into a cold sweat.

“Both of you, be careful, this guy is no ordinary ninja!” the Fourth Raikage said solemnly.



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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