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The Ultimate Lich King — Chapter 12 Unclean Frost

If you are at LV1, you will definitely not be able to defeat LV2. This is what Aina warned Ye Yu. When Ye Yu curiously asked about the gap between LV1 and LV2, Aina responded with four words: “world of difference”.

So under normal circumstances, when a LV1 is attacked by a LV2 monster, running away is undoubtedly the first choice, right?

However, Ye Yu is obviously not a normal person, or his thinking circuit is too different from that of a normal person.

When he discovered that the LV2 Minotaur was approaching, Ye Yu hesitated for a long time and seemed a little hesitant about whether he should escape directly.

First, I was a bit dissatisfied when I finally saw the monster after all the effort and ended up having to run away. The other is that Ye Yuxin still wants to see the strength of the so-called LV2.

After all, Eina is right in saying that LV1 can never defeat LV2. How can I really be sure if I don’t try it?

But soon, Ye Yu no longer needed to worry, because the roaring Minotaur had already reached the ninth floor from the tenth floor, and its huge body blocked Ye Yu’s way.

This was a bull-headed monster that was as big as Ye Yu and two people, holding a giant axe. The moment it discovered Ye Yu, it launched a ferocious attack.

The sharp sound of piercing the air caused by the swing of the giant ax made Ye Yu couldn’t help but squint his eyes. He could clearly see the trajectory of the opponent’s attack, but it was extremely difficult to dodge.

His body cannot keep up with the reaction speed of his brain… This is Ye Yu’s most intuitive feeling at this moment. He could clearly see the trajectory of the opponent’s attack and just had to avoid it in the expected direction, but Ye Yu was embarrassed to find that his body couldn’t react at such a speed.

Sure enough, it’s because the physical values ​​​​are too poor, right?

At this critical moment of life and death, Ye Yu was still thinking about such a thing. Although he did not completely dodge the Minotaur’s attack, Ye Yu’s efforts also prevented him from being split in half. tragic end.

The huge stone ax barely scraped past Ye Yu’s body and chopped on the ground. The biting stones brought up by the strong wind and the force of the chop spattered onto Ye Yu’s body like bullets. Under this huge impact, Ye Yu’s body flew out uncontrollably.

Although he was a little embarrassed, he was still alive for the time being.

As expected, it was a little taken for granted, and there was simply no way to fight back.

The Minotaur who delivered this ferocious blow did not pursue the victory. The huge monster let out a heavy breathing sound, as if the blow just now consumed a lot of its physical strength.

Obviously this is not normal. How could a monster as powerful as the Minotaur be exhausted from such a clumsy chop?

Ye Yu, who stood up and kept a distance from the other party, noticed that the Minotaur was covered in scars and looked like it had escaped from somewhere.

I see… This guy was probably chased by adventurers and ran here from the fifteenth floor, right?

But even if this Minotaur is exhausted and scarred, I am no match for it. As expected, the gap between LV1 and LV2 is huge.

After the Minotaur analyzed this fact from the attack just now, Ye Yu immediately turned around and ran away without even thinking about it.

The Minotaur, who was wielding a giant ax behind him, roared and chased after him. Not long ago, he was chased by a hateful human. Now he finally encountered a weak human. How could he let Ye Yu go?

When he started exercising vigorously, Ye Yu realized how bad his body was. Weak and powerless, he was already on the verge of collapse after just a short run.

Realizing that his body had reached its limit, Ye Yu simply stopped running, stood on the spot and turned around to face the pursuing Minotaur.

Death was close at hand, but Ye Yu’s mood was surprisingly calm.

“Strange…why don’t I feel scared?”

Seeing the Minotaur approaching step by step with heavy breathing, Ye Yu thought so strangely. What he held in his hand was a somewhat funny-looking dagger. According to Ye Yu’s analysis, if his physical fitness faced this Minotaur, his chances of winning would be zero. In other words, he would definitely die.

“But…why don’t you feel any fear at all?”

Muttering to himself in such a trance, Ye Yu held the dagger and raised his hand to aim at the Minotaur who was gradually approaching.

Seeing the weak human being in front of him making resistance movements, the highly intelligent Minotaur showed disdain in his scarlet eyes. The giant beast stepped forward step by step, crushing the ground, and the vibration caused Ye Yu to stand unsteadily for a while.

Ye Yu was not moved at all, and an unknown presence slowly brewed in his dark eyes. A gust of cold wind suddenly blew in some of the cold underground city passages, and fine frost covered the walls of the tunnels on both sides.

The Minotaur raised the giant ax and faced Ye Yu’s palm holding the dagger.

There was a crisp sound of shattering. The dagger and the giant ax did not collide, but the dagger in Ye Yu’s hand shattered out of thin air. Like broken ice, the fragments of the dagger fell from Ye Yu’s hand.

The giant ax did not fall, and a bloody line streaked across the Minotaur’s body.


A clumsy sound came from the Minotaur’s mouth.

The running line not only crossed the torso, but also the majestic chest, hooves, then the upper wrists, thigh roots, lower limbs, shoulders, and finally reached the neck, all in one go.

Silver light bloomed in front of Ye Yu’s eyes, and then Ye Yu, whose eyes were completely filled with ice blue, reached forward like lightning, and tightly grasped the silver light.


A pleasant voice with a touch of surprise sounded through the monster’s separated flesh and blood body. The Minotaur’s flesh and blood, which should have broken into pieces and turned into pieces of flesh, solidified in the air at an extremely slow speed.

The pure white frost blended into the blood and turned into a disgustingly thick consistency.

The body of the Minotaur, which should have exploded into a cloud of blood, remained in pieces and was condensed into an ice sculpture.


The Ultimate Lich King

The Ultimate Lich King

Status: Completed Author:


Coming to the second dimension and becoming a dependent, it is not a problem if the goddess is not powerful! See how Ye Yu travels through the second dimension to find various girls!

"Who said we are nameless and incompetent? Esdeath, Chitong, come on!"

"Who said we are nameless and weak? Murasaki Yakumo, teach them how to behave!"

"The evil eye doesn't like our namelessness? Yaozi, Yuyihu, go kill them for me!" Ye Yu frowned and looked at the report of a certain rabbit below, and then assigned tasks to each girl.

"Master...Master, Empress Nuwa said that you are continuing to take in daughters, so she just..." When Ye Yu had just finished assigning tasks, Luo Tianyi hurried in, panting even as he spoke.

This caused a flash of panic on Ye Yu's face, and then he said calmly: "What does she want? I will continue to collect my MM, why does she care so much? No matter what, no matter what, no matter what, I will give her a slap That’s it…”

The more he talked, the more suspicious the girls looked at him. In the end, Ye Yu could only act without restraint...


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