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The Ultimate Lich King — Chapter 318 The World-Destroying Demonic Wolf

Ooooooooooo! ! !

After the space shattered, a shrill roar sounded, and then a big mouth that opened and closed rushed towards Ye Yu.

Facing that mouth, Ye Yu had the illusion that even the world would be swallowed up by him.

Click! With a crisp sound, the ice wall tens of meters high that Ye Yu condensed in front of him was actually bitten into pieces by this huge mouth.

“God… God Ghoul Wolf…” Rossweisse said in a trembling voice as she recognized the identity of the wolf.

Ooooooooooo! ! !

The giant wolf landed on the ground and roared, staring at Ye Yu with a pair of scarlet eyes.

“Be careful, Ye Yu boy, this is Fenrir Wolf, the world-destroying demon wolf in Nordic mythology, the son of the evil god Loki. According to legend, Fenrir Wolf can devour the world by opening its upper and lower jaws. If you are bitten by his teeth, Even the main god Odin will die, he is an out-and-out demon wolf!”

Following Azazel’s reminder, Loki, who had regained his breath, slowly landed next to Fenrir Wolf, looking at Ye Yu with the same wild and bloody eyes.

“No matter what you are, I will kill you and eat all the evil thoughts in you! I will let you know that the God of Evil can only be me, Loki!”

Loki laughed crazily, and Ye Yu’s strength made him feel fearful and excited at the same time. If he could take all these strong evil thoughts as his own, even Ophis would no longer be his opponent, right?

“Really, just you?”

He chuckled in response to Loki’s crazy words and deeds, and then Ye Yu rushed forward again holding Frostmourne in his hand.

“Fuck me Fenrir and crush his throat!”

The evil god Loki, who was still a little afraid of the power exuded by Ye Yu, obviously did not intend to go into battle in person. He gave orders to his son, Fenrir Demon Wolf.

Although he was a demonic wolf with little outstanding sanity, Fenrir, who also felt the oppressive feeling emanating from Nevin Moore, hesitated for a while, and then pounced on him ferociously.

“Oh, is this beast your support? Ah, I’m sorry, I seem to have said the wrong thing. This is your son, right? It turns out that the famous evil god Loki is a beast.”

Hearing Ye Yu’s words, Loki’s face suddenly darkened, but even if he was so humiliated, he did not lose his mind, because Loki could not see through the man in front of him at all.

As the God of Evil, Loki couldn’t understand why there would be a second person with such power in the world. He even said that the power of evil he controlled was more powerful than his own, and even made him fear him. feel.

With the giant sword in front of him, even Fenrir, the demon wolf that could devour the world, couldn’t bite Ye Yu’s artifact into pieces. Not only that, but the chill also spread through Fenrir’s teeth and throughout his body.

Ooooooooooo! ! !

Another roar came out, but this time it was a horrified roar. Fenrir, who realized something was wrong, just wanted to leave Ye Yu’s side, but how could the latter let him get what he wanted.

“You beast, just lie down like a beast and don’t bare your teeth at others!”

Saying this, Ye Yu twisted his arm, and the huge heavy sword Frostmourne raised above Fenrir’s head, and then smashed it hard towards its waist.

As the saying goes, wolves are like copper heads and iron tails. Although I don’t know if this world-destroying demon wolf is like this, it does not prevent Ye Yu from giving it a try.

Frostmourne smashed down as hard as a mountain. The World-Destroying Demonic Wolf, who had bared his teeth and grinned extremely fiercely a second ago, suddenly let out a dog-like wail, and his whole body almost doubled in two and faced such a straight line. It hit the ground and smashed down.

“How is it possible Fenrir! Stand up quickly!”

Although Loki roared like this, the demon wolf that devoured the world still fell to the ground. Although it was not dead, it seemed that it no longer had the ability to fight.

Blood overflowed from the wolf’s mouth in large mouthfuls, and its huge body was trembling and twitching, looking extremely miserable.

“It seems like the beast you raised is hopeless, so…what are you going to do now?”

Ye Yu narrowed his eyes and smiled, and walked towards Loki step by step.


He clenched his fists involuntarily and cursed in his mouth, but looking at Ye Yu walking towards him step by step, Loki’s eyes showed deep fear.

It’s impossible to win…he’s no match for him at all. What should he do?

Fenrir also let out a mournful cry, and collapsed there in despair, seemingly unwilling to help his father, but Ye Yu continued to move forward without even looking at him.

Just when Ye Yu walked over and turned his back to the ferocious beast, Fenrir’s violent scarlet eyes suddenly opened wide again.

The world-destroying demon wolf, which seemed to be on the verge of death, jumped up, and then rushed towards Ye Yu amidst the exclamations of Rossweisse, Azazel and others.

“So it is said that beasts will always be beasts, and it is human nature not to have a long memory.”

Before the proud look could be fully revealed, it instantly froze on Loki’s face.

Because as Ye Yu’s understatement fell, a huge ice cone shot up from the ground, right in the path of Fenrir’s attack.

The sudden appearance of the ice pick was so unexpected that even Fenrir, who was planning a sneak attack, did not react. In an instant, he was pierced by the ice pick from top to bottom and turned into a candied haws.

“How…how could it be possible?!”

Loki spoke tremblingly. Even with such horrific injuries, the beast did not die immediately. Bright red blood spurted out as the ferocious beast struggled, soaking the ice pick below in bright red.

“Do you think I’m really that stupid? I’ve been wary of this beast for a long time. Just as I suspected, it won’t die so easily.”

Ye Yu said this, looking at the trembling Loki in front of him, and spoke slowly with a cruel voice.

“Then…it’s you next, Evil God Loki.”

“I really underestimated you. I didn’t expect that even Fenrir was no match for me. So, I’ll quit for now!”

It is not a wise choice to continue to stay here, and Fenrir’s injury also requires timely treatment.

Loki said this very decisively, and then with a flick of his cloak, a huge distortion appeared in the space, like an invisible barrier, and Loki and the trapped Fenrir wolf were instantly wrapped in it.

“Then, I will write down everything today. Next time, when Odin talks with the gods of this country, I will come again to disrupt the situation! At that time, I will let Fenrir bite all of your necks. .


The Ultimate Lich King

The Ultimate Lich King

Status: Completed Author:


Coming to the second dimension and becoming a dependent, it is not a problem if the goddess is not powerful! See how Ye Yu travels through the second dimension to find various girls!

"Who said we are nameless and incompetent? Esdeath, Chitong, come on!"

"Who said we are nameless and weak? Murasaki Yakumo, teach them how to behave!"

"The evil eye doesn't like our namelessness? Yaozi, Yuyihu, go kill them for me!" Ye Yu frowned and looked at the report of a certain rabbit below, and then assigned tasks to each girl.

"Master...Master, Empress Nuwa said that you are continuing to take in daughters, so she just..." When Ye Yu had just finished assigning tasks, Luo Tianyi hurried in, panting even as he spoke.

This caused a flash of panic on Ye Yu's face, and then he said calmly: "What does she want? I will continue to collect my MM, why does she care so much? No matter what, no matter what, no matter what, I will give her a slap That’s it…”

The more he talked, the more suspicious the girls looked at him. In the end, Ye Yu could only act without restraint...


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