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The Ultimate Lich King — Chapter 357 Strength decides everything

While Ye Yu was having a dispute at the headquarters, a wave of cheers was erupting in the stage area, in the game venue connected to the headquarters palace.

The game venue has a circular outline, and the audience seats are set along the outline, showing a form that surrounds the venue. The gift game on Shirayasha’s flyer is currently being held in the venue, and the competition for the right to participate in the final finals is ongoing on the stage.

“Miss! That’s right there! Now, go around behind your opponent and kick him away!”

Then the three-haired cat leaning to the side yelled as an assistant. The person fighting on the stage is Yoshi, who has been active from the preliminaries to the semi-finals. Her enemy is the Stonewall Giant, an automaton belonging to the community “Rock.Eater”.

“This way… the winner will be decided…!” Yao, who used the gift from the griffon to control the whirlwind, flew behind the stone wall giant.


Unleashing the power from the ‘elephant’, Yao’s legs kicked the stone wall giant hard. Under the influence of huge force, the giant who was weighed on his head crashed to the end. At the same time, the audience also let out deafening cheers.

After winning the victory, Yao finally relaxed her tense body. The joy of victory made her smile slightly. At this moment, a white-haired lolita wearing a kimono who was sitting on the high platform of the palace walked down from her seat and came to the stage. . He tapped the microphone with both hands, and the commotion in the entire venue suddenly stopped.

“The final winner is Kasukabe Yoshi from ‘No.Name’. In this way, the last list to participate in the finals is also ready. The finals game is scheduled to be held after tomorrow. As for the rules of the game starting tomorrow…well , I would like to trouble another ‘organizer’, who is also the rightful owner of this festival, to explain the rules to everyone.” Bai Yasha, who was standing in front of the high platform, said with a hearty smile, turned around, and gave up the center position. come out.

The petite, cute but majestic red-haired princess in brightly colored noble attire stood up from her throne after hearing Shiro Yaksha’s reminder. This little girl who emerged from the dust is the new ‘class ruler’ who has inherited the dragon’s horns from the dragon’s purebred – Star Sea Dragon King, and the young leader of ‘Salamandra’ with the flame dragon pattern as its banner – Sandora Te Erdorek.

However, Sandora seemed a little nervous at this moment. Seeing this, Bai Yaksha showed a gentle smile and gently urged her.

“Haha, after all, this is a gorgeous debut show. I understand that you will definitely be nervous, but you must show a smile in front of everyone. Because class rulers like us are the spiritual support of the lower class community. Besides, if the expression is so stiff, The clothes I gave you will lose their style, and you must show a strong attitude now.”

Encouraged by Bai Yaksha, Sandora nodded slightly and suppressed the nervousness in her heart, and stepped forward.

“I am the ruler of the North District who was introduced just now, Sandora Teldorek. The festival ‘Fire Dragon Birth Festival’ jointly organized by the East District and the North District also passed the first day smoothly. There were no There were no accidents worthy of special mention, so I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone in the East District Community and North District Community who assisted in the event. As for future games, first of all, please refer to the invitation letter at hand.”

A clear, melodious and resolute voice like a silver bell spread throughout the venue through the loudspeaker microphone. Shandora’s first performance was perfect, and all the audience picked up the invitations around them.

The name of the gift game: ‘Duel of the Creators’.

Hosting the game community, game leader: ‘Salamandra’.

Contestants: ‘Willo” WISp’, ‘Rattenfanger’, ‘No.Name’.

Final game rules: Compete with the gifts created by each community. In order for the gift to have its full effect, an assistant is allowed to accompany you. The game must be cracked by the registered gift holder himself. A round-robin system will be adopted, with the community with the most wins winning. The winner will get to play against the game leader. Regarding the favors granted: Contestants can ask for the favors they want from the Fire Dragon, the ‘Class Dominator’.

Oath: Respecting the above content, based on the glory and flag, the two communities will participate in the gift game. ‘Thousand.Eyes’ seal.

Sandora’s debut show ended in a warm atmosphere. The relieved girl was returning to the palace behind from the high platform of the palace with Bai Yaksha.

It was said that it was reported that Izayoi and Black Rabbit had caused some trouble, so Sandora seemed very anxious.

Because it was Mandela who was handling this matter, the girl was afraid that her brother would say something bad again, which would embarrass both parties.

Although the girl felt in her heart that what her brother did was indeed for the sake of ‘Salamandra’, she still could not agree with his actions.

Not helping the allies who were attacked in the first place was already a matter of guilt and shame for the entire ‘Salamandra’. Now it is really disgusting to make things difficult for the descendants of the former allies in every possible way.

After Shiroyasha and Sandora entered the hall, the situation was different from what they thought. Izayoi and Black Rabbit were sitting on the sofa with a leisurely look. On the contrary, Mandela standing aside had an expression on his face. nice.

“Why…a little cold?”

Sandora was talking to herself strangely, while Bai Yaksha on the side showed a smile. She already knew why Mandela was standing there with an ugly face.

The world of Little Garden itself is a world where everything speaks with power. If you can realize this, I have to say that it is done very well.

After Shiroyasha and Sandora came in, Yao, who had quit the game, also came here with Shiro. At the scene, in addition to the eldest lady Kuuan Asuka who didn’t know where to go to play, there were two Naishan, Naisa and Ophis. Except for the cute dragon, everyone has arrived.

“Haha, I heard you guys were having a lot of fun?”

“Well, I followed your request and heated up the atmosphere of the festival.”

“Please don’t speak so smugly! Izayoi-kun, you problem child!”

Black Rabbit couldn’t help but shouted loudly again, and at this time Sandora stood up.

“Okay, I think Mr. Izayoi didn’t do it on purpose. Fortunately, there were no casualties. It’s a blessing among the misfortunes. Let’s just forget about it.”

As Shandora said this, Mandela’s face became even more ugly, but after noticing the look from Ye Yu who was standing there casually, he could only suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart again. go back.


The Ultimate Lich King

The Ultimate Lich King

Status: Completed Author:


Coming to the second dimension and becoming a dependent, it is not a problem if the goddess is not powerful! See how Ye Yu travels through the second dimension to find various girls!

"Who said we are nameless and incompetent? Esdeath, Chitong, come on!"

"Who said we are nameless and weak? Murasaki Yakumo, teach them how to behave!"

"The evil eye doesn't like our namelessness? Yaozi, Yuyihu, go kill them for me!" Ye Yu frowned and looked at the report of a certain rabbit below, and then assigned tasks to each girl.

"Master...Master, Empress Nuwa said that you are continuing to take in daughters, so she just..." When Ye Yu had just finished assigning tasks, Luo Tianyi hurried in, panting even as he spoke.

This caused a flash of panic on Ye Yu's face, and then he said calmly: "What does she want? I will continue to collect my MM, why does she care so much? No matter what, no matter what, no matter what, I will give her a slap That’s it…”

The more he talked, the more suspicious the girls looked at him. In the end, Ye Yu could only act without restraint...


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