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The Ultimate Lich King — Chapter 423 Memories of the Past

Naishanasa said it very casually, but Takamiya Mana couldn’t be casual.

In the brief exchange just now, Takamiya Mana clearly understood how strong the woman in front of him was. It was a power that he could never compete with or resist.

There was nothing she could do, no matter what the girl in front of her wanted to do.

“What…are you?!”

“So you little girls are really troublesome. Don’t worry, I’m not interested in anything in this world.”

this world? If someone can use such a title… he is indeed an elf, right?

Takamiya Mana couldn’t help but clenched her fists. Although she knew the identity of the other elf, she still couldn’t do anything because the other party was too strong.

Quickly turning his attention away from Naishanasa, Mana Takamiya looked at the frozen building below and spoke slowly.

“What exactly happened below? Where is Kuang San? Isn’t Ye Yu with her? Could it be that Kuang San’s power is out of control?!”

“No, it was not Kuang San who lost control, but Ye Yu.”

Naisha narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at the frozen world below. She didn’t know what to do in this situation. According to the predetermined plan, Ye Yu would absorb the fragments of his own power one by one.

But now…

Naisha and Naisha don’t really understand what kind of state Ye Yu is in. If she follows the trajectory she arranged, she will definitely be able to return to her original appearance, but now…

Just when Naisha and Naisha were thinking this, there was another aura around her that caught her attention.

“Oh… are we all here? Then let’s come together.”

Suddenly speaking so carelessly, while Takamiya Mana was still in a daze, Nasha Naisa waved her hand, and immediately several girl figures that were very familiar to her appeared in front of her.

“Sister, Kotori… you?”

“Hey, who are you! What did you do to us?!”

Kotori said angrily, but the girl’s posture at this moment was very strange. The whole body was surrounded by strange flames, and there were horns on the head similar to Nasha Naisa, and a pair of eyes also turned into bright red.

“This…is this a spiritual outfit?! Wuhe Qinli, you are actually an elf?!”

Takamiya Shina said in disbelief, and Itsuka Shiori on the side also widened his eyes.

The sister he has been with day and night for so long is actually an elf? !

“It’s not just her. It should be said that everyone here except you is an elf.”

Naishanasa said this with a smile, and Tobiichi Origami, who had been silently observing everything, couldn’t help it anymore.

“How could it be possible…how could I be an elf!”

“Hey, hey…am I also an elf?”

Wuhe Shizhi also had a look of disbelief.

“Who are you…? Why do you know so much?”

“Well, how should I put it? To a certain extent, I am also your creator. It’s okay to call me the original elf.”

“You are the original elf, so…were you also responsible for the disaster thirty years ago?”

“You said that disaster, it does have something to do with me.”

Without denying it, Naisha nodded lightly. Thirty years ago, the power belonging to Ye Yu went berserk, and when she wanted to stop it, it was already too late. The berserk power fell and caused this world. Huge damage.

Even so, Naishan didn’t feel any guilt. It was just a low-level world, and whether it was destroyed or not had nothing to do with her. All she cared about was the whereabouts of Ye Yu’s power.

Later, she discovered that these powers found several girls in this world and merged with them. Even she could not separate the powers again.

And these girls who are attached to Ye Yu’s power are today’s elves.

Listening to Naisha and Naisha’s explanation, everyone present fell silent. Although it was a bit unbelievable, Naisha didn’t look like she was lying.

And there is no need for her to lie. Everyone except Wuhe Shiori can feel the powerful and terrifying power of Naisa Naisa, which is absolutely overwhelming and terrifying power.

“That is to say…are we going to return to Ye Yu’s body now? Become a part of him again?”

Kotori said this, and Nasha Naisa nodded.

“But…then we will all disappear, right?”

A timid voice rang out, this was Si Xi Nai.

“How…how could something like this disappear…”

“I…I’m an elf?”

On the other side, Tobiichi Origami fell into self-loathing. The girl’s parents died in the space earthquake caused by the elves, and she herself is an elf, which means…she killed her parents with her own hands.

“If Ye Yu takes your power back, you will indeed disappear, but…”

Naishanasa said this and looked at the frozen building below again.

“It seems like that guy doesn’t intend to do this?”

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and the moment Naisha finished speaking, the violent explosion sounded again.

The building covered in ice instantly fell into pieces, and Ye Yu flew up holding Kuang San, who seemed to be unconscious.

“You’ve got her power back? But…why didn’t she disappear?”

Looking at the unconscious Kurumi, the girl has obviously turned into an ordinary person.

“Disappear? Are you kidding me, Nesha, Nesa, do you think I will let my woman disappear?”

“It’s really fraternity, my dear Lich King.”

Naishanasa narrowed her eyes slightly, knowing that the other party had retrieved what belonged to her, and said this angrily.

“Let’s forget about the Lich King and all that. I’m just Ye Yu now.”

After letting out a long sigh and taking back Kuang San’s power, Ye Yu has recovered most of his memories from his previous life. He was once the Lich King and the ruler of the Scourge Legion.

In his hometown, he led his army to fight against the gods, and reached a consensus on cooperation with Nesha and Nesa, the guardian of the earth, and together they destroyed the gods of that world.

But later a more powerful enemy attacked. In order to protect his people, Ye Yu died together with the invading enemy. The godhead of the incoming powerful enemy was devoured by Naisha and Naisha, and later gained great power. Naisha and Naisha, who did not believe that Ye Yu was dead, led his remaining subordinates to embark on an arduous journey to resurrect him.

Until now, he finally remembered the past and returned to the presence of Naisha and Naisha.


The Ultimate Lich King

The Ultimate Lich King

Status: Completed Author:


Coming to the second dimension and becoming a dependent, it is not a problem if the goddess is not powerful! See how Ye Yu travels through the second dimension to find various girls!

"Who said we are nameless and incompetent? Esdeath, Chitong, come on!"

"Who said we are nameless and weak? Murasaki Yakumo, teach them how to behave!"

"The evil eye doesn't like our namelessness? Yaozi, Yuyihu, go kill them for me!" Ye Yu frowned and looked at the report of a certain rabbit below, and then assigned tasks to each girl.

"Master...Master, Empress Nuwa said that you are continuing to take in daughters, so she just..." When Ye Yu had just finished assigning tasks, Luo Tianyi hurried in, panting even as he spoke.

This caused a flash of panic on Ye Yu's face, and then he said calmly: "What does she want? I will continue to collect my MM, why does she care so much? No matter what, no matter what, no matter what, I will give her a slap That’s it…”

The more he talked, the more suspicious the girls looked at him. In the end, Ye Yu could only act without restraint...


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