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The Ultimate Lich King — Chapter 427: Transcending the Dead Souls

“It’s so good, father, this feeling of being needed and embraced.”

Lying softly and motionless in Ye Yu’s arms, Sakura narrowed her eyes and said happily.

“Keep it a secret. Don’t let Illya and your mother know.”

Although she had no worries when doing it, Ye Yu still felt a little guilty after doing it. Looking at Ye Yu’s appearance, Sakura also showed a somewhat funny expression.

“What does it matter? Anyway, whether we are related by blood or not, I still want to marry my father.”

Although a little selfish and willful, Yingying also wanted to pursue her own happiness, and Ye Yu could only smile helplessly in response.

“By the way, father, is the thing you showed grandpa really the Holy Grail?”

“Yes, it is indeed the Holy Grail, but the Holy Grail has long been contaminated by evil thoughts. Now the Holy Grail is no longer a miraculous object that can fulfill wishes, but is simply a cursed object that infinitely amplifies evil thoughts.”

“Is this like this…Then the man who pursues something all his life and never gives up until his death turns out to be so pathetic.”

Sakura said this with a somewhat sad look in her eyes, and Ye Yu also knew what she was talking about. She was talking about her biological father, Tokiomi Tosaka.

It’s really sad to think about it, that I have been longing for the Holy Grail until my death and never knew the truth.

“And she is now carrying the ancestral teachings left by that man and preparing for the next Holy Grail War, right?”

“Are you talking about your sister Tohsaka Rin?”

Ye Yu asked subconsciously, while Sakura shook her head gently.

“She is not my sister. When that man planned to give me to the Matou family ten years ago, I no longer had anything to do with them.”

Ye Ying said so pretending to be strong, but the girl’s attitude made Ye Yu feel distressed involuntarily.

“But I also want to thank him. If he hadn’t sent me out ruthlessly, I wouldn’t have met such a gentle father, right?”

Saying this, Ye Ying seemed to have thought of something, and asked Ye Yu worriedly.

“Illya also has the Little Holy Grail in her body. It is also for this reason that she has not grown at all in the past ten years. Father, you should be able to solve this problem, right?”

“Don’t worry, I have solved all the problems in Illya’s body. From now on, she will grow up healthily like an ordinary girl.”

“Is this so…”

Listening to what Ye Yu said, Sakura also breathed a sigh of relief.

“Next, I am going to completely destroy the remaining Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City. It is time to end the ugly game of the Holy Grail War.”

Ye Yu said this, and Sakura nodded vigorously. The girl’s mind could not help but think of the man and the girl.

In this way, the shackles that have always been bound to you will disappear, right? Father…and sister.

Early the next morning, after Sakura made breakfast, she went out to school. In the ten years since Ye Yu was away, Sakura had been taking care of Illya.

It can be said that if there were no Sakura, Illya’s psychology might have been distorted long ago, and she would have become a weapon that only knew how to kill in accordance with the wishes of Yubusta Kuhayid.

It seemed that neither Irisviel nor Illya found anything wrong. After explaining to them a little, Ye Yu followed Sakura and left the Einzbern castle shortly after.

If you want to destroy the remaining Holy Grail in Fuyuki City, you must first find the place of spiritual veins in Fuyuki City. And if Ye Yu remembers correctly, the Tohsaka family has always been in charge of the spiritual veins in Fuyuki City. It seems that we still have to go there first. Let’s look for Tohsaka Rin. I don’t know how this girl is doing now.

With this thought, Ye Yu walked towards the school. Not long ago, he just learned that Sakura seemed to go to the same school as Tohsaka Rin, and the two seemed to be seniors and juniors.

These two girls really… have been together almost day and night for so long, and they are just pretending to be strangers.

I thought helplessly, Sakura shares Sakura’s difficulties, and Tohsaka Rin also shares Tosaka Rin’s pride, right? In fact, there was nothing against Tosaka Tokiomi Ye Yu, and he was deeply saddened by his death. If that man hadn’t been so proud, he might not have ended up like this.

Because it was early in the morning, there were not many pedestrians on the streets, and the TVs in the few open shops were showing news about gas explosions and home invasions and murders.

“Oh my god, even though it has been ten years, there is still no change at all. This Fuyuki City is still so chaotic.”

Ye Yu looked troubled. It seemed that the Holy Grail War was approaching, and some guys couldn’t hold it anymore.

Kill ordinary people to plunder magic power. Although the amount plundered is small, it can still be regarded as a huge amount of wealth.

Not long after walking, a huge park appeared in Ye Yu’s eyes. Looking at it was an empty, burnt-black land. Although it was a park, there was no trace of greenery, and no one could be seen either. trace.

“Is this the location of the last final battle?”

Talking to himself like this, Ye Yu naturally remembered the place where he and Archer fought to the death, and he could feel it standing here.

Those anger, those unwillingness, those resentments… those are the souls of the dead in vain.

The fire ten years ago burned tens of thousands of lives to the ground. The flames ignited by the sins in the Holy Grail prevented the souls of these dead beings from resting in peace. They have been entangled in this place for a full ten years. Long.

This is also the reason why this piece of land has no life at all and has never been rebuilt.

The sin and curse flowing in the Holy Grail are still flowing in this land.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, everything will be ended, and you don’t have to continue to resent others.”

Easily expelling all the resentful spirits entrenched in the park, Ye Yu left here immediately.

Just after Ye Yu’s body disappeared, a man holding a scarlet spear and wearing a blue tights appeared out of thin air.

“Have you left already…” The stern-looking man searched the surroundings carefully and said to himself.

There was still a good chance of prying eyes from around him, but the man just frowned slightly. After all, it was not dark yet, and it would be too easy for ordinary people to start a war rashly, so it was just prying eyes.

“It looks like he is a great Servant…” With these words, the man in blue tights disappeared.

The wind blew gently, carrying the dead leaves, but compared to the deathly silence and gloominess at the beginning, the park seemed different now.


The Ultimate Lich King

The Ultimate Lich King

Status: Completed Author:


Coming to the second dimension and becoming a dependent, it is not a problem if the goddess is not powerful! See how Ye Yu travels through the second dimension to find various girls!

"Who said we are nameless and incompetent? Esdeath, Chitong, come on!"

"Who said we are nameless and weak? Murasaki Yakumo, teach them how to behave!"

"The evil eye doesn't like our namelessness? Yaozi, Yuyihu, go kill them for me!" Ye Yu frowned and looked at the report of a certain rabbit below, and then assigned tasks to each girl.

"Master...Master, Empress Nuwa said that you are continuing to take in daughters, so she just..." When Ye Yu had just finished assigning tasks, Luo Tianyi hurried in, panting even as he spoke.

This caused a flash of panic on Ye Yu's face, and then he said calmly: "What does she want? I will continue to collect my MM, why does she care so much? No matter what, no matter what, no matter what, I will give her a slap That’s it…”

The more he talked, the more suspicious the girls looked at him. In the end, Ye Yu could only act without restraint...


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