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The Ultimate Lich King — Chapter 43 The real magic weapon

Originally, Hephaestus was still lamenting that Hestia had found a good family because of Ye Yu’s sudden appearance, and she was slightly reflecting on her bad attitude. However, Ye Yu’s next words made the goddess unhappy. Happy.

You are right to feel sorry for Hestia, but why do you slander me? How dare you say that the weapons made by me, the God of Craftsman, are garbage?

Whether it’s the God Realm or this lower realm, I’m the second best and no one dares to be the first, okay? You actually said that my weapons are junk weapons? !

For Hephaestus, the God of Work, forging was her second life, and she would never allow anyone to slander her weapons in front of her.

If you feel that there is something dissatisfying with the weapons she made, then please bring it up and explain the reasons, otherwise be prepared to bear the wrath of the goddess!

Ye Yu’s words were naturally angry, but Hestia, who was familiar with Hephaestus’s character, was shocked. She knew that Ye Yu’s angry words would definitely be taken seriously by this arrogant God of Work.

“Yes… I’m sorry. Ye Yu may not know so many things. He just said angry words. Please don’t take Hephaestus seriously.”

“Hmph, you dare to say that my weapons are rubbish. You are the first in history. Boy, what makes you so arrogant and confident?”

Although she was very angry, Hephaestus would not directly attack Ye Yu. The goddess casually took down a sharp long sword from the exhibition stand behind her and placed it across Ye Yu’s neck.

“Do you know how to forge? Do you know what weapons are? What makes you dare to say such things?”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about, but… if a weapon is damaged when it can’t even withstand this level of use, what is it if it’s not trash?”

Ye Yu said so lightly, and then gently pressed his palm on the sword body. Hephaestus was slightly startled, and then the expression on the goddess’s face changed.

A chill spread from the weapon in her hand. In just a moment, the biting coldness made Hephaestus couldn’t help but let go of her palm.

The weapon that lost its restraints naturally fell at the speed of a natural fall, and then fell to the ground and turned into powder.

Hephaestus was speechless for a long time. The goddess just looked at the weapons that fell to powder on the ground in a daze, as if she couldn’t bear such a blow.

As the God of Craftsman, what she knows best is the structure of matter. Only by mastering this can she create powerful weapons. But at that moment, the structure of the long sword in his hand was completely destroyed.

No… it doesn’t mean that it was destroyed. It should be said that the extremely terrifying low temperature in an instant directly changed the material structure of the weapon.

But is this really possible? Hephaestus was confident that apart from absolute zero, it was impossible to say that the material structure of her weapons would be destroyed at low temperatures.

But as for absolute zero… that’s just a theoretical value. Even the ice and snow goddess Dianyi cannot create a low temperature like absolute zero.

No matter how low the temperature is, it is just a low-temperature environment for the possessed, but absolute zero means that everything in the environment loses the energy to continue operating.

If the environment in that state really existed, it would undoubtedly be an existence more terrifying and indescribable than death.

A power that even gods cannot control is controlled by a mortal? What a joke, Hephaestus would never believe such a thing.

She preferred to believe that Ye Yu had used some means to destroy her weapon.

“This…how much does this cost?”

When the room fell into a strange silence, Hestia looked at the broken pieces on the ground and said something so stupidly that Ye Yu’s feet softened and he almost fell to the ground.

Even Hephaestus, who wanted to say something, was speechless for a while.

“Don’t worry, I’m not so stingy.”

Hephaestus said this with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face. The current situation was that Ye Yu was the first to provoke, and then she retorted. As a result, the rebuttal was once again countered by the other party with facts, and she almost slapped her in the face. The level of support is back.

What should I do next to ensure my reputation and at the same time severely combat this guy’s arrogance?

Looking at the long sword that was frozen to pieces on the ground, Hephaestus felt a little bad. Looking at the fate of this weapon, it seemed that it was meaningless whatever weapon he took out, unless…

No matter how powerful adventurers are, they are just adventurers after all. They are just ordinary mortals, and the weapons they use are also mortal weapons.

It is normal for mortal weapons to break and be damaged, but this is not the case for divine weapons.

But whether to really take out the things made Hephaestus slightly hesitant.

Of course, I’m not afraid of being destroyed by Ye Yu, but I just feel like I’m bullying others if I do this?

Showing off the weapons used by gods in front of an adventurer…

Hephaestus thought so, but after seeing Ye Yu’s eyes, she gritted her teeth and took it out.

The reason is very simple, because the provocative aura in Ye Yu’s eyes is too strong, which makes Hephaestus unbearable.

“Since you want to see what a real magic weapon is, then I’ll let you see it.”

What Hephaestus took out was not a luxurious weapon. Compared to the weapons displayed on the exhibition stand behind her, this thing even looked a little shabby.

This is a dull and dull hammer, but the origin of this hammer is not simple. It is the forging hammer that has accompanied Hephaestus on her forging journey.

Hephaestus, who holds this hammer, is the true God of Craftsman!

After Hephaestus took out this inconspicuous hammer, Ye Yu also frowned slightly, because he felt an indescribable and overwhelming power from this hammer.

“How about… do you see it clearly? This is the real magic weapon. Faced with it, do you still have anything to question?!”

Hephaestus pointed the hammer in his hand at Ye Yu and said so arrogantly, but the latter just said nothing and then gently stretched out his hand towards the hammer in Hephaestus’ hand.


The Ultimate Lich King

The Ultimate Lich King

Status: Completed Author:


Coming to the second dimension and becoming a dependent, it is not a problem if the goddess is not powerful! See how Ye Yu travels through the second dimension to find various girls!

"Who said we are nameless and incompetent? Esdeath, Chitong, come on!"

"Who said we are nameless and weak? Murasaki Yakumo, teach them how to behave!"

"The evil eye doesn't like our namelessness? Yaozi, Yuyihu, go kill them for me!" Ye Yu frowned and looked at the report of a certain rabbit below, and then assigned tasks to each girl.

"Master...Master, Empress Nuwa said that you are continuing to take in daughters, so she just..." When Ye Yu had just finished assigning tasks, Luo Tianyi hurried in, panting even as he spoke.

This caused a flash of panic on Ye Yu's face, and then he said calmly: "What does she want? I will continue to collect my MM, why does she care so much? No matter what, no matter what, no matter what, I will give her a slap That’s it…”

The more he talked, the more suspicious the girls looked at him. In the end, Ye Yu could only act without restraint...


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