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The Ultimate Lich King — Chapter 80 Ice and Fire

“Is the first game going to be against the Nine Demons… Orario’s strongest mage?”

Among the people watching the battle, the worried voice of the girl rang out.

“It’s very disadvantageous…Mr. Ye Yu also uses magic to fight, which is really disadvantageous for Lady Riveria.”

Lyu, who is also a pure-blooded elf, seems to have some understanding of Riveria. After hearing Xi’er’s worried words, she slowly spoke.

“how come……”

Xi’er clenched her hands with some worry and stared at the mirror in front of her.

Seeing the girl look like this, Liu sighed slightly.

“With all due respect, Xi’er, why do you care so much about this heartless man?”

“What…what a heartless man! There is nothing between me and Mr. Ye Yu.” Xi’er defended with a red face, then looked at the upright figure in the mirror and spoke with admiration.

“I really… really admire Master Ye Yu. He pursues his love so bravely.”

“Hey…silly girl.”

Listening to what Xi’er said, he still didn’t know what she wanted to express, so Liu hugged her tightly with some distress.

On the thirtieth floor of the Tower of Babel, Loki, who was also watching the first battle begin, spoke triumphantly.

“Hmph, it looks like the first scene will be over. If I remember correctly, that boy Ye Yu bothered Riveria to teach him magic not long ago.”

“Oh, so what, someone is better than someone who is good at it.”

Hestia curled her lips and said nonchalantly.

“Hmph, come on, no one can beat Riveria when it comes to magic!”

“If I remember correctly… Riveria’s most proud move is ice-type, right?”

Suddenly, a voice sounded softly among the gods, attracting everyone’s attention.

The silver-haired goddess Freya walked over with a faint smile, making people look at her with every smile.

“Then…so what?”

Loki was speechless for a while when Freya said it, and then he stammered and asked.

“It’s nothing…it’s just that maybe this game will be much more exciting than we imagined.”

After Freya finished speaking, the first conflict between Riveria and Ye Yu officially broke out in the mirror.

The battle between magicians is different from the battle between warriors. There is no amazing competition of skills, and there is no passion of swords, swords, shadows and fists.

The battle between magicians is full of elegance and gorgeous pace. It is the collision of magic and magic, and the competition of magic power reserves, like an intoxicating nocturne.

To a certain extent, Riveria truly brought Ye Yu into the magical world, but when facing Ye Yu, she did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Because the girl understands that she cannot compare to Ye Yu in terms of magic power reserves.

Since you can’t match the opponent in terms of magic power, you can only use attribute restraint to overwhelm the opponent!

Thinking like this, Riveria immediately determined the attribute of the magic she should use, which was fire!

The next moment, the burning magic aura emanated from Riveria’s body, immediately adding fire to the already fiery atmosphere of the surrounding audience.

After looking at Riveria’s actions, Ye Yu shook his head and showed a smile.

Riveria, have you even forgotten this crucial point? There has never been a question of who restrains whom between ice and fire. All they have is who is stronger than the other!

In response to Riveria’s action, Ye Yu raised his hand, and the weird staff like a fire stick levitated in the air.

With the appearance of the staff, there was a burst of laughter in the audience, because compared with the exquisite staff in Riveria’s hand, the shape of Ye Yu’s staff was really too shabby.

Or is this fire stick-like thing really a staff?

Ordinary residents and adventurers were laughing, but the gods in the Tower of Babel were not laughing.

Everyone’s expressions became strange after seeing the fire stick-like thing in Ye Yu’s hand.

That weapon is not something that should exist in the mortal world. This can explain a lot of things.

Hephaestus’s expression looked a little embarrassed, because she brought that thing from the God Realm, and she didn’t know what it was, but it was certain that this thing had very good magical properties. An excellent material for making wands.

But what is a little helpless is that Hephaestus was unable to process it despite all the efforts in the God Realm. As a craftsman, the God of God was helpless with this material that could make a perfect staff. Hephaestus Naturally, this secret was hidden.

So no one except her knew the existence of this thing. After coming to the lower world, even Hephaestus herself forgot about this thing over time.

Then at that time, after being provoked by Ye Yu like that, and because she really couldn’t make a weapon to resist Ye Yu’s magic, Hephaestus remembered this thing and gave it to Ye Yu.

The sound of flame explosions came from the mirror, and Riveria had already taken the lead in launching the attack. There was no need to chant at all, one blast after another of Explosive Flame Techniques came straight down from the sky, and in an instant the entire venue was enveloped in thick smoke.

“What a terrible destructive power.”

“Where is the LV1 adventurer? Is he killed?”

“Lady Jiu Mo Ji is so merciless. Is the relationship between her and this adventurer just a scandal?”

People watching the battle through the mirror whispered this. On the stage, Riveria remained extremely vigilant and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

She knew best that her series of attacks just now were just a test at best, and Ye Yu had not released her magic power until now.

Once Ye Yu… releases his… magic power…

When Riveria was thinking this, she suddenly found that her thinking had slowed down. The girl suddenly felt as if she had been struck by lightning, and she raised her height in fear.

Here it comes… This biting frost that makes people shiver involuntarily is more terrifying than anything Riveria has ever experienced.

It turns out… do you still have reservations every time you practice, Ye Yu?

The flames and smoke slowly dissipated, and the unharmed Ye Yu appeared in front of everyone again. He narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his head to look at the sky, while the excited audience around him fell silent. For a moment, the whole city was as quiet as death.


The Ultimate Lich King

The Ultimate Lich King

Status: Completed Author:


Coming to the second dimension and becoming a dependent, it is not a problem if the goddess is not powerful! See how Ye Yu travels through the second dimension to find various girls!

"Who said we are nameless and incompetent? Esdeath, Chitong, come on!"

"Who said we are nameless and weak? Murasaki Yakumo, teach them how to behave!"

"The evil eye doesn't like our namelessness? Yaozi, Yuyihu, go kill them for me!" Ye Yu frowned and looked at the report of a certain rabbit below, and then assigned tasks to each girl.

"Master...Master, Empress Nuwa said that you are continuing to take in daughters, so she just..." When Ye Yu had just finished assigning tasks, Luo Tianyi hurried in, panting even as he spoke.

This caused a flash of panic on Ye Yu's face, and then he said calmly: "What does she want? I will continue to collect my MM, why does she care so much? No matter what, no matter what, no matter what, I will give her a slap That’s it…”

The more he talked, the more suspicious the girls looked at him. In the end, Ye Yu could only act without restraint...


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