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The Ultimate Lich King — Chapter 81 Crush

“Did he stop him?”

“Looks like he’s still unscathed?!”

“How is it possible that he is just a LV1!”

After Ye Yu blocked Riveria’s attack without any damage, a series of disbelieving sounds rang out. Everyone widened their eyes and looked at this absolutely impossible scene in front of them.

The gap between LV1 and LV6 was simply heaven and earth. When everyone thought that this would be a battle without any suspense, Ye Yu used the fact to slap them all hard.

With LV1 strength, he took the attack from LV6 Riveria without changing his expression, although this series of attacks might just be a test.

However, the power caused by the mere temptation left everyone speechless. They couldn’t help but sigh that the Nine Demons Riveria was worthy of being the most powerful magician in Orario, and she was extraordinary when she took action.

The noise and surprise of the audience outside the stadium could not be heard at all. It was obvious that Ye Yu was not in the mood to listen now. Now his attention was focused on an even stranger thing.

Riveria’s attack just now was indeed nothing. It was a method Riveria was accustomed to using during so many days of teaching courses.

A normal magic class and sparring between two people would start with Riveria’s series of magic attacks.

It’s just that sometimes this series of magic is fire, sometimes it’s thunder and lightning, and sometimes it’s just wind blades.

What makes Ye Yu curious and strange is his own magic wand that looks like a fire stick.

Just now, all the fire magic cast by Riveria was absorbed by this humble fire stick. It was almost greedy devouring, which shocked Ye Yudu.

Ye Yu has also been studying this strange staff for a while, but there has been no progress. The only thing that can be known is that this staff-like stick has an incredible affinity for magic. Use it to cast spells. It will get twice the result with half the effort.

It was the first time for Ye Yu to see the staff, which usually had no problem no matter how it conveyed magic power, swallowing up magic power so greedily.

Wait a minute…could it be because of the magical properties? It seems like this staff is only interested in fire-based magic?

While Ye Yu was thinking this, Riveria, who had finished her probing attack on the other side, did not dare to be careless. She seemed to condense her magic power to form a fire barrier in front of her, and then started to use her magic power again to chant complex magic. Bytes come.

This is the reason why elves have a better understanding of magic than humans, which is the compression and refinement of magic.

Spells that seemed cumbersome and complicated to chant using human common language could be completed using elven text in just a few bytes. This has caused the elves to far exceed other races in both their magic power condensation speed and spell casting speed.

This is a talent that is unmatched by any other race. Even though other races can now master the power of magic through the power of contracts, there is still no way to compare with the real wizards of the elves.

It is not easy for them to master one or two magics, but the elves, such as Riveria, master the entire series of magics!

The elegant and melodious Elvish language was condensed in a moment, and soon Ye Yu felt a burning breath coming from the ground under his feet.

This magic Ye Yu is also very familiar with, because it is also one of the spells that Riveria likes to use to attack.

‘Flame Blast’ gathers the flame elements at the target’s feet, and then bursts out of the spell instantly.

There is a delay time of about 0.5 to one second from the successful casting of this spell to the time it takes effect. Under normal circumstances, if you have strong enough reflex nerves, this time is enough to avoid the blow of the pillar of fire.

For example, if the person fighting Riveria is Ais, she can seize this short reaction time to dodge the opponent’s attack and seize the opportunity to counterattack.

Ye Yu obviously didn’t have the skills like Riveria, and he couldn’t avoid the pillar of fire that was about to burst out. In fact, his physical shortcomings had not changed until now. However, he chose a simpler and more violent method to contain Riveria’s attack.

Ye Yu stomped his foot on the ground, and a burst of white frost spread under his feet, freezing the entire arena.

The half-released magic was suppressed abruptly. Riveria suddenly felt a surge of energy and blood, and the magic power in her body was also unstable.

“This magic power reserve… is really unfathomable.”

Riveria smiled helplessly. In this brief confrontation, she was completely suppressed in terms of her magic power reserves.

The girl’s only advantage in this contest is her understanding of magic and her mastery of numerous magic spells.

After the ‘Flame Blast’ failed to be cast, Riveria chanted another magic spell without hesitation.

However, although Riveria’s magic is fast, it still requires a short chant, but Ye Yu’s magic does not.

Without any movement, Ye Yu just raised his head and stretched out one hand towards Riveria, who was suspended in the air.

In an instant, it was like a huge whirlpool appeared in the mid-air. Riveria didn’t even have time to understand what was going on. She involuntarily fell in the direction of Ye Yu, even while chanting half of the spell. Also interrupted.

“This is… a magic vortex?!” Riveria was suddenly startled and quickly activated her magic power to fight against this terrifying force.

It’s a pity that Riveria’s magic power was suppressed by an even greater magic power just as it was activated. Then Riveria was surprised to find that the magical power she was so proud of was simply useless at this moment. It was like a child, unable to compete with that amazing magic power.

This…how is this possible!

Although I know from those days of sparring that Ye Yu’s magic power is unfathomable, isn’t this crushing gap too big?

Riveria suddenly realized that the fight was no longer possible. Ye Yu was clearly bullying others, so how could she fight?

You must know that magic power is everything to a mage, and now Ye Yu has enough magic power to condense a vortex and pull his body, so how can we fight this battle?

Riveria originally thought that the magic power between herself and Ye Yu was just the difference between a water cup and a water bowl, but now the girl realized that Ye Yu is not a water bowl, he is a vast ocean.


The Ultimate Lich King

The Ultimate Lich King

Status: Completed Author:


Coming to the second dimension and becoming a dependent, it is not a problem if the goddess is not powerful! See how Ye Yu travels through the second dimension to find various girls!

"Who said we are nameless and incompetent? Esdeath, Chitong, come on!"

"Who said we are nameless and weak? Murasaki Yakumo, teach them how to behave!"

"The evil eye doesn't like our namelessness? Yaozi, Yuyihu, go kill them for me!" Ye Yu frowned and looked at the report of a certain rabbit below, and then assigned tasks to each girl.

"Master...Master, Empress Nuwa said that you are continuing to take in daughters, so she just..." When Ye Yu had just finished assigning tasks, Luo Tianyi hurried in, panting even as he spoke.

This caused a flash of panic on Ye Yu's face, and then he said calmly: "What does she want? I will continue to collect my MM, why does she care so much? No matter what, no matter what, no matter what, I will give her a slap That’s it…”

The more he talked, the more suspicious the girls looked at him. In the end, Ye Yu could only act without restraint...


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