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The Ultimate Villain of Fantasy — Page 212

Because it’s almost…. has admitted it! It’s really her “be my subordinate, I’ll give it to you, how”

Ye Ling put forward conditions.

Cao Yuhan shook his head: “It’s not worth it.”

“No, no, no.”

Ye Ling laughed out loud.

“Very worth it.”

“Because it also includes your life.”

His words fell, and his expression was still warm.

Even Le Linlang didn’t notice anything wrong.

Only Cao Yuhan, who was facing Ye Ling, felt a palpitating icy cold in his heart at this moment.

He – not kidding! Read the underlined version of the novel please download Feifei

Chapter [-] The meeting is imminent

“You can’t kill me.”

After a moment of silence, Cao Yuhan smiled sweetly and said so.

Ye Ling also smiled and said, “Do you want to try?”

When his words fell, Cao Yuhan’s heart jumped again.

Terrible, the man in front of him.

Obviously he didn’t do anything, just two simple words, but it made Cao Yuhan feel suppressed all over.

It was as if facing an abyss mouth that could be swallowed up at any time.

But the more so, the more aroused her ferocity was.

She, Cao Yuhan, was not frightened! If she really compromised after being threatened like this, then she wouldn’t be able to have the status she has now.

So she heard the words and smiled coldly.

“Then try it.”

Cao Yuhan raised his head proudly.

“If you can really find me.

It’s not impossible to consider…”

The sound gradually became weaker.

And her figure slowly became transparent in front of Ye Ling and Le Linlang, and finally disappeared.

There are no spatial fluctuations.

It was as if a person like Cao Yuhan didn’t exist here originally, it just disappeared out of thin air in the true sense.

Seeing this, Ye Ling let out a light snort, and was immediately intrigued.

“Hide and Seek”

He got up and looked around.

And Le Linlang came over at this moment, her expression full of surprise.

“It turned out to be her, but why didn’t I notice it at all.”

“It’s not surprising, no matter how I investigate, I can only feel that she is very ordinary.”

Ye Ling heard the words and said with a chuckle.

Le Linlang pouted.

“Then how do you feel that there is something wrong with her, don’t tell me it’s really intuition.”

“of course not.”

Ye Ling shrugged.

“It’s actually very simple. It’s too ordinary, and it’s not normal in itself, isn’t it?”


Hearing this, Le Lin was speechless.

Although this principle seems to make sense, it is actually nonsense.

People who are too ordinary, who are not normal to say such things, have to be confident, no, it should be said that how conceited is – I just doubt you, no matter…

How are you normal, but I just doubt you.

That’s probably what it means.

While Le Linlang thought so, she secretly glanced at the arrogant and domineering man in front of her.

Ye Ling definitely didn’t have this self-consciousness.


The Ultimate Villain of Fantasy

The Ultimate Villain of Fantasy



The blood is excellent, the family background is outstanding, the appearance is dignified, and the people admire.
Ye Ling traveled through, traveled to a fantasy world, and became the chief disciple of one of the most powerful holy places. Not only did he have all the above advantages, but he also had a combat power against the sky, and the martial arts was profound.
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