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The virtual game of Nightmare Lord — Chapter 225

The ancient road is a very steep road, and you can be in danger of death at any time.

However, seeing the agile body of Eloy and Flame in front, Zhang Xingyu directly used GM ability to add various “parkour” related skills to himself.

It’s okay to be saved by the flames once, do you still wait for her to continue to save you once?

Zhang Xingyu also wants face!

As a result, Zhang Xingyu, who had strengthened his parkour skills, greatly increased his ability to move, and it didn’t take long to catch up with Aloy and Flame in front.

However, after thinking about it a little, Zhang Xingyu slowed down and decided not to compete with Flame and Eloy for the first place.

In this way, on the final stage of the trial conference, everyone could see the sturdy bodies of the three people crossing the ancient road.

The main thing is that two people are competing – Flame and NPC Eloy, while Zhang Xingyu is not in a hurry to follow behind.

“Hey! There it is! It’s the exile! And two more adventurers! “

“On the ancient road?”

“Are they crazy?”

Although the path of the ancient road is different from the normal road, sometimes the two sides can see the opposite side, for example, when Zhang Xingyu climbs a certain cliff, you can see the broken cliff, the trialists are running wildly, and they naturally see Zhang Xingyu and others.

The trialists made sounds of surprise.

“Look, exiles and adventurers, they’re coming after them!”

“How did they get up?”

Finally, Zhang Xingyu also saw the four of Otilia, who had caught up with some players and NPCs, but there was still some distance from the front, and it seemed that they had little hope of winning the first place.

Wait, not four people, but three people!

Well, the Moon fell at the end… It seems that she may really have no athletic talent.

“Come on! Star Shadow ——! “

“Strive for the first place Meow ~~~”

After seeing Zhang Xingyu, Otilia excitedly shouted.

“You are ——! too” Zhang Xingyu responded, turning his head to look at the Meng Meng Yue at the end: “And Xiao Meng, work hard~~”

“Oh———— Lord Xingying’s cheering, the concubine body felt energetic-” The speed of the cute moon actually accelerated!

The trial is nearing its final stretch.

Zhang Xingyu didn’t have the interest to compete for the first place, so he just hung behind the two beauties to look at his ass.

The stage is Blaze and Eloy’s!

Eloy has learned the high skills of the Nora tribe since he was a child under the teaching of the exiles, coupled with the protagonist template (open hanging template) set by Zhang Xingyu himself, it is natural to be powerful, but the ability of the flame is completely unexpected by Zhang Xingyu.

This trial conference, if you only get the title of brave, it is not difficult, as long as you complete the trial and pass the key points, no matter how many places you rank.

If you want to complete the trial, then just wait for some skills to be acquired, even if you learn the lowest skills, you can complete it, but don’t think about the ranking.

If you want to cross the ancient trail, you need to at least learn parkour skills such as climbing to the intermediate level, and it is not safe, and if you make a mistake, you may fail.

Only advanced skills can guarantee that players can successfully pass through this treacherous ancient road.

However, as a player, it is difficult to upgrade the skill to the advanced level in such a short time, even if Zhang Xingyu is directly cheated and modified, but how did Flame do it?

Zhang Xingyu checked the situation of the flame through the GM skill.

At first glance, I was shocked, because Flame has a lot of skills on him!

【Intermediate climbing skills】

【Intermediate Mastery Balance】

【Intermediate Mastery Jump】

【Beginner Proficient in Reflexes】

【Beginner Parkour Skills】

Flame carries various skills, and they are all increasing at a rate visible to the naked eye!

This is normal, because after crossing such a dangerous ancient road, the system will determine that the player has completed a difficult action, and the skills associated with it will increase, especially if the player completes an action that exceeds the skill level, and the skill will increase faster!

This is obviously the case with Flame, or rather, she is proficient in sports in the real world, she just shows what she knows!

On the contrary, the player’s skill list does not keep up with the ability of the flame itself!

Just as the last stretch of the journey, Flame’s parkour skill suddenly increased to the intermediate level!

Parkour skill This is a very special skill specially made by Zhang Xingyu for the Zero Dawn World, this skill will not be taught by NPCs, but a skill that requires players to comprehend by themselves, and comprehending this skill requires players to learn parkour-related skills such as climbing, balance, jumping, etc.

There are many dangerous roads in the world of Horizon, and parkour is a skill that allows players to reach places they otherwise couldn’t.

When Flame’s parkour skills suddenly reached the intermediate level, she suddenly surpassed Eloy!

Could it be that Flame will get the first place?

At this time, seeing that the flames suddenly increased their speed, Eloy also broke out!

“I’ve been training all this time for this moment, I have nature’s help, second place… Not good enough, to do, do the best! “

Eloy’s speed suddenly increased, and almost in an instant, he opened the flames and approached more than 2 meters!

Just now, the flames were slightly ahead!

This is also the reason why Zhang Xingyu is unwilling to compete, because, in the setting, in order to get the first place, Eloy, the protagonist of Destiny, will break out, and it is basically impossible for players to compete with her!

Unless Zhang Xingyu really opens the hanging, and he has to open a more advanced hanging!

“Come on, come on, you can do it! Be sure to get first place! “

The last distance!

Eloy jumped up directly, hooked the zipline in mid-air and slid down, Flame and Zhang Xingyu also slid down, and when sliding down, Zhang Xingyu also saw the two NPC trialists below – they needed to make a detour if they wanted to rush to the end.

At a distance of more than 50 meters on the right, Zhang Xingyu saw Otilia and the others, as well as some players and NPC trialists.

Otilia actually kept up with the troops!

But I didn’t see Moe Moon and didn’t know where this guy was.

The front is the elder of the trial assembly, and the end is ahead!

Eloy’s speed was faster, and the flames couldn’t catch up.

No matter how much you hang it, you can’t hang the NPC protagonist who has opened it!

In the end, Eloy was the first to insert the loot that killed the herbivore into the snow at the end, Flame second, Zhang Xingyu on the ground, and the fourth and fifth were two NPCs.

After about 5 minutes, almost all the trialists arrived.

Eloy succeeded and won first place!

She smiled, but she didn’t know it was, shadows, coming!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


The virtual game of Nightmare Lord

The virtual game of Nightmare Lord

Status: Ongoing Author:


The Nightmare Lord intends to use all creatures on the planet as dream nourishment.
But the protagonist told him that virtual games are more promising.
In the past, human beings were afraid to avoid the dream world,
But now, a bunch of players are yelling when the Nightmare World will be updated, and their big swords are already hungry and thirsty!
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