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The virtual game of Nightmare Lord — Chapter 265

(PC version of “Monster Hunter World” ice field DLC out, you can continue the hunting journey ~~ I have to say that the DLC is very sincere, there are many new monsters, even if it is a subspecies of the old monster, the attack mode is very different, you can completely fight as a new monster, did not do MASTER equipment, wearing superior equipment and wearing a robbery suit to fight the water monster bird A certain author was taught to be a person, and obediently chose to turn around clothes… )

At the same time, facing the boss deteriorate and the degraded sawtooth is not a joke, if it were not for Otilia with a big sword from the monster hunter world, she would not have made such a reckless action.

However, the two men’s risky move had an effect, because they pinned down the two strongest enemies in the camp, and the front was able to be maintained.

However, Zhang Xingyu and Otilia are in danger.

Zhang Xingyu is a little better, the knife moves flexibly, and the divine skill is cut, and Otilia is very dangerous – the big sword moves slowly after drawing the sword, encounters two metal bosses with ADHD, and no matter how much NB’s position can not avoid being attacked.

The only advantage is that Otilia is petite, and some boss attacks can be easily dodged, or not at all!

Moe Moon finally found an excellent position, and frantically output to the deteriorated sawtooth beast, and the flame arrow shot out desperately.

Although the Deterioration seems to have a high defense against various attribute attacks, the mechanical monster that is degraded by the Deterioration is degraded because some of the metal pipes of the body will be exposed to the armor after the deterioration, which improves the physical ability, but the defense ability of the relative flame is not high.

With so many players on the scene, it was quickly discovered that this shortcoming of degrading machinery was discovered.

Deterioration machinery is afraid of fire!

Moe Moon beckoned the Deterioration Sawtooth Beast with the flame arrows he was carrying, and even the flame arrows that were combined with the materials on the spot, and finally, after several rounds of explosive output, the Deterioration Sawtooth Beast fell!

“Kill pretty!” Zhang Xingyu shouted.

“Hehe, thank you until the boss hits… Wow-” Before Meng Moon finished speaking, he saw a crack destroyer rushing over, frightened and hurriedly pounced——!

“When the concubine finished speaking———— the angry Meng Moon took out a short spear and attacked, stabbing –

When ————

It was directly ejected.

The saboteur used his head to top, and the cute moon flew directly.

The saboteur continued to pursue, but after getting up, the cute moon was so frightened that he ran away.

“Remember the concubine——!

“Poof————” Otilia on the other side seemed to see what happened to the cute moon, and laughed directly, and then…


The guy who gloats is directly pumped by the tail of the deteriorate.

Fortunately, Otilia reacted quickly and blocked her tail with her big sword at the last moment, but the huge impact made the old Otilia fly.

Otilia, who had the bottom of the blood, hurriedly moved away from the boss to replenish blood.

Alas, two people connected by the same fate!

Although some accidents occurred, Zhang Xingyu and Otilia, who deteriorated the Sawtooth Beast, greatly reduced their pressure, and the two began to fight the powerful Deterioration.

On the other side, players and NPCs in the camp rely on the terrain advantage to constantly kill the deteriorated machinery that rushes in, among which Eloy is eye-catching, and almost all of the threatening saboteurs are she alone!

The situation in the camp tends to be optimistic, but …


With a loud sound, a mechanical monster with a black body descended from the sky!

Another deteriorate!

The second deteriorate came in!

“Grass, jump in another BOSS!”

“The one just now hasn’t killed yet!”

“Nima, it’s too hard to kill!”

The second deteriorate, who has thick skin and thick flesh and fierce attacks, directly opens the matchless mode, and with the deteriorated machinery that continues to rush in, it causes huge damage to players and NPCs, and players and NPCs continue to die.

A deteriorated machine is equivalent to a small boss, plus a boss – this can’t be beaten at all!

“Hell, you should have gone all out to output the boss just now, otherwise it wouldn’t be…”

“There’s a boss outside, won’t you jump in too…” said one player worriedly.

“Then our mission will directly fail!”

“Grass———— my flame arrows are running out!”

“Me too… How did Nima deteriorate the machinery so much, what is the situation? “

There have been many corpses of deteriorated machinery left in the camp, at least more than 30, but why are they still rushing in?

“You see… A couple of watchmen outside… This pose… Isn’t this calling for the action of a mechanical creature? “


Some players looked over, and sure enough, outside, several watchmen raised their heads, and the light of the monitor kept changing, making strange sounds, this posture players are familiar with, and the watchmen must make actions similar to “calling for help” before they die!

There is no way to interrupt the watchman’s call for help, unless you directly kill the watchman in seconds above half blood!

Players in the camp see new mechanical creatures arriving outside, and then assimilated by the deteriorated and rushing towards the camp.

“I grassed ———— and this kind of operation!”

“This Nima can’t finish fighting, someone must rush over and kill the darkness over there… No, just the watchman! “

“How to kill? Holding the camp is already our limit, and we can’t send extra people to rush over…”

There is one thing this player does not say, that is, even if it is sent, it is difficult to kill the watchman in so many mechanical legions!

Even the Shadow Squad can’t do it, because there are at least 40 more degraded machines outside the camp, and no matter how powerful the Shadow Squad is, it is impossible to face so many enemies at the same time!

“The good news is that it seems unlikely that a third deteriorate will jump in… Because it has to transform new machinery…”

“What the hell good news, this means that the deterioration machinery will continue to flow!”

The battle has reached the most difficult stage, Zhang Xingyu and Otilia have pinned down one deterioration monster is already the limit, it is impossible to face two at the same time, the second deterioration monster has opened the camp, and there are constantly new enemies outside the camp.

Players can be resurrected when they die, but NPCs will not be revived when they die, and the ammunition is continuously consumed, and sooner or later there will be a bottom.

Finished shooting with a short spear with a bow and arrow?

Die faster!

“It can’t go on like this…”

Eloy has been fighting at the gate of the camp, she has restrained a lot of deteriorated machinery rushing in, if it were not for her, there would be more deteriorated machinery in the camp, maybe the entire defensive front would have collapsed long ago.

However, the addition of the second deteriorate makes the situation fall into an uncontrollable abyss.

Eloy had to make a choice, whether to continue to block the steady stream of deteriorated machinery at the gate, or to go to trouble with the second deteriorate.

“Lord Hoshikage, be careful, ——! behind you” Moe Moon suddenly shouted.

However, the scene could no longer allow Eloy to think, because the second Deterioration set its sights on Zhang Xingyu and Otilia, who were fighting with the first Deterioration!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


The virtual game of Nightmare Lord

The virtual game of Nightmare Lord

Status: Ongoing Author:


The Nightmare Lord intends to use all creatures on the planet as dream nourishment.
But the protagonist told him that virtual games are more promising.
In the past, human beings were afraid to avoid the dream world,
But now, a bunch of players are yelling when the Nightmare World will be updated, and their big swords are already hungry and thirsty!
When more and more players entered this virtual world, one player suddenly discovered that the items in the nightmare world could be taken to the...


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