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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 118 118. Practice of combined spellcasting and encountering an attack

That night, Scott came to Professor Flitwick’s office and told him what Snape had reminded him.

After hearing Scott’s description, Professor Flitwick said with some surprise: “It seems that Severus has noticed some hidden trends…”

He looked up at Scott and frowned.

“It seems that after Miss Travers’ accident, you were offended by some people.”

Scott thought so too.

Although he still doesn’t know how the Travers family, which has no one left, will take revenge on him.

Could it be that Mr. Travers in Azkaban could escape from prison like Sirius?

Or a relative of the Travers family?

He decided to ask Eddie to check after he went back to see who were the close in-laws of the Travers family.

“But don’t worry, Scott.” Professor Flitwick said to him again in a soothing tone, “Now that you are staying at Hogwarts, you are absolutely safe.”

“I understand, Professor.” Scott nodded.

“I hope you will be more careful and don’t leave the school to go to Hogsmeade even on weekends.” Professor Flitwick told him with some worry.

Scott nodded again.

He also didn’t have much interest in going to Hogsmeade. After all, he had been there too many times since his third year.

“That’ll be no problem!”

Professor Flitwick said with satisfaction.

“Your parents have gone abroad. After the summer vacation, I will personally send you away from England. No matter who plans to target you, they will not be able to affect you!”

Scott was stunned and quickly thanked Professor Flitwick.

“So, let’s start today’s lesson.”

Professor Flitwick jumped down from his chair, took out his wand and waved it.

“We need this today…”

The wall on one side of the office suddenly cracked open, revealing a room hidden behind the wall.

This is an empty room with only a few human-shaped targets erected in it. It is obviously a magic practice room.

“Come on, come in.”

Professor Flitwick motioned for Scott to follow, and the two entered the practice room. Then Professor Flitwick waved his wand to close the cracked wall.


He cleared his throat.

“I have taught you the basic principles of combination casting before. Now we will start practicing from the simplest combination casting.”

he said as he paced.

“You should know very well that the use of magic spells is not just about understanding written instructions. It still requires a lot of practice.”

Scott nodded in agreement.

“Then let’s get started!”

Professor Flitwick rolled up his sleeves and raised his wand.

“Which spell should I start practicing with?”

He thought about it.

“Just like this, get bigger quickly (Engorgio)——”

The wand in his hand drew a zigzag arc in the air.


His wand shook twice very quickly, and two spells of different colors flew out from the tip of the wand with a slight time difference, hitting a human-shaped target almost at the same time.

Then, the human-shaped target instantly expanded and at the same time changed from the original wood color to blue.

“This is the simplest.” Professor Flitwick said to Scott, “My expansion spell and color-changing spell changed the color and volume of the target almost simultaneously.”

Scott nodded in understanding.

Professor Flitwick motioned him forward, “Now you come and try.”

Scott took out his wand and took a step forward.

“Quickly grow bigger – change color!”

He waved his wand, but nothing happened.

The successive discoloration spells even affected his expansion spell, causing both spells to become ineffective.

“Oh! That’s how it was at the beginning!” Professor Flitwick encouraged him, “Now, pay attention to what I said about the key points of combining spells!”

“Quickly grow bigger – change color!”

Scott tried again, and this time a spell flew out of his wand, causing the human target to change color.

“If you make progress, come again!”

Professor Flitwick clapped his hands.

Scott waved his wand again.

An hour later, Scott stood there panting.

His combined spellcasting exercises were still unsuccessful.

“That’s it for today. You don’t have much energy left.”

Professor Flitwick clapped his hands again.

“Don’t be discouraged. I didn’t learn it so quickly when I was practicing. I hope you will practice more in private.”

Scott agreed, thanked Professor Flitwick and left his office.

It was almost curfew and the corridors of the castle were deserted.

Scott went downstairs a little tiredly and went straight to the elevated stone bridge on the cliff.

The howling cold wind blew by. He took out his gloves from his pocket and put them on, tightening his scarf and cloak.

When he walked to the other end of the stone bridge, he heard exciting music as expected.

Scott leaned against the railing and closed his eyes, his thoughts flying to the music again, seeming to be floating in the wind.

The world took on a different meaning to his senses, and he seemed to be one with the heaven and earth here.

He just stood quietly and listened to the entire song.

When the song ended, he opened his eyes.

Sure enough, the feeling of more active magic and easier control came again.

If this feeling can still be said to be an illusion, he can be sure that the range he can perceive with magic has expanded a little.

“Thank you Miss Slytherin.”

Scott’s voice was carried away by the wind, he turned around and walked straight back.

That’s a bit bad.

he thinks.

This music is really heady.

He even felt that this kind of music could be regarded as some kind of magic.


Just like what Milton once experienced, this should be the bait thrown by Medea.

The problem is that Scott just wants to eat the bait, but not the hook.

…I don’t know if that lady will be offended in the end.

When Scott reached the center of the elevated stone bridge, he suddenly stopped.

His face turned a little ugly.

In his perception, two people on each side of the stone bridge stepped onto the bridge at this moment.

It was Strelna and his three companions.

That guy really refused to give up.

Scott thought helplessly.

He raised his head and whistled, and a small black shadow swooped down from the sky and landed on his shoulder.

“You didn’t even notice that the enemies surrounded me, so what’s the use of you?”

Scott flicked Rimbaud’s head angrily.

“I’m sorry…Quack…”

Rimbaud twisted his neck and hid his head under his wings.

“never mind.”

Scott reached out from the deformed lizard pocket on his waist and kept taking out large and small stones and wood and scattered them in front of and behind him.

“It wouldn’t be a bad idea to try out a positional battle.”

Then he raised his hand and raised his wand.


A large group of crows smaller than Rimbaud flew out of his wand and flew into the sky.

“I’ll leave them to you, Rimbaud.”

Scott shrugged.

“Quack! Quack!”

Rimbaud immediately raised his head proudly, shouted and flew into the sky.

Scott also moved immediately, the light of the transformation spell flashed continuously, and the stones and wood blocks in front of and behind him changed one after another.

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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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