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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 121 121. Slytherin's reaction after being deducted points

This morning, Scott and his friends came to the hall and found a large group of students gathered in front of the alcove in the corner opposite the gate.

“They are looking at the score gem hourglass in the alcove.” Eddie said with some gloating.

Slytherin College was suddenly deducted 40 points. Such a rare thing naturally aroused the irresistible curiosity of students from other colleges.

Scott’s roommates certainly knew what happened last night.

“If you ask me, Snape’s deduction is still too small.” Roger said with some dissatisfaction, “He should have deducted 40 points from each of those people.”

Scott smiled and said, “You have to understand that Snape’s deduction of points from Slytherin is already too rare.”

“That’s true.”

Roger nodded in agreement.

“I’ve been in Hogwarts for almost four years. Snape deducted points from Slytherin? To be honest, this is the first time I’ve seen it.”

They stood a little far away from the crowd, and the students watching over there couldn’t hear it.

But it happened that a few Slytherin students passed by and heard what Roger said.

“It seems you know what happened, Davis?”

A Slytherin boy of the same grade as them came over and asked.

“You mean, Professor Snape personally deducted points?”

Roger glanced at him, “It seems you don’t know what happened, Puse?”

Drian Puse, a chaser of the Slytherin team.

He is a rare player who plays cleanly, so Roger can still talk to him.

Roger told him, “Last night, Strillner and Carlo attacked Scott with two other Slytherins, and they were caught by Professor Snape.”

Puse glanced at Scott reflexively, and thanked Roger awkwardly.

“You’re welcome.”

Roger smiled, and said to another boy next to Puse, “Hey, Higgs, I think you are the best seeker in Slytherin.”

“Thank you, Davis.”

Higgs also smiled awkwardly.

He nodded politely to Scott and his companions, and then left quickly with Puse and his companions.

Terence Higgs, also in the same grade as them, is a former seeker of the Slytherin team.

This boy is a polite Slytherin and will not commit malicious fouls during the game.

“Unfortunately, his position was taken away by Malfoy this year.”

Roger sighed regretfully.

“It is said that because he lost to Potter in last year’s game, he caused dissatisfaction among many Slytherins.”

Eddie asked: “Is he stronger than Malfoy?”

“To be honest… Actually, it’s about the same.” Roger said, “But at least he is not annoying.”

Scott glanced at the backs of those Slytherins.

There are still some moderate students in Slytherin College.

It’s just that they are generally not from the 28 pure-blood families, and they are always low-key in the college.

Scott certainly has some ideas about this.

But he did not rashly contact them. He still has a lot of time, and everything needs to be considered in the long run.

After breakfast, a busy day of study life began.

During the morning break, Professor Flitwick specifically found Scott to ask about the situation last night.

After listening to Scott’s story, he was a little angry.

However, since Snape had already dealt with the matter, it was not easy for him to deduct points from Slytherin.

But Professor Flitwick still decided to find Snape and ask him to restrain his students.

He also told Scott to be careful in the castle.

In Hogwarts Castle, based on the students’ gossiping mentality, all kinds of news always spread quickly.

By noon that day, the incident that led to Slytherin’s deduction of points last night had already spread among the students.

And as expected, many different versions were derived.

“Four Slytherins attacked a Ravenclaw and were caught by Snape and deducted points”, this is the normal version.

“Four Slytherins lost to a Ravenclaw, Snape was angry”, “Four Slytherins and a Ravenclaw competed late at night to see who dared to jump off the bridge”, etc., these are derivative versions.

“Shocking! Four Slytherin boys went on a date at night, their complicated and entangled love was not tolerated by the world! A Ravenclaw accidentally discovered it and was almost killed to silence him!”

This is a weird version.

Of course, this weird version was spread by Eddie to vent Scott’s anger.

He obviously got the essence of the “shock style”.

At lunch time, Scott, as one of the parties involved in the incident, became “popular” again.

He received countless face-to-face inquiries.

The Ravenclaws first came to satisfy their curiosity in the name of concern, and the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors also came over from time to time to know more details.

This made Scott a little overwhelmed.

“I thought you wouldn’t be too curious.”

He looked helplessly at Cedric who ran over on purpose.

“Professor Snape actually deducted points from Slytherin…” Cedric said a little embarrassedly, “This is really incredible.”

“But it’s true.”

Scott shrugged his shoulders.

“When students clearly violate school rules, even Snape can’t pretend not to see it.”

“Latest news!”

At this time, Fred and George shouted and ran over quickly.

“Latest news!”

Harry and his two friends followed behind them.

Fred said happily: “Do you know that the four Slytherins who committed crimes have not been able to leave Snape’s office since last night!”

“Someone heard the screams from inside!” George said with a smile: “We suspect that they have been broken into pieces by Snape and soaked in glass jars!”

“So…” Fred widened his eyes in horror, “Maybe the eyeballs in the bottle in the Potions classroom are the Slytherin students who committed crimes before!”

“Some of Strillner and others must be placed there!” George said confidently.

Scott saw that several junior Hufflepuff students who were joining in the fun were so scared that their faces turned pale.

But Harry and Ron laughed with their mouths wide open, and they were so happy.

“Don’t talk nonsense, Fred, George!”

Hermione stood up with a serious face to stop the twins.

“You should be more respectful to the professor. Professor Snape would never do that!”

Ron curled his lips in disapproval, “Who knows? I think what Fred and George said is possible.”

Harry nodded in agreement.

“Do you two have brains?” Hermione glared at the two boys angrily.

“You trust the professor too much!” Ron said dissatisfiedly, “And Lockhart, everyone knows he is a idiot, only you pretend not to see it.”

Hermione was furious, “I didn’t! I didn’t say anything good for him after he pulled out Harry’s bones!”

At this time, the Weasley twins and Cedric had already slipped away.

Scott ate lunch calmly while listening to the “iron triangle” quarreling next to his seat.

To be precise, it was Ron and Hermione who were quarreling.

And Harry was busy saying a few words for Ron and a few words for Hermione.

But Scott felt that he was unconsciously adding fuel to the fire most of the time.


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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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