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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 132 132. Seems to have been tricked

After dinner, Scott returned to the dormitory, put on his boots, and went to the edge of the Forbidden Forest with his friends.

Not long after, Ms. Gray and Professor Flitwick also arrived.


Professor Flitwick looked at Scott worriedly as soon as he arrived.

“Do you really want to go? You know, even if I am here, there is a possibility that the rescue will not be timely.”

“You should trust my ability to protect myself.”

Scott winked at him.

“Eight-eyed spiders can’t fly, can they?”

“Indeed.” Professor Flitwick smiled.

“Compared to this…”

Scott glanced at Ms. Gray.

“I wonder if Professor Dumbledore knows about this? Does he agree with me to take action against the Eight-Eyed Spider?”

“Don’t worry,” said Professor Flitwick, “Ms. Gray has made an arrangement with Dumbledore.”

Scott nodded, “Then I’ll be relieved.”

Also, no matter how valuable the eight-eyed spider is, it cannot compare to the magic power of the castle.

Everyone should be able to calculate this account.

The reason why Scott asked clearly was because he knew that the eight-eyed spider was raised by Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts.

If he really killed all the eight-eyed spiders, who knows if Hagrid would go crazy when he found out.

Although I’m not afraid of him, it’s better to avoid him if possible to avoid trouble.

With Dumbledore’s consent, Hagrid probably wouldn’t be able to say anything even if he found out.

Scott said to Professor Flitwick: “Thank you for going out of your way to protect me, Professor.”

Professor Flitwick waved his hand.

“Since the contract stipulates that you cannot accept help, Ms. Gray and I will keep our distance and follow you.”

He told Scott worriedly.

“So everything depends on your own efforts. I hope you can be more careful.”

“I understand, Professor.”

Scott nodded and said to his friends: “Then, I’ll go in.”

“Can’t we really follow you?” Fred rubbed his hands.

“We won’t help you.” George also said, “We just want to take a look.”

“Go away.”

Roger stretched out his hand to separate the two guys.

“Don’t cause any trouble. If you follow, won’t Scott still have to protect you?”

“We are very familiar with the Forbidden Forest!” Fred said unconvinced.

George promised, “We will only follow from a distance, with Professor Flitwick.”

“Ahem, kids, you should all go back.”

Professor Flitwick said seriously.

“Mr. Weasley, if you disobey, I will notify Professor McGonagall to discipline you.”

“Sorry, we were joking, Professor.”

Fred immediately changed his tune with a smile.

“Come on, warriors of Ravenclaw.”

George waved at Scott.

Scott also waved, turned and walked into the Forbidden Forest.

“Scott, come on!”

“be careful!”

Eddie and Milton’s voices came, and Scott waved again without looking back.

He held a magic lamp in one hand and his wand in the other, walking step by step into the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Not long after, the sound of flapping wings came from the sky, and a black shadow flew down.

Scott raised his hand and let Rimbaud rest on his arm.

“How’s it going, Rimbaud?” he asked. “Have you found the spider swarm?”

Rimbaud nodded quickly and said excitedly: “I found it, I found it, quack!”

“Very good.” Scott praised it, “Then you can lead the way.”

“Okay, lead the way!”

Rimbaud flapped his wings and flew in front of him.

Scott let go of his magic perception and followed up.

He did not walk very fast. Although he had perception, he could only perceive creatures with magical power, and there was no shortage of similar animals in the Forbidden Forest.

Fortunately, it was still cold in January, the snakes were still hibernating, and there were a lot fewer bugs, which undoubtedly made it easier for him.

Scott kept walking, bypassing many magical animals hidden in the forest.

Although not every animal is dangerous, he doesn’t want to waste time dealing with them.

Especially the talking kind.

Yes, he was referring to the centaurs.

Scott once encountered it in the Forbidden Forest. He found this magical animal with human-like intelligence very troublesome.

They always like to look up at the stars and keep talking nonsense, unable to communicate at all.

“How far is it?”

Scott asked Rimbaud, who was flying ahead.

“Almost there, almost there.”

Rimbaud stopped on a branch and looked at Scott.

“I’ll take a rest first to regain my strength.”

Scott stood under the tree and took a breath.

He looked up, looking through the intertwined tree crowns, and found that the bright white moon had risen.

At this time, he had reached the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

It was so quiet that he could almost only hear his own breathing.

Looking back, he saw that there was almost darkness outside the hazy light of the magic lamp, and he did not see Professor Flitwick and Ms. Gray.

This surprised him.

You know, ghosts will emit a faint white light in the dark. If Ms. Gray is not far away, he should be able to see it.

They don’t hide either.


Scott raised his head and ordered.

“Go see if Professor Flitwick and the others are nearby.”

Rampaud nodded, spread his wings and flew up, disappearing into the darkness in an instant.

Scott stood up and became alert.

At this moment, he seemed to be in a dark sea, and the range of light covered by the magic lamp was like a small isolated island.

Fortunately, he did not find anything unusual in his perception.

After a while, Scott recovered most of his strength, but Rampaud did not come back.

Something was wrong.

He couldn’t help but frown.


Tried by Medea!

He turned around and walked back without hesitation!

The conditions given by Ravenclaw were too tempting, causing him to neglect a piece of information that he had originally noticed in his eagerness…

Medea knew the current situation of the magic world!

This means that Medea may have communicated with more than just a few of them!

Not long after, Scott stopped again.

Countless eight-eyed spiders appeared in his perception, and they took the initiative to attack!


Scott turned around and carved an ancient magic rune on an oak tree, then chanted a spell and waved his wand.

A rustling sound was heard, and in his perception, countless eight-eyed spiders were approaching quickly.

Then, a sound of breaking through the air was heard, and countless white spider silks shot from all directions.

Scott stood there without moving, and at the critical moment, a big hand made of intertwined branches gently grasped his waist and lifted him into the air.

“Fluorescent flash!”

Scott waved his wand again, and balls of light spit out from the tip of his wand, floating in the air, illuminating a large area nearby.

There is one more


The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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