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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 145 145. Medea's Comments on Voldemort

Taming wolves into sheep?

Scott found Medea’s words quite interesting.

Maybe the wizards thousands of years ago followed the rules of the jungle and the naked law of the jungle, but now they have to put on a layer of civilization.

Wizards are human too.

Although wizards hide themselves under the law of secrecy and seem to be separated from Muggle society, they are ultimately unable to escape the influence of the overall environment of human society.

From the establishment of the Ministry of Magic, the powers of various departments, the formulation of modern laws, to newspapers and magazines, radio stations, transportation, etc…

There are traces of the influence of modern civilization everywhere in the magical world.

But on the other hand, what Medea said makes sense.

As a person with memories of past lives, Scott knows how amazing Muggle technology will be if it develops like this.

When the age of pervasive information comes, can wizards really continue to hide like this?

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for the power possessed by wizards to completely frighten Muggles.

Facing Medea’s words, Dumbledore seemed to think for a moment.

“You may have a point, Ms. Slytherin.”

He spoke slowly.

“But this is the choice of the times, and it is also the choice of most wizards. Everyone likes a stable and peaceful life.”

“Really?” Medea looked unconvinced, “In my opinion, there will be no shortage of ambitious people in any era.”

Dumbledore shook his head and sighed, “Ambitious people cause turmoil in order to realize their ambitions, but it is most ordinary people who suffer and sacrifice. Just like Tom, I wonder if you have heard of his deeds.”

And your old flame.

Scott answered silently in his heart.

“That descendant of mine? I have heard some of his deeds recently.”

Medea said with some disdain.

“I have to say, he is so stupid and a narrow-minded guy.”

“Oh?” Dumbledore’s eyes flickered, and he seemed to have some interest. “So, what do you think of him?”

“Power is power, and there is no need to identify the source of power. A wizard is a wizard, and there is no need to treat blood differently.”

Medea said of course.

“To only focus on pure-blood wizards and gain support by provoking internal conflicts among wizards is opportunistic and taking shortcuts.”

She shook her head again, her eyes showing disdain.

“I only value the talents of wizards.”

She suddenly pointed at Scott.

“Just like this child, he is a wizard. Even if he is born as a Muggle, he will not be able to return to the Muggle society. The more talented the wizard, the more so.”

Scott said: “As far as I know, your father was opposed to Muggle-born wizards enrolling in school?”

“As you said, times are different.” Medea learned and applied it flexibly. “Under the original circumstances, my father’s choice was right. But now… from this aspect, it is indeed a better era.”

“So what is your pursuit?” Dumbledore asked her, “Are you going to be like Tom and want to dominate the wizarding world?”

Medea smiled, “Magic is power, and it is natural for the weak to be dominated by the strong.”

“Even the weak are not objects to be sacrificed casually. They are our compatriots.” Dumbledore said.

Medea said coldly: “The only thing to blame is that they themselves are too weak. Even beasts will abandon their companions who are not strong enough.”

Dumbledore shook his head, obviously not agreeing with Medea’s point of view.

He told her solemnly, “We are human beings, Ms. Slytherin, and the most powerful power we have is love.”

He looked at Medea, “Just like you, because of your deep love for your father Salazar Slytherin, you created miracles and traveled through thousands of years.”

“That’s not just love!”

Medea’s face was completely cold.

“That’s my unwillingness and resentment towards him! I respect him and love him, but I hate him even more!”

“It seems there is no point in arguing.”

Dumbledore raised the wand in his hand, and magic surged around him.

“I won’t let you leave here, Ms. Slytherin.”

Medea also raised her wand and said with a smile: “Are you finally going to take action? I have said enough today.”

“I must remind you, Ms. Slytherin, that perhaps you know many of Hogwarts’ secrets.”

Dumbledore waved the wand in his hand, seeming to draw some pattern out of thin air.

“But there are some secrets that only a principal can have the opportunity to understand.”

“Oh? I’m curious.”

Medea did not take action, but watched Dumbledore’s movements with interest.

When Dumbledore stopped, the lines he drew suddenly lit up, forming a sparkling Hogwarts emblem.

“School emblem?” Medea was a little surprised. “It seems that the principal does have some privileges in this castle. I wonder what the use is?”

“You’ll know right away.”

Dumbledore recited an awkward spell and waved his wand.

The school badge shining brightly in the air suddenly spread and appeared at Medea’s feet in the blink of an eye.

Just as Medea was about to take a step forward, four translucent figures suddenly appeared, standing in the four directions on the school emblem.

They are actually four ghosts from the four houses of Hogwarts!

Scott’s eyes widened.

“Ms. Grey?”

He watched the ghosts appear with great surprise.

Isn’t Ms. Gray with Professor Flitwick?

Ms. Grey just looked back at him and said nothing.


Medea looked more surprised than Scott at this moment.

In people’s common sense, ghosts cannot interfere with reality, so they are powerless.

But she did not think Dumbledore was a fool. Since he used this magic that he had never seen before, it must have worked.

She moved to the outside of the school emblem at the fastest speed.

However, the four ghosts began to emit a faint white light.

These lights quickly merged with the school emblem under their feet, and Medea’s movements suddenly stopped stiffly.

“Can’t move, Medea.” Ms. Grey said, “You can’t leave here anymore.”

Medea seemed to be able to move only her head. She turned her head to look at Ms. Grey, “Why are you here, Helena!”

Ms. Grey said indifferently: “I am a ghost belonging to Hogwarts. When the principal uses this magic to summon me, I will of course appear.”

Medea looked at the Bloody Baron again, “Are you going to help others do it to me, Baron?”

“This is the principal’s order, Medea.” The Bloody Baron said.


A burst of crazy laughter sounded, and Peeves came out from nowhere.

He flew to Medea’s head, put his hands on his hips and laughed.

“Great! Hahahahaha… The devil is suppressed! The devil is suppressed!”

He looked very happy, laughing and doing somersaults in the air.

“Shut up.”

Medea scolded coldly.

Peeves’ laughter stopped abruptly, and he ran away in fear. Until he saw that Medea was still motionless, he couldn’t help but make a fuss again.

“You can’t scare me!” He shouted wildly, “You can’t move anymore! I’m not afraid of you!”

“Really?” Medea smiled.

The school emblem pattern and the four ghosts under her feet flickered at the same time like a malfunctioning light bulb.

There is one more update, and the next chapter will finally end this plot.


The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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