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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 269 269. The Silent Counterattack of a Small Character

The world spins, time and space change.

At the critical moment, Scott activated the portkey to travel through space and return to the crow territory in the forest of the Scottish Highlands, and was thrown to the ground again.

But this time his performance was better than the previous two times.

At least he no longer lay on the ground in embarrassment eating fallen leaves. Instead, he rolled nimbly after landing and sat up.

Rimbaud had already emerged from his arms when he was thrown out of the air, flying and hovering above his head.

“Oh my God! Oh my God!” it shouted, “Scott! That green light! Is that the death curse you said? Did we almost die just now?”

“It’s really just a little bit close.” Scott was also frightened.

He didn’t expect that the house elves of the Yaxley family and the old guy would react so quickly.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but touch the silver snake-shaped necklace wrapped around his left wrist with his right hand.

Without this special door key that can travel through space extremely quickly and cannot be traced, he might have been in trouble just now——

He might die under that life-killing curse.

Even if he could escape the life-killing curse, he might reveal his identity in the subsequent battle.

Scott suspected that the old wizard was the guy who took Professor Flitwick away in the Forbidden Forest last time.

Although he was defeated by Professor Flitwick, he had been entangled with him for a long time, and he should be considered a powerful wizard.

Scott is really not necessarily his opponent.

At the very least, if Professor Flitwick is serious, Scott will never get any advantage in his hands now.

If Scott fails to escape with the portkey today, then he will not only have to face the old guy, but also the others in Yaxley.

Scott reflected silently.

Sure enough, taking risks is not a good choice, I am still a little impulsive!

At this time, Rimbaud said to Scott, “The two people who took the poison seemed not to be dead when they were taken away by the house elves.”

Scott thought for a while and said with some uncertainty: “The dose of poison I used this time was very large. Logically speaking, there is no time to cure… But who knows? The pure-blood family may have treasures that we don’t know about or Means can save people.”

“It seems that we have to wait for the crow that stayed there to send a message back before we can know the exact news.” Rimbaud said.

Scott took a breath and slowly stood up.

“Whether they two die or not, my goal has been achieved.” He said with a smile.

Rimbaud had already known about his plan, and after hearing this, he answered, “The first thing Yaxley will suspect must be the other two families competing with them for Travers, Bursted and Foley.”

Scott smiled again and flew above the tree canopy on his broom.

Rimbaud was afraid that he would not be able to enter the hidden room, so he clung to the branches of the broomstick tightly.

The air in front of them seemed to open a curtain, and a small wooden house built on a huge bird’s nest suddenly appeared.

Rimbaud screamed twice and flew up again.

Scott landed on the floor at the door of the wooden house, pushed the door into the house with his broomstick, and turned on the light.

He added some water to the water tank on the roof, took a quick shower, and then sat on the bed thinking about the events of the past few days.

As a simple raven, Rimbaud has the wisdom of a human child, but he cannot understand some twists and turns.

After the two young Mr. Yaxleys were poisoned tonight, Yaxley would indeed suspect Burstead and Foley, who were competing with them for Travers, but he would not identify them.

Scott estimated that they would soon discover that what happened to the two Mr. Yaxleys was exactly the same as that of Mr. Borgin who died two days ago, and even the poison was the same.

This may divert Yaxley’s attention, or it may make them more aware of Burstead and Foley. It all depends on how the Yaxley family thinks about it.

But Scott wants them to remember that Travers, who died suddenly in prison, died the same way.

Even if no one thinks about it, Scott will find a way to remind them.

When a mysterious event occurs and people don’t know who is the initiator, they only need to analyze who will get the most benefit from the incident.

The beneficiaries are often the initiators.

Scott knew that in the eyes of the Yaxley family, the ones who benefited the most after Travers’ sudden death were the Bursted family and the Foley family!

After all, Yaxley had reached an agreement with the last Travers before that——

All they need to do is kill Scott Trollope, and the Yaxleys can get Travers’ authorization to take charge of all the Travers family’s property.

The guys from the Yaxley family may have regarded everything about the Travers family as something within their reach.

Although their first operation against Scott failed, it also took the life of Brandon Yaxley.

But Scott can think of it all——

The arrogant Yaxley family will only think that it is all because of Brandon Yaxley’s own unlucky situation.

After all, he was caught by Dumbledore and met an unreasonable being like Medea Slytherin.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Yaxleys, it is just a trivial matter to kill a young Muggle-born wizard like Scott.

But they would never have imagined that such a young Muggle-born wizard, who seemed to them to be no threat, would gently move his hand and make something that seemed to be within their reach stay away from them again.

Not only that, they also have two more powerful competitors at the same level.

By now, the Yaxleys may have completely ignored the dispensable little role of Scott.

But this little character who has escaped from the whirlpool is unwilling to be lonely.

In his opinion, just getting away to protect himself is not enough, he is trying to let all those who actively threaten his life safety die first!

“Scott, what are you thinking about?” Rimbaud stopped on the bedside table and asked Scott curiously.

Scott came to his senses and smiled slowly again.

He combed his wet hair back with his hands, and there was a sharpness hidden in his relaxed eyebrows.

“They say the triangle is the most stable.”

he said softly.

“Not only are the ‘victims’ the Yaxley family, the Bursted family and the Foley family are also competitors to each other and will also be suspicious of each other.”

Having said this, he stood up and poured himself a glass of water.

“In this way, they will be further and further away from the truth.”

He drank a whole glass of water with a smile and sighed happily.

“Oh, this is the situation I want to see.”

He yawned and went back to bed and lay down.

“It’s best to let them fight each other. I can’t take direct action in the next period of time. After all, no matter how careful I am, I will leave clues.”


The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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