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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 302 302. Shackles, Devil, Goodnight

“Do you think Medea would really kill other wizards as she said?”

Scott asked his mentor before leaving the Room of Requirement.

“No.” Ravenclaw in the painting smiled, “That would make her the common enemy of the entire magical world.”

Scott nodded thoughtfully.

Also, William’s words prove that Medea has begun to talk about ideals with her “Men in Green Robes” organization.

Regardless of whether her seemingly beautiful ideal is true or false, there should be many wizards like William who were moved by her words and joined her organization.

Just like Katie Shafik, a staff member of the Floo Network Authority who once wrote to Scott. She is a half-blood wizard. She mentioned Medea with great reverence in her letter.

If these ideals such as “for the future of wizards” have become the program of action of this organization, then Medea, as the leader, must not be the first to abandon these.

Thinking of this, Scott murmured: “Medea used a set of beautiful ideals to win over some wizards, and at the same time she put shackles on herself.”

In Scott’s understanding, this is just like those celebrities in previous generations who created characters. Of course, a good character can attract fans, but once the character overturns, it will be backlashed.

And since she already has an “ideal”…it seems that after all, Medea is not following the path of terrorism like Voldemort.

Although her actions to capture Sir Merlin’s station and Edin Castle sound like pure terrorism, she can clean up her innocence later.

What Scott is sure of is that Medea’s infiltration of the British Ministry of Magic is probably more than just an employee of the Floo Network Authority.

This lady has led the “Men in Green Robes” to occupy Edinburgh Castle for almost a week, but the Ministry of Magic has never taken any positive action.

Even the Daily Prophet in the past few days has only published some seemingly innocuous official words——

[No one died in this incident, including Muggles], [Researchers from the Department of Mysteries are working hard to study the magical defense of Edinburgh Castle], [A team of elite Aurors are permanently stationed in Edinburgh and are always on standby] and so on.

It is not yet known how this incident will end.

At this time, Ravenclaw in the painting said: “Also, Medea can only truly and perfectly recover by sacrificing the complete soul of her bloodline descendant.”

“Then why did she sacrifice the two wizards before leaving Hogwarts?” Scott continued to ask.

Ravenclaw explained, “I guess the situation was urgent, so Medea could only gain some life force through this method to transform her body.”

Scott nodded. Indeed, Medea was facing Dumbledore at that time.

The Ravenclaw in the painting continued: “That cannot last long. If it is not continuously replenished, her body will degenerate into a puppet state again.”

“In other words, if she can’t get Voldemort’s complete soul, Medea may really turn into a man-eating devil.” Scott said in surprise.

He also thought that Medea’s previous statement about sacrificing other wizards was just to intimidate him.

Ravenclaw said: “She will not take this step unless she has to. I said that would make her a public enemy of the wizarding world. Moreover, now she still has a chance to get Voldemort’s complete soul.”

“But…” Scott naturally remembered, “The crown has been purified by the real you.”

The Ravenclaw in the painting smiled, “In order not to destroy the effectiveness of the crown, I adopted a gentle purification. This means that the soul fragments in it are only expelled, not destroyed.”

“Then where did the soul fragments go?” Rascott asked curiously.

“Of course, following the pull of the soul’s previous connection, it returned to Voldemort’s main soul.” Ravenclaw answered.

Scott finally left the Room of Requirement with a lot of worries.

Just after turning a few corridors, Rimbaud flew into the castle through an open window and landed gently on Scott’s shoulder.

Scott raised his hand and touched its feathers, quickly left the eighth floor, and finally turned into an empty classroom on the third floor.

After arranging the protective and soundproof spells, Scott said to Rimbaud: “Did you go to the Three Broomsticks bar today? Nothing happened in the meeting between William and Hagrid, right?”

“No, everything is fine.”

Rambo jumped off Scott’s shoulder and flew to the old desk in front of him.

It raised its head and said to Scott, “I came here to tell you that crows flew back to Scotland from Northern Europe today. In short, the crows found the location of Durmstrang Magic School.”

“Oh… Durmstrang.”

Scott stretched out his fingers and tapped the table with a smile on his face.

“Found it?” he said softly, “So is it really where Elijah Caro and her cousin Caitlin Rolle go to school now?”

“It’s true. I sent a few crows who had seen the cousins ​​to Northern Europe. They remembered the faces of the cousins,” Rimbaud said.

Scott smiled and said: “Thank you for the hard work of those crows. I didn’t expect them to really find Durmstrang. I must thank them.”

Rimbaud snorted, “I thought you knew they couldn’t read or understand human speech!”

“Of course I do, my friend,” Scott said.

Rimbaud added: “Then you should know that any damn school they can find is because I taught them what a wizard is and what a magic school is!”

“Of course, this is all your credit. You are the one I need to thank the most.” Scott praised it quickly.

“That’s pretty much it.” Rimbaud began to feel proud.

Scott continued to say a few exaggerated and kind words, “Oh, my friend, I can’t live without you. What should I do without your help.”

“Hey!” Rimbaud stared at him warily, “Do you want me to go to Northern Europe? I have to say that is a bit too far!”

“No.” Scott shook his head.

He really couldn’t let Rimbaud get too far away from him now.

Without Rimbaud by his side to lead the crows, he himself would not be able to communicate with the crows, which would make him inconvenient in many things.

“Then what are you going to do? If I remember correctly, Carlo once wanted to kill you, and you wanted to take revenge on him.” Rimbaud asked again.

“There’s no rush.” ​​Scott reached out and touched Rimbaud’s feathers again, and whispered, “Now that Durmstrang has been found, there will always be a chance.”

There are priorities.

For him, the most important thing now is to deal with Medea’s side of things first.

“By the way, the crows didn’t notice anything unusual about the teaching assistant in the Care of Magical Creatures class.” Rimbaud mentioned the surveillance mission Scott gave it a few days ago.

“As long as there is no abnormality.” Scott said, “Let the crow continue to stare.”

“No problem, she lives in the Forbidden Forest anyway.” Rimbaud said easily.

“Then, you go back to the forest first.”

Scott stood up and pushed open the classroom window.

“Good night, Scott.”

Rimbaud flew out of the window.

Scott stood at the window and watched it disappear into the night sky, then turned around and left after disposing of the previously arranged spell.


The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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