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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 336 336. The Ministry of Magic takes over Gringotts

Scott and Harry followed Blake to his office.

After opening the door, Blake walked to the sofa in front of the window and sat down, waving to Scott and Harry.

“Come on, please take a seat.”

Scott and Harry sat down on the couch across from him.

“Professor Black.” Scott asked, “What do you want from me?”

Blake leaned back on the sofa and said with a comfortable smile: “I have to thank you, Scott, Harry for telling me your guess.”

Scott turned to look at Harry, “I was just making random guesses while chatting.”

“Of course, this matter is not important.” Black looked at Harry, “Harry, you don’t need to pay attention to that useless trash Kreacher.”

He seemed to hate their house elf with a passion.

“That’s not the main reason I asked you to come,” he said to Scott.

“But Scott’s guess may be true!” Harry was a little excited.

He looked at Black and said: “I feel something is wrong about Kreacher’s sudden madness. Although he was… not easy to get along with, he is still not that crazy. Maybe what he said is true…”

At this point, he hesitated, “Maybe it really lost something… did you hear what it said? What was lost was the relic of your brother Regulus, Sirius. Maybe you should ask it.” “

“But it was completely crazy and couldn’t speak clearly.”

Blake frowned, showing disgust.

“Maybe it’s not something important. You know, even if all Regulus left behind was just a stone, Kreacher would still treat it as a treasure.”

Harry had a look of disapproval on his face.

“You told me that Regulus disappeared, and no one knows where he went.” He said to Black, “Maybe there will be clues in Kreacher?”

Hearing what he said, Blake’s frown deepened.

“That fool Regulus, he must have been killed by a mysterious man.” He gritted his teeth and said, “If it weren’t for the distorted ideas my parents instilled in him, he wouldn’t have joined the food industry at a young age. Dead disciples, they killed him!”

He made no secret of his hatred for his family.

Harry said loudly: “He just disappeared! You should have a good talk with Kreacher. Maybe he knows the truth. Don’t you want to find traces of Regulus?”

Blake couldn’t help but nodded.

“You’re right, Harry.” He looked calmer. “I have to find Regulus, whether he is dead or alive.”

But he soon became angry again.

“Let’s talk about it?” There was a ferocious expression on his thin face, “I will ask clearly, that useless waste can’t resist its owner!”

At this moment, assistant coach Lu Ping opened the office door and walked in.

“Good evening, what are you talking about?” he asked.

“Is such that……”

Harry quickly recounted what they had just discussed.

While Lupine listened to his retelling, he poured four cups of hot tea and brought it over.

“Thank you.” Scott quickly thanked Lupine who brought him tea.

Lupine smiled and said to Black: “You should listen to Harry on this matter. Your attitude towards house elves is too bad, and this may cause problems.”

Black didn’t take Lupine’s words seriously.

He smiled nonchalantly, “Don’t worry, can that useless loser still resist his master?”

Seeing that he couldn’t listen to his advice, Lu Ping shook his head in disapproval, but didn’t say anything else.

“By the way, stop talking about this.”

Blake waved his hand and looked at Scott.

“I just called you here because I prepared a gift for you.” He stood up, “To thank you for helping to catch Peter.”

As he spoke, he walked to the desk, picked up a somewhat worn notebook from the table, walked back to the sofa and handed it to Scott.

“What you are best at is transfiguration.” He said with a smile, “This is an old notebook I found at home. It should be a suitable gift for you.”

Scott took the notebook and opened it, finding the name Phineas Nigellus Black written on the first page.

“That’s the name of my great-great-grandfather,” Black said. “He was the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

Scott carefully opened the contents at the back of the notebook and found that what was recorded in this notebook was the Animagus transformation technique unique to the Black family.

“This is very precious, Professor Black. I’m afraid you can’t leave it to me, right?” He looked up at Black and said hesitantly.

Scott has long heard that the Animagus transformation technique of the Black family is different from ordinary Animagus. The method they master is simpler and less risky.

This can be regarded as the magical heritage of a pure-blood family.

Blake burst out laughing at Scott’s reaction.

“It doesn’t matter.” He sat down again and waved his hand, “After you take a closer look, you will know that the Black family’s Animagus transformation is not a big deal.”

He said carelessly, “Because you don’t have the blood of the Black family, it can only be used as a reference for you. I shared this knowledge with a few good friends when I was in school at Hogwarts.”

He looked at Harry, “Harry’s father, James, and Lupin. James is also very talented in transfiguration, and my sharing only gave him some help.”

At this point, he showed disgust again, “Of course, there is also Peter. Peter completed the Animagus transformation with the help of me and James.”

Scott carefully flipped through the notebook in his hand again and found that what Black said was true.

Although the Animagus Transfiguration inherited by the Black family is simple and much safer, it has great limitations – it is aimed at the Black family’s unique canine transformation.

Scott closed the notebook and looked at the Black family’s coat of arms on the cover.

This is a shield decorated with a mountain symbol, two five-pointed stars and a short sword, with two leaping greyhounds on both sides of the shield.

“Thank you, Professor Black.” Scott did not refuse again.

After accepting the gift, Scott got up and said goodbye.

After returning to the dormitory and taking a shower, he began to carefully study the old notebook from more than 100 years ago.

It was not until before going to bed that he had a preliminary understanding of the specific knowledge of Animagus Transfiguration inherited by the Black family.

This knowledge is aimed at the descendants with the blood of the Black family, and it can only be used as a reference for Scott.

But he also saw the other side of the pure-blood family.

Sure enough, those pure-blood families desperately ensure the continuation and purity of their bloodline not just because of the name of pure blood.

The reason why they care so much about the so-called bloodline is that once their bloodline is diluted or transformed, it also means that they will lose their family’s magical heritage.

At breakfast time the next morning, while eating, Scott also completed two tasks: monitoring the Slytherin long table and listening to the report of Harry Doll.

In Slytherin, Millicent Bulstrode, who was engaged to the new heir of Travers, finally returned to school after a semester of absence.

She was a girl who looked like a female demon, with black hair, tall and strong.

Scott heard that several of her classmates were complimenting her because she would become the mistress of the Travers family.

Millicent Bulstrode accepted these compliments well, her fat chin stretched forward aggressively, and her face full of pride was full of flesh.

Seeing this, Scott couldn’t help but sigh that the heir of the Fly family had made a great sacrifice to get the Travers family.

Compared with what happened in Slytherin, the report from Harry’s doll was much more important.

Harry saw Voldemort in his dream again.

Since this time it could be said to be a nightmare, Harry was greatly frightened, so he told Ron what he saw in his dream.

This allowed Scott to know the specific content of his dream.

Just last night, Harry found himself turned into a “baby”, or possessed by a “baby”, and was held by a young man and entered a cliff cave hidden by the sea.

Of course, when the “baby” began to speak, Harry realized that he was not possessed by a baby in his dream, but Voldemort.

Voldemort was held by a young man and entered the cliff cave, awakening countless inferi from the lake hidden in the cliff cave.

They walked on the bridge made of the bodies of the inferi to the island in the middle of the lake.

There, Voldemort began to get angry, and his anger seemed endless.

Because he found that the things he hid there were taken away.

Voldemort roared, “Unforgivable! I need to recover my strength as soon as possible! As soon as possible!”

At this point, Harry woke up from his dream.

After listening to the report of Harry’s doll, Scott has confirmed the whereabouts of Slytherin’s locket.

It seems that the locket has really fallen into Medea’s hands.

If the portrait of the former headmaster Phineas Black is really loyal to Medea as Scott guessed, then for her, as long as she finds the clue of the locket, it will not be difficult to enter the Black family.

No matter how Medea got the locket, Scott knew that Voldemort was now in a weak position. Of course, Voldemort himself knew this better than anyone else.

This is also the reason why Harry felt extremely angry and anxious in his dream.

Scott believed that in the face of Medea’s oppression, Voldemort would probably take risks to recover his strength.

In this way, he would definitely not wait to use the Triwizard Tournament, which would only start in the second half of the year, to revive like in the “original book”.

“Oh! Today’s daily report is still about this topic!”

Eddie’s voice brought Scott back to his senses from his contemplation.

“Those goblins still want to keep a tight grip on the wizards’ treasury.” Eddie sneered, “The Ministry of Magic is a little tougher this time.”

Scott turned his head and glanced at the Daily Prophet in his hand.

The headline on the front page of the newspaper was written in huge fonts – “The Ministry of Magic forcefully takes over Gringotts, and the goblins collectively protest!”


The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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