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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 387 387. Graplan has nothing to say

Fred and George were unfazed by Scott’s doubts about their invention.

“Of course not.” The proud expression on Fred’s face remained unchanged. “Our products have made many changes based on the panoramic telescope.”

“As long as you try it, you will know how amazing it is!” George handed the “monocular telescope” to Scott.

Scott reached out and took it, looked at it in his hand, then raised it and put it in front of his right eye, closed his left eye and looked at the picture inside the camera.

“There has indeed been a change.” He looked at the picture shown in the camera, “You added a square viewfinder with the same proportions as the [Magic Crystal Player]?”

“I suspect you are just questioning us on purpose!”

George said something dissatisfied, reached out to grab the “monocular telescope” from Scott’s hand, and began to introduce its functions in detail.

Scott listened patiently to what he said before finally nodding.

“Okay, I admit that this is indeed better than the panoramic telescope, and it can indeed be called a [magic camera].” He said.

George pretended to be arrogant and said: “Humph, yes, it is not that difficult to admit that we are excellent.”

Scott ignored his fake arrogance and grabbed the [Magic Camera] again and started playing with it.

He had to admit that as a product with clear development goals, this thing was indeed more useful as a camera than a panoramic telescope.

When the panoramic telescope is used as a camera, the biggest disadvantage is that it can only “shoot” continuous images.

In the process of making the Ravenclaw Academy promotional video before, Scott always needed to “shoot” a scene and then immediately import it into the [Magic Mirror] to store it, which was very inconvenient.

Compared with a panoramic telescope with a single function, the twins’ invention at least uses magic to realize all the functions of a Muggle camera. For example, it can record sound simultaneously, and can “shoot” more different clips more flexibly. Of course, the operation is also easier.

However, Scott only held it in his hands for a while before returning the [Magic Camera] to George.

He asked the twins curiously, “What are you going to do to make a promotional video for Gryffindor House, and when are you going to mass-produce [Magic Camera]?”

“We will seize the time to produce the academy’s promotional video.” Fred said, “Just wait, Scott, our results will definitely not be worse than the Ravenclaw promotional video.”

“As for mass production.” George suddenly laughed and hugged Scott’s neck intimately, “We have something to discuss with you.”

Scott motioned for him to speak up.

“We are not ready to officially launch this product now.” George said.

Fred said: “This will be one of the signature items of Weasley’s Joke Shop in the future!”

“So?” Scott asked doubtfully, “What do you want to discuss with me?”

“Of course it’s [Magic Mirror] and [Player] business.” George spoke in a deliberately flattering tone.

Fred quickly followed suit, “We hope that the respected Mr. Trollope can authorize these two products matching the [Magic Camera] to the Weasley Joke Shop for sale.”

Scott was speechless, “I remember your Weasley joke shop doesn’t exist yet.”

But Fred and George were confident.

“We’ll save enough money!” Fred said, “before we graduate.”

Scott laughed, “I have no objection, of course I can authorize it to you. Anyway, I’m not going to do business myself, and I believe you won’t lie to me.”

His philosophy has always been to be a hands-off shopkeeper, a major shareholder who only collects money but does not manage.

Fred and George suddenly became happy.

Scott then suggested that they work with Eddie.

After all, Eddie’s current dream is to establish a new media company that has never been seen before, and to impact the backward news structure and lack of entertainment in the wizarding world with only print media.

Fred and George readily agreed, and they immediately decided to go find Eddie to talk about the future.

After bidding them farewell, Scott walked towards the back of the castle.

He planned to take advantage of this day to go to his oak cabin in the Crow Territory and meet Rimbaud, who had now completely turned wild.

But his plans hit a snag.

Because he met Miss Grapeland taking the little Thestral for a walk outside the Forbidden Forest.

Because the environment outside the Forbidden Forest was too open, when Scott sensed Graplan, the other party had already seen him from a distance.

“Hello, Scott!”

Grapeland waved enthusiastically at him.

Although he didn’t really want to deal with this woman, Scott stepped forward.

“Hello, Miss Grapeland.”

While saying hello, he kept looking at the Thestral, which had grown up a lot.

Yeqi seemed to have some impression of Scott and greeted him with a snort.

“The little guy has grown up a lot, and his body is also very healthy.” Graplan said with some pride, “I took good care of it, didn’t I?”

“Indeed.” Scott praised her.

But looking at the intimacy between the Thestral and Graplan, Scott completely believed what Luna said before.

This Thestral has indeed been tamed by Graplan.

“That’s amazing, Miss Grappland.” Scott said tentatively, “Before this, only Professor Hagrid, the only British wizard, had tamed such a magical animal.”

“No, I didn’t tame it.” Grapeland denied directly.

She reached out and touched the bony neck of the Thestral, smiling softly, “This little guy and I, we just have a close relationship.”

Scott smiled noncommittally and did not refute.

Grubbly-Plank continued, “I never try to tame any magical animals. I like Mr. Scamander’s philosophy. I only try to make friends with them. Of course, Mr. Scamander is the most successful in this regard.”

“Mr. Scamander is indeed an admirable expert on magical animals.” Scott echoed on the surface.

At the same time, he disagreed with Grubbly-Plank’s words in his heart.

Of course, he was not targeting Mr. Scamander, and his praise for this gentleman came from the bottom of his heart.

He just didn’t believe that Grubbly-Plank would have the same philosophy as Mr. Scamander.

Like to make friends with magical animals?

If he hadn’t known that this lady attacked centaurs in order to earn credits, he would have almost believed her lies.

Grubbly-Plan obviously knew that her words could not deceive Scott, so she quickly skipped the topic and started talking about other things.

“How is it?” She asked Scott with a smile.

Scott gave her a puzzled look in return.

Grubbly-Plan said, “I mean, how do you feel after joining the Scholars’ Union?”

“Not very good.” Scott did not give her face, “After trying it once, I haven’t opened the [Book of Prometheus] for several days.”

“How is it possible?”

Grubbly-Plan obviously did not believe Scott’s words.

“Did you do it on purpose?” She looked Scott up and down with a suspicious look, “Don’t you want to owe me a favor because of that incident?”

Scott’s expression remained unchanged, and he said in a light tone, “I remember that there was only a transaction between us, Miss Grubbly-Plan. A transaction based on an equal magic contract. No one owed anyone a favor.”

“Cunning boy.” Grubbly-Plan looked at Scott with a bit of unkindness, “Don’t you admit it after getting the benefit?”

“I didn’t get any benefit.” Scott said.

Grubbly-Plan raised her left hand, took a deep breath from the pipe in her hand, and slowly exhaled the smoke.

She calmed down and continued to say to Scott: “Let’s not talk about the credits I paid, because that was what I promised myself.”

She knocked on the pipe.

“My decision to recruit you into the Scholars’ Union is enough for you to thank me, kid, the Scholars’ Union is not an organization that everyone can join! Isn’t the benefit that [The Book of Prometheus] can bring you enough?”

Scott remained unmoved

“Let’s not talk about whether you have the power to recruit new people in the Scholars’ Union…”

He said coldly, while carefully observing Grubbly-Plan’s reaction.

Sure enough, when he heard what he said, Grubbly-Plan’s eyes flickered slightly.

Scott instantly confirmed his guess–

It was not the lady in front of him who decided to recruit him into the Scholars’ Union, but someone else.

He continued: “[The Book of Prometheus] didn’t help me that much.”

Without waiting for Grubbly-Plan to refute, he stated his reasons.

“Regarding magic, I have a clear plan for my path forward, and I have also won the recognition of the professors.”

“So far, the knowledge I need to learn can be obtained in Hogwarts, and I don’t need the help of [The Book of Prometheus].”

“In that case, why should I go to great lengths to find those obscure knowledge that I may not use to earn credits? For me, it is a complete waste of time and not worth the loss.”

Hearing his answer, Grubbly-Plank was a little stunned.

Scott thought this was normal, after all, the lady didn’t know what kind of luxurious educational resources he could enjoy at Hogwarts.

She was still refuting Scott’s words, “Indeed, Hogwarts can teach you basic and advanced knowledge, which is enough for you now. But what about the future? You are a little wizard from Muggle-born, where are you going to get more advanced and secret knowledge?”

Scott laughed directly.

He asked Grubbly-Plank, “Excuse me, in the Scholars’ Union, is there a better spell master than Professor Flitwick? Or, is there a better Transfiguration master than Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall?”

Grubbly-Plank was stuck directly.

Obviously, she couldn’t name anyone who was more authoritative than these three professors in the field of spells and transfiguration.

“Believe it or not, these three professors will not refuse any of my requests for advice.” Scott added, “You must have heard that the kind Professor Flitwick will take the time to train my dueling skills.”

Grubbly-Plank shut up.

But Scott smiled again.

He thought with some pride that he had left Grubbly-Plank speechless before he even moved out of Ravenclaw.

“So, whether or not I have the [Book of Prometheus] is not that important to me.”

He shrugged.

Although… [The Book of Prometheus] is not really as useless as he said, he can’t let Grubbly-Plank take advantage of him.

Scott waved his hand, walked past Grubbly-Plank, and walked directly into the Forbidden Forest.


The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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