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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 408 408. Tower extending to the center of the earth

Scott walked through the cramped shelves and came to the counter.

He looked left and right, moved a high stool and sat down.

Michael put down the coffee in his hand, took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, and used a copper key to open a drawer hidden behind the counter.

He took out a carved wooden box inlaid with several gems from the drawer and placed it on the counter.

Scott took a closer look and found that the wooden box was very old, and even the few gems inlaid on it were a little dusty.

“This is it?” he asked curiously.

“The point is not the box.”

Michael found an extraordinarily small golden key from the bunch of keys and opened the lock of the box.

“The important thing is what’s in the box.”

He opened the lid of the box and turned it around to show Scott what was inside.

Only then did Scott see the tattered parchments placed in the box.

“Didn’t you say that the piece of parchment I gave you for Christmas the year before last was useful?” Michael said, “I found some more later.”

Scott was stunned for a moment, then laughed, “Thanks, Dad, I love it.”

He suddenly understood why Michael wanted to continue opening an antique store.

Michael was noncommittal about his gratitude, “Let’s see if these things are useful first. I know that the last time we were able to find something related to wizards was because of luck. Our luck may not be that good every time.”

Scott nodded, and carefully took out the few fragile old parchments placed in the box and took a cursory look.

“Maybe we are really lucky.” He took out a piece of animal skin hidden in the parchment and placed it on top. “I am sure that this piece of parchment comes from a wizard.”

The contents on this animal skin were all written in ancient magic script, which couldn’t be more obvious.

Michael immediately laughed.

“It seems that my efforts were not in vain.” He said happily, “By the way, this animal skin also comes from the UK. Although it is a bit more troublesome, I have not cut off the previous channels.”

Scott can certainly imagine that Michael must have spent a lot of effort to obtain these special “antiques”.

But he said no more words of thanks.

There is no need to be so polite between father and son.

He just shook the animal skin in his hand and said with a smile, “I will put it to good use.”

Of course Michael understood what his son meant.

“It’s good if you can use it.” He showed no expression on his face, but his tone was much softer. “When I first came to Spain, I couldn’t find any connections. Now with your uncle’s help, I have established connections with many people. There will be more and more things to find in the future.”

Scott didn’t refuse, nor did he say that there were only so many useful things for wizards that could be found in the Muggle world.

“Then please, Dad.” He just said with a smile.

Michael nodded “reservedly”, “There is only so much help I can give you. Also, if you still need any hard-to-obtain materials like before, just tell me directly. Of course, your uncle will also help. ”

“I see.”

Scott responded and looked down at the animal skin in his hand.

He decided to take advantage of these few days to translate the content on the animal skin.

Ancient magic script is a magical text, but it does not have only one usage. Although the content on this animal skin was written in ancient magic script, it might have been used as pure text.

After saying goodbye to Michael, Scott returned home directly. After saying hello to Emilia, he went straight to the study and took out the “Rune Dictionary” and “Advanced Rune Translation” from the deformed lizard skin bag. Two working books and started the translation work.

Although this kind of antique animal skin acquired by Michael was written in ancient magic script, that is, runes, Scott didn’t take it seriously at first.

In the magical world, such ancient ancient documents written in runes are actually not uncommon, but not all ancient documents will be very valuable.

Many times, the ancient documents that wizards find may just be a diary written by ancient wizards in runes. After translating it, they find that the whole article is nonsense and does not record any magic secrets or magic circuits. In other words, this This kind of “document” will only have a certain value in archaeology.

In short, there are only a few ancient documents that are truly valuable.

The parchment recording the alchemy secret recipe of [The Ring of Arson] that Scott obtained before is truly rare. Such valuable documents are rarely revealed, let alone fall into the hands of Muggles.

It is precisely because of such attempts that Scott did not hold out much hope this time.

But as the translation work began, his attitude soon became serious.

The content on this animal skin did not record magic secrets or magic circuits, but it recorded an ancient wizard’s adventure in ancient ruins, which aroused Scott’s great interest.

[A place of silence, a tower extending toward the center of the earth. ]

According to the records on the animal skin, this seemed to be an extremely dangerous adventure.

[Seven people set off and one person returned. ]

This is the end result of this adventure.

[One person died in the fire, one person died in the deep water, one person died in the top of a tree, one person died in the bottom of the tower, one person died in the falling rocks, and one person died in the subsidence of the ground. ]

[Six people died from the curse, and the one who escaped by chance could not escape the shadow of death for the rest of his life. ]

The expressions of ancient magic texts are completely different from modern languages. Many words represent multiple meanings. Scott could only determine the meaning of most of the words for a while.

If he wanted to fully understand the truth of what was recorded on this animal skin, he might need some help.

More importantly, he also needs to determine whether this is a real experience of an ancient wizard or a fabricated novel.

Scott took out a small blank picture frame from the deformed lizard skin bag and stood it on the table.

He took out his wand and tapped it three times on the edge of the frame.

“Dear mentor, your apprentice needs your help.”

An elegant and luxurious figure slowly appeared on the blank canvas in the frame.

“Is this your home in the Muggle world?”

Ravenclaw, who appeared in the small frame, first looked at his surroundings.

“Is this what Muggle life will be like in a thousand years?”

Her eyes were full of curiosity.

Scott didn’t bother her either.

After a while, Ravenclaw moved his eyes to Scott.

“What has happened, my apprentice, I want you to call for help from your mentor.”

“My father, a Muggle antique dealer, found another ancient document from wizards in the Muggle world, and I discovered some problems from it.”

Scott picked up the hide and showed it to the Ravenclaw in the painting.

Ravenclaw glanced at it and his expression changed slightly.

“A tower extending toward the center of the earth?”

Unlike Scott who needed to use a reference book to translate word for word, she just glanced at it and understood the general content.

“I’ve heard this legend,” she said softly, “or in other words, all wizards of my generation have heard this legend.”

Scott obviously did not expect this, “So, this animal skin has been preserved for more than a thousand years? Is this a real experience of ancient wizards, or is it just a legend?”

“I can’t tell now.” Ravenclaw looked at the animal skin again, “But the record on this animal skin is more detailed than the legend description I have heard.”

“Based on the above description, we can even determine the location of the tower extending toward the center of the earth, but…” Scott hesitated.

“If this legend you have heard is true, it must be a very dangerous place.”

Ravenclaw nodded, “Adventures without established value are meaningless.”

Of course Scott thought the same way. Without knowing what he would gain, he would not risk going to such a terrifying place.

“I have written down the content above.” Ravenclaw added, “I will discuss this matter with your professors to see if they are interested in finding more clues from other documents.”

Scott nodded in agreement.

“Then enjoy your holiday, my apprentice.”

Ravenclaw said with a smile and disappeared into the frame.

Scott looked at the hide in his hand again.

[The island of the Far North Islands, the place where the shadow of the standing stone points to the longest day. ]

The Far North Islands should refer to the northernmost islands of Scotland, the Shetland Islands.

Standing Stone, this should refer to the Stenness Standing Stone on the island of Mainland.

Mainland is quite famous. There are many relics of early civilization on this island, such as the Neolithic village site Skara Brae, the Meshowe burial mounds, one of Scotland’s important archaeological sites, and the Stenness Standing Stones. .

But Scott had no desire to find out at this time.

He put away the animal skins in his hands and left the study.

For the next few days, Scott spent the holidays relaxing.

The way to relax is to play games at home.

A few days later, Scott continued to enjoy it, but Amelia couldn’t stand it anymore.

“My dear, you should go out and play more instead of staying at home all the time.” She said to Scott, “Your Aunt Flora complained that Ramiro never came home during the summer vacation, but you never went out. I’d rather you play around like Ramiro.”

Scott put down the game controller and looked back at Amelia who was standing at the door.

“Where should I go, dear mother?” he shrugged. “I have no friends in Madrid.”

Emilia said: “Why don’t you go play with your cousin Ramiro? As far as I know, you declined his invitation several times?”

“Alcohol, parties, girls.” Scott said helplessly, “You know, I’m not interested in those.”

Amelia’s eyes widened, “You are only 16, my baby, you should be interested in those girls!”

Scott was speechless.

“I do get interested in pretty girls, but I can’t talk to them.”

If he wants to find a girlfriend, he would rather find a little witch than an ordinary girl with nothing in common.

Emilia glanced at him with disdain, “You also said it was a party with alcohol. Who in a place like that wants to have a sincere chat with you?”

Scott was lying on the floor laughing, “Oh, are you teaching me how to be a bad boy, Mom.”

Emilia walked into the room and sat cross-legged next to him.

“I just want you to relax.” She touched Scott’s face, “I always thought you had a hard time at Hogwarts.”

“Why do you say that?” Scott asked curiously.

Emilia bent her fingers and tapped his forehead, “You have matured so quickly, as if you have passed from childhood to adolescence and become an adult directly.”

“Maybe this is magic.” Scott continued with a playful smile.

“Anyway, it’s summer vacation, and when it’s time to relax, you should relax.” Emilia pulled Scott’s face again, “I’ve already called Ramiro, and he will pick you up after dinner. “

“Oh…let me go.” Scott raised his hand to cover his eyes.

“That’s it.”

Emilia didn’t allow any objection and stood up directly.

“I’m going to pick out an outfit for you to wear tonight.”

She seemed impatient.

Scott lamented.

He only found out two days ago that Amelia also bought him a lot of new clothes when he was not at home.

There are all kinds of bells and whistles.

Even though some of them didn’t fit before he even wore them because he had grown taller, Emilia still enjoyed it.

Just yesterday, she went shopping with Aunt Flora and bought Scott a bunch of new clothes.

Scott stood up slowly and came to the cloakroom.

This large cloakroom is divided into three areas, of which Emilia’s clothes, shoes and hats occupy most of the space.

In the rest of the space, although Scott does not live here permanently, there are obviously more clothes belonging to him than to Michael.

“Come and try it, this one or this one?”

Emilia held up two shirts of different colors and greeted Scott warmly. At this time, her attitude was as professional as a shopping guide in a clothing store.

Scott glanced at his own clothes rack.

“Since we are going out with Ramiro, there is no need to wear a shirt.” He said, “I think I should dress more casually, or a T-shirt.”


Although Amelia disagreed a little, she still agreed with Scott’s own opinion.

So she brought up several T-shirts and POLO shirts of different colors for Scott to choose from.

Scott casually pointed to a white T-shirt with a blue print.

“Isn’t this too boring?” Emilia hesitated.

“It’s summer, Mom,” Scott reminded him, “and there aren’t that many outfits to match.”

“Okay.” Emilia nodded.

But she quickly cheered up and said, “It doesn’t matter, I will also match you with nice pants and shoes. Of course, jewelry is also essential!”

Seeing how excited she was, Scott began to let her do whatever she wanted without raising any objections.

But Amelia seemed to treat her son like a doll. She chose several different combinations of the white T-shirt that Scott randomly selected and kept letting him try it on.

Scott could only let her control him with the mentality of “entertaining the bride with colorful clothes”.

After changing several outfits, he heard Amelia say excitedly: “What should I do? Every outfit is so beautiful. It deserves to be the clothes I chose, and it deserves to be the son I gave birth to.”

She clapped her hands, “But I think the first set is the best.”


At this time, Scott had completely resigned himself to his fate.

He silently put on the first set, then sat silently in front of the mirror and let Emilia, who was still unfinished, style his hair.


The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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