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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 472 472. Phantom Displacement Practice

The next morning.

After getting up, Fred couldn’t wait to send a communication to George.

When the [Magic Mirror] screen lit up, it showed George’s profile wrapped in the quilt.

“Damn Fred, I’m still sleeping!”

George rubbed his eyes and complained.

“Good morning, George, did you make any progress last night?” Fred asked.

“How should I know!” George looked very unhappy, “I haven’t gone out since I came back last night!”

Fred laughed, “I don’t believe it. After something like that happened, how could you stay in the dormitory and not go to find out the news.”

“Okay, I knew I couldn’t hide it from you.”

George sat up helplessly and scratched his messy hair.

“The news was told to me by Peeves, because I agreed to its conditions and provided help to it when it played a prank next time.”

“So what was the result?” Fred asked.

“The murderer is Cassius Warrington from Slytherin, the poor guy whose delegation quota you took away.” George said.

Fred was a little surprised, “It was that bastard Warrington? No wonder, I knew he was not a good person! Fortunately, I took his place, otherwise…”

George interrupted his boasting, “Dumbledore has confirmed that Warrington was under the Imperius Curse.”

“Oh…” Fred didn’t feel embarrassed at all, “Then he is really unlucky. I chose him because he looked unlucky at the time.”

George didn’t respond to his joke.

“Anyway, he took Harry’s blood and sent him away with an owl.”

After saying this news, George’s face became a little solemn.

“That’s all.” He said, “Peeves only heard so much, and then he was driven away by Dumbledore.”


Fred touched his chin in a pretentious manner, as if thinking.

But the next second, he turned around and asked Scott, “Scott, what do you think?”

Scott got up from the bed, stretched, and answered his question, “It doesn’t matter what we think, Dumbledore will handle it.”

“What happened?”

Roger pulled open his bed curtain in confusion.

“Potter’s blood?”

He came back very late last night and didn’t know what happened.

Fred hung up the call with George and told Roger about it.

“Are we a bit unlucky this year?”

Roger lay back and sighed.

“I have a feeling that the situation in Britain will become more and more chaotic, and we haven’t graduated yet, so we might be involved.”

Fred said: “We will be safe. We are in Hogwarts, with Dumbledore here. Hogwarts is the safest place in the world.”

“That’s hard to say.” Roger said, “Those people are crazy. They might attack Hogwarts directly and drag all of us into the war.”

“If that’s the case, we will let them have a taste of power on behalf of Hogwarts!” Fred waved his fist.

But Roger looked at him incomprehensibly.

“I don’t know what you are thinking. If the war comes, I might leave directly.”

“Oh, yes, you can transfer to Beauxbatons in your last year!” Fred said sarcastically.

“Maybe it will happen.” Roger replied.

The atmosphere between the two became a little subtle due to different ideas.

Scott said, “Are you two going to quarrel over a war that is not sure whether it will happen?”

“I’m not quarreling.” Roger said, “I’m just analyzing rationally.”

Fred said, “I only know that we should fight back fiercely when facing the enemy, instead of planning to escape in advance.”

Roger said unhappily, “Hey, we are not soldiers, Fred!”


Scott quickly made a “stop” gesture.

“This is not normal, you are a little too nervous. There is no objection to discussing these things now, but until that day, no one can predict what choice they will make.”

In fact, everyone knows that what happened in Hogwarts means that Voldemort is trying to extend his tentacles into their school.

It is natural to feel nervous about this.

Scott said to Fred, “Roger just complained a few words, he may not leave.”

He looked at Roger.

“If all the classmates participated in the battle, would you really leave?”

Neither of them spoke, but the atmosphere eased a little.

When they came to the first floor hall for breakfast, they found that others were also discussing the attack that happened at Hogwarts last night.

Apparently, the news had spread among them.

Everyone was in a bad mood, and it seemed that they had completely forgotten the joy of the Christmas ball last night.

Speaking of which, the wizard war that took place in Britain more than ten years ago was not unfamiliar or distant to the young wizards of their generation.

Although their generation lived in a peaceful era, they had more or less heard about the situation more than ten years ago from their elders and knew about the cruelty of the war.

Not to mention, many people’s relatives died in the last war, and the trauma caused by the war also deeply affected their families.

They were lucky and unfortunate.

Fortunately, most of them ushered in peace shortly after they were born.

Unfortunately, they were not yet adults or had just reached adulthood, and the Dark Lord who started the war came back again.

When Voldemort showed up at the Quidditch World Cup finals in the summer, everyone realized that the dark devil had really returned.

Since then, many people have been shrouded in a shadow.

And this time, Harry Potter, who was called “the boy who survived” and “the savior” by wizards, was attacked in Hogwarts and almost lost his life, which further deepened the shadow.

Especially for students, the impact of this incident may be even greater.

In everyone’s mind, Hogwarts has always been “the safest place in the world” and the “absolute safety fortress” in their subconscious.

The attack on “the boy who survived” in Hogwarts means that there is a crack in the “absolute safety fortress”.

This is also the difference between reality and the “original book” that Scott knows.

In the “original book”, because dangerous incidents around Harry happen every year in Hogwarts, this feeling is cyclical and gradual.

In reality, the basilisk was solved before it could petrify anyone. Sirius did not escape from prison, nor did he sneak into Hogwarts as a dangerous criminal, and the Dementors did not appear in front of everyone.

Because they have not experienced those crises in person, the current Hogwarts students are undoubtedly more “fragile” than in the “original book”.

For such things, a group of students discussing here certainly can’t discuss anything, and it has caused serious negative effects-

The discussion gradually turned into a dispute, and the group of people who were originally united split again.

Perhaps because of uneasiness, several Slytherins became the target of vigilance and anger.

Even though there are no public descendants of Death Eaters among the Slytherins here.

This is something Scott didn’t expect.

He didn’t expect some people to be so sensitive.

It’s obviously not going to work this way.

“Don’t say anything.” He said, “We are still in Beauxbatons now, and we can’t let people outside Hogwarts know what happened in our school.”

His words were still useful, and everyone shut up.

Scott added: “In short, in the eyes of outsiders, we are one. Don’t let them see any signs of discord between us.”

“Scott is right.” Cedric was the first to respond to Scott’s words, “We should not suspect our companions and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.”

Then there was silence.

After a long while, the few people who had just spoken too much apologized.

Although the apology made them reconcile on the surface, the previous happy atmosphere could not be restored.

No one spoke again, and everyone finished breakfast in silence.

After breakfast, Scott returned to the dormitory.

“I thought I could make everyone reconcile.”

Cedric, who came to visit their dormitory, was a little frustrated.

“I don’t understand.” He said, “After something like that happened, we should be more united.”

Scott said helplessly: “The British only unite when facing the French.”

Cedric laughed, although a little reluctantly.

He sighed, “Maybe, these days, I thought we were already a whole, with no barriers between different colleges.”

Roger said: “It’s just because we are now in Beauxbatons. When we return to Hogwarts, we won’t eat at the same table.”

No one disagreed with his words.

The opposition between the Hogwarts colleges has lasted for so many years, and it can be said to be deeply rooted. How can it be changed so easily.

“I hope Professor Dumbledore will come back soon.” Scott said.

He can’t do anything about this kind of thing, and he doesn’t have such a great prestige to make everyone feel at ease.

Dumbledore came back in the afternoon. He didn’t look in a bad mood, which eased the students’ tense psychology a little.

After seeing everyone’s concerns, Dumbledore still maintained an optimistic and cheerful look.

“It seems that you all know what happened in Hogwarts.” He said, “There was a loophole in Hogwarts’ defense. This is my responsibility. But please rest assured that this will not happen again next time.”

His optimism infected everyone, and everyone seemed to be relieved.

“Professor Dumbledore.” Ethan asked a question, “We heard that Walton was under the Imperius Curse, so where was he cursed?”

Dumbledore did not hide it, “After investigation and Mr. Walton’s recollection, we confirmed that he was cursed before the Christmas holiday, during a Hogsmeade weekend.”

Fred asked, “Are we going to cancel the Hogsmeade weekend next?”

Dumbledore smiled and said, “Please rest assured, the Ministry of Magic will send a team of Aurors to be stationed in Hogsmeade next. In addition, the protective magic of Hogwarts has also been strengthened. The magic will automatically detect people entering and leaving the castle to ensure that they are in normal condition.”

Hearing this news, everyone couldn’t help but be happy.

The following days became peaceful again.

After the Christmas holiday, Scott’s brewing work also successfully entered the next stage.

After two major processes of fermentation and distillation, a total of more than a dozen small processes, the single malt whiskey he brewed was successfully released at the end of January and entered the storage state.

As for the quality of the wine…

Scott tasted it himself, and of course he didn’t taste anything because he didn’t know how to taste wine.

In short, after completing the extremely tedious task of brewing wine, Scott couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief.

His two rivals, Fleur and Crumb, were at about the same pace, having finished making single malt whiskey by the end of January or early February.

Judging from their expressions, none of them seemed to have failed.

Only when the second round of competition begins on February 24th, and Shen Fu Ma tastes it, will we know whose wine is of better quality.

When February entered, nothing interesting happened in Beauxbatons except for the somewhat lively Valentine’s Day on February 14th.

But at Hogwarts, sixth-grade students will face the Apparition learning and qualification exams this February.

George showed off to Fred more than once his progress in learning to apparate.

This made Scott and the other sixth-grade students in Beauxbatons a little anxious.

Apparition, this is definitely a magic that everyone can’t wait to learn.

This is a kind of magic that can manifest itself in a convenient place at will. It is an extremely profound magic.

Wizards must pass the Apparition exam administered by the Department of Magical Transport in order to use this magic.

Fortunately, they didn’t have to wait too long, Dumbledore announced that he would teach them this magic himself.

And they only need to go directly to take the qualification examination organized by the Ministry of Magic after returning to Hogwarts at the end of the school year.

This made Scott and the other sixth graders very excited.

After the teaching began, Dumbledore took them to a meadow farther away from Beauxbatons Castle.

The seventh-grade students followed.

Although they had passed the Apparition qualification last year, they were still curious about Dumbledore’s personal teaching.

“Perhaps they want to take the opportunity to learn some more skills, lest they leave a certain part of their body in place due to a failed Apparition.” Fred said.

Dumbledore walked to the edge of the lawn, turned to face everyone and spoke.

“Very good, I have consulted Madam Maxime, and there are no restrictions on disembodiment here.”

He clapped his hands.

“Next, I will start to guide everyone to practice. Now, everyone please stand up and leave five feet of space in front of you.”

Scott and the others all separated, each occupying a spot on the grass.

“very good……”

Dumbledore pulled out his wand and waved it.

A sparkling circle immediately appeared on the grass in front of each student.

“Please remember the three most important points when practicing Apparition!”

Dumbledore said loudly.

“Goal, determination, calmness!”

“Step one, focus on your goal!”

“Your target is inside the circle in front of you!”

“Attention, focus all your attention on your target.”

Scott focused on the circle in front of him.

Dumbledore continued to explain.

“The second step is to determine to occupy the space you want!”

“Use your emotions to drive the magic, and let the desire to enter flood every part of your body!”

Scott tried to do as he was told, focusing his attention on nothing but the target.

“The third step is to wait for my order and then rotate on the spot and enter the void state!”

“Remember, move calmly! Now listen to my command…one!”



Scott spun on the spot.

In an instant, his vision went dark, and his body seemed to be squeezed strongly from all directions, making him almost breathless.

Immediately afterwards, he felt as if he had been squeezed out of a very narrow rubber tube, and the light returned to his eyes.

He appeared in the circle of targets.

After moving his arms and legs to confirm that he had not lost any part of his body, Scott confirmed that he had successfully performed a super-close phantom transformation.

Although this attempt was several times more uncomfortable than being led by others to apparate in the past, there was no doubt that he succeeded.

Only then did he have time to look at the other people.

Fred succeeded, but he seemed to have lost a leg.

Dumbledore was busy putting his leg back on.

Not only him, but Roger also lost an arm, and Cedric lost an ear.

The seventh grade students were all busy helping.

Of course, some people didn’t succeed and just turned around in a circle.

Dumbledore waved his wand quickly and quickly cured the split student.

“Separation, the separation of a part of the body, occurs when determination is not strong enough.”

He explained the knowledge points loudly.

“You must always focus on the goal, don’t panic, be calm…”

“Goal, determination, and calmness, we must keep these three elements in mind. Okay, let’s try it a second time!”

Scott stepped out of the circle and began his second attempt.

This time he still succeeded.

After having the experience of doing it myself, the uncomfortable feeling became less.

After several practices, everyone successfully performed the apparation without any further separation accidents.

This is normal, after all, here are some of the best students at Hogwarts.

after an hour……

“Very well, that’s it for today.”

Dumbledore clapped his hands again.

“Next time we can try a longer distance. Remember, please do not practice alone without supervision. That is extremely dangerous behavior!”

On the way back, Fred said excitedly: “It seems that apparating is not difficult. I’m going to tell George that my progress will soon surpass his!”

He was very unhappy when George showed off to him before, and now he couldn’t wait to tell George about his progress.

“Oh I won’t tell George,” Scott said with a smile, “about you losing your leg.”

Fred said unconvinced: “He can’t be better than me, but he didn’t tell us about his failure in the first practice.”

Throughout February, in addition to learning the Apparition technique from Dumbledore with his companions, Scott also needed to prepare a birthday gift.

Luna’s birthday is February 13th.

He prepared a material using the alchemy he learned at Beauxbatons, and cast a transfiguration spell on the material.

Impressed by the choir of woodland nymphs that appeared at the Yule Ball, Scott conjured up a talking and singing woodland nymph and named it Seleno.

After drinking the magic-enhancing potion, Scott can use transformation and magic circuits to create this kind of “creature” that can exist for a long time without the magic stone.

Of course, although Seleno cannot be compared with Rambo, Scott also gave it a “skill” that can make it invisible through the magic text circuit.

If caught off guard, this little thing can also hurt the wizard.

After putting Seleno to sleep, Scott sent it to Luna.

Luna was very happy to receive this gift. Although Scott told her in the letter the true origin of Seleno – just a product of transfiguration, she still regarded Seleno as her friend and was busy Build it yourself into a castle suitable for it to live in.

After completing the production of Seleno, Scott also felt more confident about making the “summoned beast” he planned.

But he didn’t rush to do it.

Because he wanted to use better materials.

In the past, when making Rimbaud, the material he used was titanium alloy.

Although this alloy is strong, it is not compatible with magic.

It was Scott who forcibly engraved the magic circuit with his own blood, and with the help of the one-time magic stone, Rimbaud was successfully born.

The four “summoned beasts” he envisioned as wind, fire, water, and earth could play a greater role in battle were different from Rimbaud.

In order to better utilize the power of the four elements, without a one-time magic stone, Scott needs some materials that are more compatible with magic and elements.

This requires the use of the core technology of alchemy, substance conversion to synthesize and produce.

To this end, Scott devoted more enthusiasm to alchemy courses.

In addition to studying with Professor Duran in the Duran Alchemy Classroom, Scott also took the initiative to visit Russell’s Alchemy Classroom more than once, borrowing books, and asking Professor Russell for advice.

Because of the agreement with his Ravenclaw mentor, Professor Russell would not refuse his request for advice.

Although the Ravenclaw mentor is not unable to teach Scott alchemy directly, Scott is not suitable to learn from this great mentor at this stage.

In addition to the difference between ancient alchemy and modern alchemy, the biggest problem is that Scott is not a real genius in alchemy, and the Ravenclaw tutor is not that good at teaching basic knowledge.

The most suitable alchemy student for a Ravenclaw tutor might instead be Professor Russell.

Of course, Professor Russell also took the opportunity to exchange more advanced alchemical knowledge with the Ravenclaw tutor.

He and Scott both got what they needed and both got satisfactory results.

With good learning conditions and enough practice, Scott’s alchemy level has been greatly improved in a short period of time.

Lucio also gave him a lot of help during this process.

Unfortunately, Scott also spent almost all the Galleons he had saved over the past few years due to his expensive alchemy experiment.

This made Scott, who had never been short of money, a little dumbfounded.

Because there was a limit on the amount of Muggle currency that could be exchanged for wizarding currency at Gringotts, Scott had to start thinking about ways to make money.


The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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