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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 55 055. The first trial plan

It was late at night. After Scott walked out of Ravenclaw Tower, he put on the hood of his black cloak.

He walked into the main building of the castle through a long corridor, and then released the raven that was specially sent to explore the way for him.

Fortunately, he did not meet anyone along the way and successfully arrived at the agreed classroom.

When he pushed open the door, he saw two figures in the dark turning their heads and looking at him at the same time.

“George, Fred.”

Scott cast an illumination spell, reached out to catch the raven falling from the sky, and looked at the two pairs of bright eyes with some amusement.

“I remember we agreed to meet at 1 a.m.?” he said.

“We can’t wait!” Fred said with a smile.

George also winked at him, “Don’t talk about us, you arrived much earlier, Scott.”

Scott closed the door casually and cast an anti-disturbance spell on the door.

The empty classroom fell into darkness again.

Soon, Fred lit a candle.

“To prevent the crazy Filch from disturbing us.”

Scott waved his wand towards the windows of the classroom, and the heavy curtains on the windows were automatically tightened.

“This way we won’t be exposed, right?”

He thought for a moment, and waved his wand a few more times, turning all the curtains into a deep black.

“It’s better this way.” He nodded with satisfaction.

“Well done, Scott.” George said, “After the cat got into trouble, the old man Filch has gone completely crazy. He thinks it was all Harry’s fault.”

Scott walked over to the two of them and sat down on a chair next to an old desk.

The three of them started talking around a half-burned candle.

“Tell me your plan, smart Scott.” Fred said impatiently, “How should we find that damn heir.”

“Do you have any ideas? After all, you two have a lot of good ideas.” Scott asked back. Of course, what he wanted to talk about was actually a ghost idea.

“We? We think we should keep a close eye on the movements of Slytherin students, using our secret weapon!”

George took out an old parchment from his arms and spread it on the table, smiling triumphantly at Scott.

“That’s right! This is the secret of our success in the war with Filch over the past few years.”

Fred took out his wand and tapped the parchment.

“Watch it.”

He winked mischievously, and then said to the parchment in a solemn tone as if he was swearing an oath at a wedding: “I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good!”

The flowing black lines immediately began to appear from where the tip of Fred’s wand touched.

These lines crisscrossed and extended rapidly to every corner of the parchment.

Words also began to appear above the parchment, a kind of green arc forming large characters-[Mr. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, suppliers of auxiliary materials for magic prank makers, proudly present the Marauder’s Map. ]

The Marauder’s Map.

Scott raised the corners of his lips, which was one of the reasons why he invited the Weasley twins to act together.


He exclaimed, fully satisfying the twins’ desire to show off, and then lowered his head to the candlelight to carefully examine the contents of the parchment.

The map detailed all the details of Hogwarts Castle and various venues.

What Scott really cared about was the small ink dots moving along the map, each of which was marked with a name in tiny letters.

This is a magical item that can monitor the movements of all people inside Hogwarts.

He deliberately checked the situation in Gryffindor Tower and confirmed that Ginny was staying in the dormitory at this time.

“Incredible, this is really a good thing.” He praised softly, “Where did you find this treasure?”

“Oh, thank you for the compliment, Scott.”

George and Fred were so proud.

“This is the treasure we found in Filch’s office.”

“It’s hidden in the drawer of the cabinet!”

“Obviously, he doesn’t know it’s a treasure.”

“He probably thought it was a blank, worn-out parchment?”

“We cleverly discovered its true purpose!”

Scott didn’t say that he didn’t praise them just now, but praised again: “Great, with this, our actions will become much smoother.”

Then, he began to talk about his previous conversation with Ms. Grey.

George and Fred listened with relish.

After Scott repeated Ms. Grey’s words, he said to them: “From Ms. Grey’s words, it is not difficult for us to infer that the so-called ‘Slytherin Heir’ should be fake, and he appeared fifty years ago and killed a Ravenclaw Muggle-born student.”

At this time, George and Fred both became a little serious. The petrification of the cat and the killing of the student are two different things.

“Fifty years ago?” George analyzed, “If the person who did this was also the one who did it fifty years ago, then we have very few suspects.”

“There weren’t many people who were at Hogwarts fifty years ago, and…” Fred shook his head, “They don’t look like people who would do such a thing.”

“It seems that my previous idea of ​​monitoring Slytherin students seems a bit bad.” George spread his hands.

Scott said, “No, everyone is a suspect.”

“The person who did this may be the one who did it fifty years ago, or his descendant, or the one who used magic to control a student. All of these are possible.” He explained.

Fred widened his eyes and said in a low voice: “The Imperius Curse?”


Scott smiled, half of his face was illuminated by the dim light of the candle, and the other half was hidden in the darkness, which looked a little scary.

Seeing that the twins’ expressions were a little heavy, he said soothingly: “Don’t worry, my first trial plan will not be dangerous at all.”

“Oh! You haven’t said it all the time, what is the plan?” Fred immediately became energetic again.

Scott smiled again and said: “I want to imitate the other party’s approach. Let’s assume that the guy who acted secretly cares a lot about his title of ‘Slytherin Heir’, think about it…”

He guided George and Fred, “If we add a new ‘message’ next to the other party’s ‘message’, then what should we write to completely anger that person? Make him want to destroy our ‘message’?”

“So that’s it!”

George and Fred looked at each other, and the two began to get ready.

“Oh! This is definitely the part we are good at!” They said confidently.

Scott nodded, “I have already made an agreement with Eddie. He will be responsible for spreading the new ‘message’ content throughout the school as quickly as possible tomorrow morning. And I will be responsible for making the ‘message’ more secure and ensuring that it will not be destroyed by ordinary students.”

At this point, he took out a manual film camera from the deformed lizard skin bag on his waist and placed it on the old desk.

“The last thing is to monitor and record who will destroy the ‘message’.”

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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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