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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 577 Extra 002. Scott and Luna (with CP)

After discussing the university’s curriculum with a group of professors and seeing off all the guests, Scott stood alone in front of the window, looking at the endless sea of ​​flowers below.

By the sparkling lake, a group of unicorns, bathed in a faint light, were drinking water.

In the blink of an eye, a graceful figure appeared among the unicorns, bending down and stroking the mane of a small unicorn.

She was wearing an inconspicuous long dress and a somewhat worn-out straw hat. Only her long curly hair was particularly bright, like a unicorn, exuding a faint brilliance.

“came back.”

Scott crossed the space and came up behind her.

“My magical beasts expert.”

“Hey Scott, I’m back.”

Luna turned around with a pleasant smile on her face.

Twenty years have passed, and the childishness on Luna’s face has disappeared, but what remains unchanged is her ethereal and weird temperament.

She always lived happily in her own world and never seemed to be infected by the world.

“As of today, all magical animals in North America have been transferred to the magical world.” She told Scott happily.

“Thanks for your hard work.”

Scott raised his hand to take off the straw hat on her head, and used his fingers to smooth the messy hair around her ears.

“No.” Luna shook her head, “I’m happy to do this.”

As she spoke, she looked at the unicorns again.

“I hope that all magical animals can start a wonderful new life in the magical world just like us, and like them.”

“No problem.” Scott said with a smile, “The magical world is large enough and has various types of natural environments, enough to become the new home of all magical creatures.”

Luna nodded and looked at Scott with smoky gray eyes, “I know that all this is your fault.”

“No, it’s the result of all of us working together.”

Scott held her hand and the two walked by the lake.

“The magic circles in South America and Africa have already contacted us and have the intention to join the magic world.”

he told Luna softly.

“They will also move in after the North American wizards have settled down.”

Luna was very happy when she heard this, “So, there are only wizards from the East left?”

Scott nodded, with a complicated expression on his face.

“What’s wrong?” Luna asked.

“Most countries in the East should have no problem,” Scott said, “especially Japan in the Far East. Milton stayed there for a long time, and almost all the wizards there were conquered by his music.”

Luna nodded slightly when she heard this, “I know where the only exception is.”

“China.” Scott whispered that word that meant something special to him. “None of us know anything about it.”

Luna was a little surprised, “Don’t even Cedric and Qiu know? I have met many wizards from China, and I have also seen some magical animals from China.”

“Those wizards are only Chinese.” Scott explained, “Just like Qiu, her family left the country a few generations ago, and she was the only one to awaken as a wizard and come to Hogwarts to learn magic.”

Luna opened her eyes wide, “What do you mean?”

Scott nodded affirmatively.

“Currently, all the wizards in China have this kind of background. They are all Chinese who have studied magic in foreign countries. But I think that land still has hidden traditional power.”

Luna, “Have you been in contact with them?”

Scott shook his head.

“Those Chinese wizards are not keen on joining our magic world. Judging from their reactions, they may have a different world similar to the magic world.”

Having said this, they walked to the giant white tower and ended the topic naturally.

“By the way, the university we envisioned is ready.”

Scott talks about the magical university under construction.

“It’s time for you to prepare your Care of Magical Creatures classroom, Professor Lovegood.”

At university, each student would only choose one subject for further study within a period of time. Scott adopted a small-class teaching system in which one professor was in charge of one classroom, similar to a graduate school in a Muggle university.

“What about other than that?” Luna asked with interest.

Scott told her, “Professor Dumbledore, Professor Flitwick, Professor Snape, Professor Russell, and many more outstanding wizards from other magic schools will set up their own exclusive classrooms at the university. , to recruit their students.”

“I can’t wait for the day when school starts,” Luna said.

“There are other surprises,” Scott said with a smile. “The university also has a [knowledge bank] from the Scholars Alliance. In addition, we have some elective classrooms that are only open at specific times each year.”

Luna understood immediately, “It’s them?”

Scott nodded.

“Milton’s magical music classroom, Eddie’s magical media classroom, Fred and George’s economics classroom, Cedric’s management classroom, Harry’s Quidditch…”

He spoke in detail about some of the elective courses offered by his friends.

It is foreseeable that life in this university will be very colorful.

Chatting and laughing, the two came to the top of the giant white tower.

“By the way, I haven’t asked you the name of this university yet.”

Luna asked Scott back before going to take a shower.

“The name of the university is ‘Asgard’.” Scott replied, “This is to commemorate the predecessors of the ‘Asgard School’. The knowledge they left behind made great contributions to the formation of the magical world. ”

“So, where is your classroom?” Luna asked again.

“My classroom is named after ‘Rambo’.” Scott said softly.

“Good to hear.”


Scott walked to the window again and looked at the clear sky outside the window, as if he saw a black raven flying with wings.

With his magical attainments, he could use transformation to create a new Rambo, which could be exactly the same as the past Rambo, and could even possess Rambo’s memories, but he never did that.

“Oh, did you miss him?”

After a long time, Luna walked out of the bathroom after taking a bath and leaned against him.

“I miss him a little too.” She said softly, “Lord Black Wing is also my friend, isn’t he.”

“Yes, he likes you very much.”

Scott turned around and held her in his arms.

“I lost some trying to defeat the enemy.”

He smelled her hair, which had a light floral scent.

“But I’m still thankful that I didn’t lose more.”

Luna stretched out her hands and hugged his waist.

She buried her head in his chest and said softly: “At least, I will always be here.”

Scott smiled softly.

“Thank you, Luna.”

So lucky to meet you.


The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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