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The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts — Chapter 6 006. Magic Wand Poor Newborn

The next day, Scott woke up early in the morning.

His three roommates were still asleep at this time, and Scott could hear their long breathing.

They went to bed a little late last night because the mini concert last night ended up in trouble.

Scott admitted that Milton was an inspired composer and cellist, and most of the time his music was amazing.

But sometimes some of his inspirations were not easy to be accepted. Especially after he met the members of the “Weird Sisters” singing group, his inspirations went off the track.

At the mini concert last night, Milton first played a few of his new works, which were all very beautiful music, and Scott and others couldn’t help but indulge in them.

Afterwards, Scott, Roger and Eddie sincerely praised Milton’s amazing musical talent.

Maybe they gave too much encouragement, Milton then played an experimental piece of his exploration of a new style.

This piece is really terrible!

The expressions of Scott and the other two slowly solidified in this song, until someone knocked on the door of the dormitory, and they were freed from the terrible “devil’s voice”.

Milton was so terrible after letting himself go that students living in nearby dormitories came to protest one after another – the terrible noise disturbed their rest.

This hit Milton hard.

This delicate boy felt that his musical talent was not worthy of his friends’ praise because his experimental works only received unanimous bad reviews.

He lost confidence and sat decadently on the windowsill of the dormitory, looking at the moon and crying.

As roommates, Scott and the other two boys had to rack their brains to comfort him.

In this way, it was not until after midnight that Milton finally managed to put his mood together and went to bed.

Scott also secretly vowed that he would never encourage Milton to play in the dormitory again.

It was simply a disaster.

At this time, he took out his pocket watch from under the pillow and looked at the time.

It was 7:03 in the morning, while the school breakfast time was 8:00-8:30, and the class time was 9:00.

He got up from the bed and left the dormitory quietly.

After washing up, he returned to the dormitory again, changed his pajamas, put on clothes, shoes and socks, and then picked up his wand from the pillow and held it in his hand.

This is a black wand, made of ebony with dragon nerves, twelve and a quarter inches long.

Scott still remembers that Mr. Ollivander, who sold him this wand, talked to him excitedly at the time.

He said that this black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, and is very suitable for various combat magic and transfiguration.

He also told Scott that the owners of ebony wands are often unconventional, have strong personalities, or feel comfortable with the identity of outsiders.

So the perfect match for the ebony wand is that no matter how much pressure from the outside world, you can stick to your beliefs and will not easily waver in your goals.

As for the dragon nerves, the wands usually produced have the greatest power and can cast the most gorgeous spells. Dragon wands tend to learn faster than other types.

If they can win loyalty from the original owner, they can change allegiance, but they always maintain a close connection with the current owner.

Finally, he “predicted” that Scott must be a wizard who would be difficult to shake his goal, and would be very good at Transfiguration and combat magic.

Scott still couldn’t help smiling when he thought of his experience of buying a wand. He was very satisfied with his wand.

He put the wand upside down and inserted it into the wand cover fixed on the lining of his robe. Then he took out a copy of “Standard Spells Level 4” and a brand new notebook from the bookshelf at the head of the bed, picked up a feather pen from the pen holder, turned around and walked out of the dormitory, and gently closed the door.

This morning they had to take a spell class. Professor Filius Flitwick, the dean of Ravenclaw College, who taught this course, decided to go to the common room before breakfast to preview the contents of the textbook.

Speaking of which, because Scott’s performance in Transfiguration class was far better than that in Charms class, Professor Flitwick was a little disappointed with him.

Of course, Scott knew that the cute old man was just angry with Professor McGonagall.

Ravenclaw students performed best in the class of Gryffindor Dean, which made him a little embarrassed.

After understanding that Scott’s outstanding Transfiguration skills were only due to his talent, and not because he was not interested in other courses or was lazy, he began to take care of Scott with a friendly face.

After getting to know each other, he once joked with Scott: “Mr. Trollope obviously has the personality that Hufflepuff likes and the Transfiguration talent that Gryffindor likes, but in the end he was assigned to Ravenclaw, which shows that wisdom is the most outstanding trait in you.”

Scott answered sincerely: “… A good personality can make people more popular, and a good talent can make learning a subject easier, but only extraordinary wisdom can make a wizard go further…”

In short, after hearing his answer, Professor Flitwick was very happy and wanted to give him a hundred points on the spot.

But he obviously couldn’t do that, and finally he chose to reward Scott with a notebook of Charms.

That was the notebook written by Professor Flitwick when he sorted out the basic knowledge of Charms a few years ago.

Although there are copies of this notebook in the library of the Ravenclaw College common room, the one Professor Flitwick gave to Scott is the original, which is completely different in preciousness.

Unlike a copy of a Muggle book, magic notes written by powerful wizards often carry some magical magic.

The most fundamental function of this magic is to make it easier for people who read the notes to understand what the author wants to convey.

Professor Flitwick was obviously still unwilling to “lose” to Professor McGonagall. He hoped to stimulate Scott’s interest in spells in this way, and then try to catch up with his progress in Transfiguration.

Later, this notebook did help Scott a lot.

After he spent a lot of spare time to study the notes carefully, he had a solid foundation in spells.

This made him make obvious progress in the study of spells.

Although there is still a slight gap compared to his performance in Transfiguration, it has made Professor Flitwick very satisfied.

So, although Scott has the most talent in Transfiguration and Professor McGonagall has helped him a lot, his favorite and most respected professor is still Professor Flitwick.

Scott walked through the empty corridor, walked down the stairs to the common room, and found that the common room was not empty at this time.

A small boy was curled up on the large sofa next to the fireplace, sleeping soundly.

He was a freshman who had just enrolled this year.

Scott didn’t know why the freshman slept here so early in the morning, so he walked closer.

Although the boy was still asleep, his pale face, slightly swollen red eyes and tear marks on his face showed that he seemed to have been crying for a long time.


Scott reached out and patted his shoulder, and the boy opened his eyes in a daze.

“Freshman, why are you sleeping here? Is it because you are too excited and get up too early?” Scott joked.

“I…” The boy’s eyes immediately burst into tears, and his voice was crying, “I have been sleeping here since last night…”

Scott frowned and asked him: “What happened?”

The boy trembled and said: “He… They didn’t let me into the dormitory!”

Scott frowned even tighter now.

He couldn’t understand why this happened in Ravenclaw.


The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Status: Completed Author:


Name: Scott Trollope

Identity: Muggle-born wizard/time traveler

College: Ravenclaw

Talent: Transfiguration/Magic Perception

Goal: Become the freest wizard

[Scott's personal version of the Ravenclaw Code - knowledge first, cold-eyed observation, calm, and direct.]

"We should let everyone truly understand the power of Ravenclaw."

"Ravenclaw is like an eagle perched in the sky and on the top of the tower. It can not participate in the battle on the ground, but its keen vision can see everything from a high place."

"I don't participate just because I don't want to. I want no one to influence my position and actions. I want to be the freest wizard!"


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