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Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning — Chapter 1

“Brother Lin, there is a silly boy from a foreign country at the head of the village, and he beat several brothers in a row in one night.”

“What now?”

A hurried inquiry came.

Zhaolin looked back at the other party in surprise.

The other party’s age is estimated to be just an adult, wearing patched clothes, and his skin is tanned.

It gives people the feeling of monkey essence and monkey spirit, and it is obvious that it is the kind of native of a small mountain village.

“Who is this?”

“How do you talk to me?” Zhaolin is full of question marks.

But in the next second, there was a sharp pain in my mind, and a large number of memories rushed up uncontrollably.

After sorting it out, Zhaolin understood it.

It turns out that he crossed into the Republic of China in a parallel world!

This is not over, in his previous life, he just graduated from college, and actually crossed over and became a nineteen-year-old orphan whose parents died!

Lying in the groove, crossing the Republic of China, and being an orphan again, the sky collapsed to the beginning!

Ten thousand mud horses galloped in Zhaolin’s heart, and according to his memory, he knew that his village was called Zhaojia Village.

And because his body is stronger than his peers, he has become a famous big brother in the neighborhood!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Zhaolin goes out to release water, he is followed by four or five fanatical little brothers!

This really corresponds to that sentence, fight small and pull gangs!

“Hey, I don’t know that the Republic of China in the parallel world is the same as the Republic of China in the previous life.”

Zhaolin frowned slightly, and before he had time to carefully sort out the memories in his mind, another mechanical sound sounded.

[Ding, host detected, full level military system binding…].

“Full level military industrial system, it seems that the welfare of the traverser has arrived!”

Sighing in his heart, Zhaolin Jing waited for the system sound.

[Ding, the system is bound successfully. 】

【System introduction has been sent to the host’s mind, please familiarize yourself with it as soon as possible.】 】

[Note: The first binding gets a newbie package, is the host open?] 】

Faced with the system’s inquiry, Zhaolin decisively chose to open it in his heart.

【Ding, the newbie package is opened and rewarded:】

[Bonus 1: Desert Eagle semi-automatic pistol].

[Bonus 2: Match unlimited magazines].

[Reward 3: Gun Master Memory].

[Reward 4: Personal Strength +5].


At the end of the mechanical sound of the system, huge gun memories flooded into Zhaolin’s mind like a flood.

At this moment, he had a feeling that he knew all the firearms in the world!

Moreover, Zhaolin was pleased to find that his strength seemed to have doubled!

“System, open the dashboard.”


[Age: 19 years old].

[Power: 10].

[Physical strength: 5].

[Agility: 5].

(The adult three-dimensional attribute is 5).

[Personal Warehouse: Desert Eagle Semi-Automatic Pistol].

Looking at his attributes, Zhaolin nodded with satisfaction.

After the system points are added, his strength is already twice that of an adult!

Today, the problem of not being able to hold a pistol is solved.

After all, the Eagle of the Desert Light weighs four pounds with a pistol, and it is unrealistic for ordinary people to want to hold four pounds of something for a long time and aim and shoot!

With the blessing of pistols and unlimited magazines, presumably in the Republic of China, he also has the initial ability to protect himself.

Without much thought, Zhaolin turned his head to check the role of the military industrial system.

After researching it, he understood.

This full-level military industrial system is like a huge military industrial mall.

As long as you are willing to consume, aircraft cannons can be bought.

It can be said that even if you want to build a military empire, it is not a problem!

Of course, the military empire is still too far from Zhaolin, but in the war-torn Republic of China period, not to mention the gangs and factions, they must also have some hard power!

Otherwise, in this era of chaos, cannon fodder is its own end!

“Brother Lin… Ringo??? “

“That silly boy is too tiger, as a foreigner, he bullies the locals!”

“Even, after beating people, they don’t even pay for the soup medicine.”

“Now that our brothers are gone, we have to kill him!”

“What do you think about this?”

Seeing that his eldest brother was stunned, the dog egg in patched clothes asked again.

Hearing this, Zhaolin was simply in a trance for a moment, and then his eyes emitted green light!

“And this? After beating people, do not pay for soup medicine? “

“Brothers go, follow me and sell his pants for money!!”

Zhaolin slapped his big hand and immediately squatted up from the ground.

Special meow, now what he lacks the most is money!

But this silly boy actually dared to send it to the door himself?

If you don’t finish the pit for his house today, how can you raise your head in front of your little brother?!

After saying that, a momentum surged in his heart, and Zhaolin did not turn back, and went straight to the head of the village.

The five little brothers wearing patches behind him were briefly stunned, and immediately followed excitedly.

Not long after, under the guidance of the little brother dog, Zhaolin found the silly boy.

The other party’s first impression of Zhaolin was that he was relatively thin and had a public face.

In addition, the uniquely shaped nine-claw hook held in his hand is a bit eye-catching.

Nine-claw hook?

Zhaolin frowned, I don’t know why, I always feel that this thing has been seen somewhere!

“Forget it, I’ll see what it is when I take it over!”

Without too much entanglement, Zhaolin walked over with five people hanging erlangdang.

“OI, I heard that your kid is quite capable!”

“An outsider, give several of my brothers up and down?”

“What, you don’t show it after beating someone?”

Although Zhaolin was menacing, the other party did not hear it at all, and took the nine-claw hook with his own care, waiting for the river crabs and fish and shrimp in the river.

“Hey, your kid is deaf? Didn’t hear my eldest brother speak? “

“Take the money!!” The dog tore open his throat, lifted his head, and stepped forward to push the other party.

Oh, the other party sneered, turned his head and glared at the dog: “It’s grown so big, it’s me Chen Pi asking others for money?” “

“Now someone actually dares to compete with me!”

“Xiao Ye has exactly five hundred texts on him, do you dare to accept it?”

Saying that, the hand holding the nine-claw hook tightened, looking ready to attack.

Tangerine peel?

Nine-claw hook??

Lying groove, this will not be the Republic of China of the tomb robbery world, right?

At first, Zhaolin, who was standing in the back carelessly, suddenly contracted his pupils after hearing the other party’s name.


Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning

Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning


Story of: Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning

Zhao Lin traveled through the tombs of the Republic of China and obtained a full-level military industry system.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy airplanes and cannons!

[Ding, rob Zhang Da Buddha and get one billion, which can be used to buy 100,000 dead soldiers]

[Ding, rob Yue Qiluo, get special power to tie up the paper man, and you can buy enhanced gene potions]

[Ding, rob Yin Xinyue, get all the antiques from the Crescent Hotel Auction House, and buy Dongfeng Express]

With the continuous improvement of weapons and equipment, Zhaolin's power is growing!

His empire slowly grew.


Zhang Dafoye was confused: No, do you really treat us, Laojiumen, as leeks?Just letting people fight without paying them?

Yue Qiluo cried: "Zhaolin, don't rob me. The hands of the paper-piercer are smoking!"

Zhao Lin: Everyone is working hard, and recently I have taken a look at the space carrier Luanniao!

Until that day, when the little devil was about to prepare for a full-scale attack, an aerospace carrier comparable to the size of a city came into view. At the same time, two Dongfeng Express pierced the sky.

Jaap: I have a biological mother. I just set off and my family is gone?


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