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Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning — Chapter 17

“Someone looking for themselves?”

Zhaolin was a little puzzled at first.

Logically speaking, how many people know themselves in this Changsha City?

Who will come to themselves if they have nothing to do?

Could it be Qi Tiezui?

Thoughtful, Zhaolin looked outside.

I saw a cyan robe in my eyes.

“This is … February red? “

Zhaolin was a little surprised, and when he looked back, he saw Chen Pi following behind the man!

However, why is February Hong looking for herself?

At the same time, Chen Pi also noticed Zhaolin in military uniform.

After pointing to his master, February Hong walked straight over.

“Zhaolin, my name is February Hong, and I am a opera singer in Liyuan.”

“Didn’t bother you today, did it?”

“Second Master Jiumen came to find me, there must be something!” Zhaolin did not greet him and asked straight to the point.

In fact, there is no need to ask, Zhaolin simply thinks about it to know why February Hong came to find him.

Obviously, Chen Pi told him about the girl’s illness.

There is a point, with the personality of this spoiled wife and crazy demon, it is indeed quite difficult to wait one night to come to yourself!

But tell it!

With February Hong, the steward of the Red Clan, aren’t the benefits you can get?

Seeing that Zhaolin was so direct, February Hong did not mince words, and responded directly:

“There really is something I want to talk to you about.”

After that, he asked the old shopkeeper to find a separate box.

Inside the box.

February Hong looked directly into Zhaolin’s eyes, and it took a long time before he took out a sack and placed it on the table.

“There are ten high-quality goods here, all of which are at the collector’s level in my Red Clan.”

“I came to you today, and I showed the greatest sincerity.”

“However, there is something I want to ask you, why do you think so firmly that she is infected with a deadly virus?”

“You know, the doctors of Quan Changsha City said that the girl had a wind chill!”

After speaking, February Hong stared at Zhaolin deadly.

Those sharp eyes can’t wait to look through Zhaolin’s chest and look directly into his heart!

Feeling the other party’s eyes, Zhaolin couldn’t help but frown.

To be honest, this look made him feel very uncomfortable.

Moreover, the meaning in the other party’s words is clear.

Just asking why you should believe in yourself, and not in the whole city doctor?!

Harm, this is a little bit of careful thinking.

In this regard, Zhaolin chuckled and replied, “Second Master of the Nine Gates…”

“Yes, this name is quite loud.”

“But, it’s not good for me!”

Saying that, Zhaolin put away the smile on his face, turned to become serious, and stared at the other party without the slightest.

“February Hong, if you don’t believe me, the gate is there, and no one will stop you if you want to leave.”

“You…” As soon as these words came out, February Hong stared at the eyes and said directly.

In any case, he didn’t expect that Zhaolin would be so bad!

Faced with your own problems, directly choose not to explain.

Even, he let himself go directly?!

Good fellow, this is not sure of yourself?!!!

However, after thinking about it, February Hong was relieved.

It was the girl who was sick, and it was not Zhaolin himself, people had medicine in their hands, but they did not.

Can you just eat yourself?

If the roles are reversed, it is estimated that he is not much different from Zhaolin!

However, Zhaolin’s attitude is too rigid!

February Hong complained in her heart, took a deep breath, and slumped down on the chair as if she had lost her spirit.

Now he is the same as when he first entered the box.

When Zhaolin saw this scene, he knew that he had won this negotiation.

But it was expected.

After all, he mastered the initiative from the beginning!

There was silence for a long time, and finally February Hong pushed the sack on the table to Zhaolin.

“Hopefully, your medicine works!”

After that, February Hong got up and walked out of the box without looking back.

He didn’t directly ask Zhaolin for medicine, because last night Chen Pi also said that Zhaolin needed time to buy it.

“Don’t worry, when the time comes, the medicine will be eliminated!”

Zhaolin walked out of the box with the sack and watched February Hong leave.

Just as Zhaolin was preparing to study the high goods in the sack.

The dog on the side frowned and said, “Big brother…..”

“Chen Pi that kid, it seems that he has an opinion about you!”

“Yes, big brother, I just noticed it too.”

“Just now, when we were waiting outside the box, Chen Pi’s fist never loosened!”

“That kid, I definitely have an opinion about you!”


Zhaolin looked at Chen Pi’s departing back strangely.

It just so happened that the other party turned around at this time.

Four eyes opposite.

After seeing the expression on the other party’s face, Zhaolin sneered uncontrollably.

“This kid, don’t remember to eat or beat!”


PS: Pounce on the street author, kneel for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly pass support!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning

Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning


Story of: Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning

Zhao Lin traveled through the tombs of the Republic of China and obtained a full-level military industry system.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy airplanes and cannons!

[Ding, rob Zhang Da Buddha and get one billion, which can be used to buy 100,000 dead soldiers]

[Ding, rob Yue Qiluo, get special power to tie up the paper man, and you can buy enhanced gene potions]

[Ding, rob Yin Xinyue, get all the antiques from the Crescent Hotel Auction House, and buy Dongfeng Express]

With the continuous improvement of weapons and equipment, Zhaolin's power is growing!

His empire slowly grew.


Zhang Dafoye was confused: No, do you really treat us, Laojiumen, as leeks?Just letting people fight without paying them?

Yue Qiluo cried: "Zhaolin, don't rob me. The hands of the paper-piercer are smoking!"

Zhao Lin: Everyone is working hard, and recently I have taken a look at the space carrier Luanniao!

Until that day, when the little devil was about to prepare for a full-scale attack, an aerospace carrier comparable to the size of a city came into view. At the same time, two Dongfeng Express pierced the sky.

Jaap: I have a biological mother. I just set off and my family is gone?


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