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Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning — Chapter 31

“Big brother

“There’s a red ghost thing running through there!”

Hearing Qu Nan’s words, Zhaolin was shocked in his heart.


With a low drink, several people were busy reloading the AK!!

The black barrel was aimed at the white mist ahead.

As long as an order is given, it will set off a storm at any time!

A few seconds later.

Qu Nan frowned and came to Zhaolin’s side: “Big brother, there was a red shadow floating inside just now, and that red shadow was two feet off the ground!” “

“Oh? Red shadow, still two feet off the ground? “

Zhaolin looked solemn, and his mind quickly passed through all the terrifying creatures in the tomb robbery.

And yet——

These terrifying creatures are fundamentally different from what Qu Nan described….

Even, completely out of line!!


Zhaolin frowned tightly, muttering in his heart.

“Brother Lin!” At this moment, Qi Tiezui shouted, not crying like just now, but extremely serious persuasion: “Just now, I have a bad wind, located in the northwest, surrounded by mountains, and there is no sunlight all day long, it is really a gloomy place!” “

“Such a fierce place, there are some demons and monsters hidden in Baoqi.”

“While now, we haven’t fully entered the tomb, so let’s withdraw first!”

As Qi Tiezui’s voice fell.

The dog, who originally held the AK with a look of anger, froze and suddenly withered.

As if thinking of something terrifying, he turned his head and asked hesitantly

“Big brother, what’s this…”

Obviously, in the face of unknown creatures, the dog egg cannot maintain its usual arrogance!

Click ~~~

Just as everyone was retreating, Zhaolin pulled the safety bolt to load the AK.

Then he glanced at them indifferently.

Without saying a word, he walked straight into the white mist.

“Big brother!” Several people shouted, afraid that Zhaolin was in danger, and quickly followed.

Qi Tiezui stopped in place, his face shocked and anxious.

Finally, I looked at the exit in the distance, and my heart followed!

What they didn’t notice was that the blood that originally flowed out after the ghost died, but now turned into blood beads and merged into the white mist…

I don’t know how long I walked, but the white fog that blocked my view gradually dissipated.

After the visibility increased, I re-looked at the Zhaolin environment and found it.

The surrounding area is no longer as small as when they first entered the tomb.

On the contrary, the space here is extremely large!

The dog beside him looked around and couldn’t help but be surprised: “Good guy, this ancient tomb has hollowed out the entire back mountain?” “

“Indeed, this is the first time I have seen the inside of the tomb like this!” Qi Tiezui pushed down his glasses, shrunk his neck and followed Zhaolin’s butt in fear.

A few steps forward, a rancid smell suddenly filled the air.

The wind is blowing.

Crooked tombstones abound.

Almost all the graves everywhere were thrown away!

Reveal most of the coffin buried in the soil!

“This is…”

“Mass graves?” Zhaolin said with a solemn expression.

On the other side, looking at the countless graves in front of him, Qi Tiezui’s face suddenly turned white.

At this moment, a terrifying thing appeared in his mind.

He muttered, “It’s over!” “

“Lord of all corpses.”

“Why are we all planted here today!”


“Huh? What Guardian of All Corpses? The dog egg was confused and poked Qi Tiezui in bewilderment.

Zhaolin on the side also cast a confused gaze.

However, although I don’t know the meaning, just by listening to the name of the [Guardian of Ten Thousand Corpses], I know that it is not a good phenomenon.

For a long time, Qi Tiezui slightly returned to his senses, as if he had resigned himself to his fate.

Sitting on the ground, his face was bloodless and explained: “The Lord of Ten Thousand Corpses usually appears in the tomb of the great murderer…”

“The meaning of this is also obvious, that is, after the death of the master of the previous big family.”

“The steward will bring the maids and servants around the master to accompany the burial.”

“After that, ask the masters to guard and practice corpses!”

“This is also done to raise corpses and protect the master.”

“And this messy grave in front of you is the funeral goods of the tomb owner!”

“Although, this scale is far from the level of 10,000 people…”

“But that’s also the place of great evil!”

“Today, I’m afraid we all have to plant this!”


“It’s almost there!” The dog egg looked at Qi Tiezui with disdain and continued: “You have been nagging all day!” “

“What a corpse practice, this and that! I only see a few graves now! “

“What can this do?”

“No, didn’t you find the messy grave in your mouth, and the coffins were all outside?”

“This is obviously a corpse phenomenon!”

“In other words, in these graves…”

Without waiting for Qi Tiezui to finish speaking, the yin wind passed through, whimpering like crying!

A hoarse and cold voice came out of the grave very abruptly

“Hehe, just this ignorant person still wants to steal our master’s tomb?”


PS: Thanks for the first lesson… Generous monthly pass support.

Dear Yanzu bosses, kneel down and ask for a little free flowers and evaluation tickets!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning

Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning


Story of: Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning

Zhao Lin traveled through the tombs of the Republic of China and obtained a full-level military industry system.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy airplanes and cannons!

[Ding, rob Zhang Da Buddha and get one billion, which can be used to buy 100,000 dead soldiers]

[Ding, rob Yue Qiluo, get special power to tie up the paper man, and you can buy enhanced gene potions]

[Ding, rob Yin Xinyue, get all the antiques from the Crescent Hotel Auction House, and buy Dongfeng Express]

With the continuous improvement of weapons and equipment, Zhaolin's power is growing!

His empire slowly grew.


Zhang Dafoye was confused: No, do you really treat us, Laojiumen, as leeks?Just letting people fight without paying them?

Yue Qiluo cried: "Zhaolin, don't rob me. The hands of the paper-piercer are smoking!"

Zhao Lin: Everyone is working hard, and recently I have taken a look at the space carrier Luanniao!

Until that day, when the little devil was about to prepare for a full-scale attack, an aerospace carrier comparable to the size of a city came into view. At the same time, two Dongfeng Express pierced the sky.

Jaap: I have a biological mother. I just set off and my family is gone?


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