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Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning — Chapter 38

“Lead the troops to destroy Zhao Laoer?”

In just a moment, Zhang Dafoye seemed to have heard a big joke.

“Mr. Pang, I’m afraid you don’t know anything about Zhao Laoer!”

“The Qinggang Mountain he occupied is precipitous, easy to defend and difficult to attack.”

“There are thousands of bandits under my command.”

“Guns and cannons should have them!”

“You tell me, how to extinguish?!”

Speaking of this, Zhang Dafoye don’t look over, and said coldly:

“As for Qi Tiezui…….”

“He is not tied, all you listen to is rumors!”

Just these two sentences directly choked Pang Junliang, who still wanted to defend.

Good guys….

Last night, the little devil did not cover up at all, and he arrested Qi Tiezui with great fanfare.

And went directly to Zhao Laoer’s territory!

Many people have seen this.

One pass ten, ten pass hundred.

Nowadays, who in the entire Changsha City does not know that Qi Tiezui is tied!?

Now doesn’t Buddha open his eyes and say nonsense???

Of course, these words Pang Junliang only dared to think in his heart.

Let him say to the Buddha, that immortal birthday star eats arsenic!


“But we still follow the previous offer.”

“Chamber of Commerce, he doesn’t make money!”

“Labor costs, finishing costs……. Miscellaneous calculations, even to lose points! “

Pang Junliang still wants to try communication.

But the Buddha directly waved his hand: “Do you earn money, I don’t know?” “

“Discuss with the senior management of your Chamber of Commerce, this time it is better to go according to the previous quotation.”

“In addition, I will consider destroying Zhao Laoer.”

“You won’t have to pay protection fees in the future!”

Saying that, the Buddha directly flicked his sleeves and left.

Looking at his back, Pang Junliang’s face was as uncomfortable as eating.

Stunned in place for a long time, unable to return to his senses.

Finally sighed.

Let the Chamber of Commerce convoy pull the gold away.

“Pang Ge….”

“If the high-level of the Chamber of Commerce knew that they would buy these gold at the original price, they would kill them!”

A small man next to him said worriedly.

Pang Junliang glared angrily: “I don’t know? “

“But this is Changsha City, can you still fight with the Buddha?”

“Then…” Xiao Wei was speechless.

Finally, he asked in a low voice: “That Buddha said that the matter of destroying Zhao Laoer…”

“Hmph.” Pang Junliang sneered: “It’s not for me to say, he dares to play with a serious businessman like him.” “

“How many thousands of bandits did Old Zhao second?”

“He Buddha dares to fight?!”



Zhaolin and the others did not return to the Fengxian Tower.

Instead, under Qi Tiezui’s enthusiastic invitation, he came to his Qi family’s old mansion.

“Big brother, this house was secretly bought by me with years of savings, and no one knows.”

While introducing, Qi Tiezui brewed ginger tea for Zhaolin and Dogan.

“You boy, buy a house and steal chickens and dogs.”

“Yes, the house is quite big! Quite luxurious. “

“It’s just. . . The location is not good, this is all considered outskirts. “

Zhaolin took a sip of ginger tea.

The warmth of ginger tea runs down the throat and spreads to the limbs.

The cold of the night was dispelled and the stomach was warm.

“It’s not far from Changsha City…”

“The main house is nearly a thousand square meters, and it is not a problem to live in hundreds of people.”

“If I buy it in Changsha City, I can’t afford such a big one.”

When it comes to the house, Qi Tiezui is like opening a chatterbox.

The introduction is endless.

Zhaolin didn’t listen to him much.

At the moment, he has more important things to do!

Consciousness enters the System Mall.

Took a general look.

Recently the mall has not been updated after new weapons.

Zhaolin set his sights on the assessment.

“System, give me an estimate of all these things!”

Saying that, Zhaolin handed over all the gold and silver in the ancient tomb to the system.

[Ding, valuation begins…….].

[Blue and white porcelain belongs to XX dynasty antiques and can be directly exchanged for 25,000 silver dollars].

[The octagonal cloud pattern dragon mirror belongs to the XX dynasty antiques and can be directly exchanged for 40,000 silver dollars].

[Plain koi polished glaze belongs to XX dynasty antiques and can be directly exchanged for 30,000 silver dollars].

[Doucai Tuan Flower Bowl belongs to the XX Dynasty Antique, which can be directly exchanged for 80,000 silver dollars].

[Several gold and silver jewelry, statistics can be exchanged for 15,000 silver dollars].


[25 antiques, as well as gold and silver assessment, a total of 500,000 silver dollars can be discounted].

“500,000 silver dollars?”

“Is it worth so much?”

Zhaolin listened to the sound of the system, and his whole body shook.

It has to be a fight!

A Yue Qiluo’s tomb has 500,000 silver dollars!

Zhaolin can see that there are not many treasures in her tomb.

And yet——

These things are still worth 500,000 silver dollars!

That’s like the Blood Corpse Tomb of Dartridge, the Seven Star Lu Palace……. How many treasures must be hidden in these tombs???

I didn’t think any further.

Zhaolin was extremely excited.

Looking at the more than 500,000 silver dollars on the account.

Without saying a word, he directly clicked on the [List of Dead Soldiers


Today he promised Qi Tiezui that he would capture Zhao Laoer alive.

How can you do it without getting more people?

Moreover, Zhaolin personally went and was very satisfied with the geographical location of Qinggangshan.

The terrain is precarious.

Easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Most importantly, it covers a very large area!

Using this as a base is completely adequate!

Didn’t think much about it.

Zhaolin’s gaze looked at the price of the dead man.

A thousand silver dollars, can buy one.

You are expensive, but the introduction says……

The dead man is proficient in a variety of firearms, as well as hand-to-hand combat.

Good physical fitness, and know how to work as a team.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the cooperation of ten well-equipped dead soldiers, it is simple to fight 100 ordinary people!


How many dead soldiers to buy, enough to take Qinggang Mountain?

Among the intelligence obtained by Zhaolin, there were thousands of people under Zhao Lao.

But don’t look at the crowd.

In fact, they are all untrained shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Moreover, their weapons are too backward.

Rifles were commonly used as weapons in this era.

It’s the kind of one with a bayonet in front, put a shot, the last chamber.

Not to mention fully automatic strafing, you just can’t do it with even shots!

Zhaolin predicted in his heart.

Subsequently, 300 dead soldiers were decisively purchased.

Two thermal imaging drones were purchased.

After the discount.

The total cost of these workers was 350,000 silver dollars.

There are 150,000 left.

Zhaolin followed the system again.

Buy all kinds of weapons, bullets, wireless walkie-talkies, anti-terrorist combat suits.

Moreover, every fifty dead soldiers are equipped with an RPG bazooka.

Do it all.

Zhaolin exited the system store.

At this time, a virtual map appeared in front of him.

The map shows his location and is surrounded by small red dots.

After inquiring about the system, I learned that the purchased dead man did not appear directly in front of him.

And these little red dots are the specific location of each dead man.

“No more, no less, exactly 300 people!”

Without further ado, Zhaolin immediately gave orders to these dead men.

Order them all to come to Himself.


Zhaolin seemed to have thought of something.

Looking up, he looked at Qi Tiezui beside him with a strange face

“Your house should be able to accommodate three hundred people, right?”


What three hundred?

Qi Tiezui scratched his head blankly.


PS: Dear Yanzu bosses, kneel and ask for a little free flowers and evaluation tickets!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning

Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning


Story of: Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning

Zhao Lin traveled through the tombs of the Republic of China and obtained a full-level military industry system.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy airplanes and cannons!

[Ding, rob Zhang Da Buddha and get one billion, which can be used to buy 100,000 dead soldiers]

[Ding, rob Yue Qiluo, get special power to tie up the paper man, and you can buy enhanced gene potions]

[Ding, rob Yin Xinyue, get all the antiques from the Crescent Hotel Auction House, and buy Dongfeng Express]

With the continuous improvement of weapons and equipment, Zhaolin's power is growing!

His empire slowly grew.


Zhang Dafoye was confused: No, do you really treat us, Laojiumen, as leeks?Just letting people fight without paying them?

Yue Qiluo cried: "Zhaolin, don't rob me. The hands of the paper-piercer are smoking!"

Zhao Lin: Everyone is working hard, and recently I have taken a look at the space carrier Luanniao!

Until that day, when the little devil was about to prepare for a full-scale attack, an aerospace carrier comparable to the size of a city came into view. At the same time, two Dongfeng Express pierced the sky.

Jaap: I have a biological mother. I just set off and my family is gone?


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