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Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning — Chapter 40

The other side.

In the back mountain of Qinggang, the corners of Zhaolin’s mouth rose slightly.

RPG bazooka on your shoulder.

Blow up the cottage watchtower with precision!

He then quickly issued an order: “All dead men obey the order”

“After the drone grenade bombards the entire cottage.”

“You guys cooperate on your own and quickly kill the remaining bandits!”

“This battle, I hope you don’t delay, crush the past with the momentum of thunder, and completely defeat Zhao Laoer!”

“Also, don’t save grenades and bullets for Lao Tzu.”

“That thing is not worth anything!”

“Blowing it up and it’s over!”

After Zhaolin gave the order, he activated the upgraded four thermal imaging drones and dropped grenades!

Thermal imaging drone with 20 small howitzers.

Four planes, that’s 80 rounds.

Moreover, it comes with thermal imaging to lock the enemy.

If there is divine help on the battlefield!

“Boom !!”

The first drone fired an automatic grenade and landed very precisely in the rest area.

The grenade exploded instantly!

A huge shock wave, as well as shattered shrapnel, exploded towards the surroundings like a storm!

Immediately afterwards, the flames rose into the sky and the smoke rose.

How can the earthen house in the rest area withstand the grenade bombardment?

It’s just an instant blast!

It all came too suddenly.

No one knows what happened.

Inside the lounge area.

The bandits, who were still sleeping soundly, looked up in confusion.

“Who’s going to start a cannon fight in the morning?”

And yet——

In the next second, a grenade was thrown with precision.

At the moment when this grenade fell.

Countless grenades pierced the sky, dragged the horn of death, and landed on the rest area.

Quick as a wink.

The explosion rang out like the last madness of the band’s drummers.

Every explosion takes the lives of many bandits.

Someone wanted to resist, but as soon as they showed their heads, they were screened by the range of a fully automatic machine gun!


Drones have become death.

With a long scythe, he frantically reaped the lives of bandits.

In this high-tech one-sided massacre.

Human life is so worthless!

One by one, bandits, even now, are still in a state of complete confusion!

They have never seen a drone, and even more so a bomb of such power!

And, most importantly.

None of them know who they have offended?

Even if it’s a fight.

But don’t even give a preparation time!

Just do it!

It is especially picked in the early morning, when people are sleeping deeply.

Special, it’s just not human!!

Many bandits were still in a deep sleep, and they unknowingly saw their grandmother!

80 howitzers blew up almost the entire rest area of the cottage!

For a moment, the earth trembled, and the flames burst into the sky!

View from above.

The inside of the cottage is like being hit by a meteorite.

Countless craters with potholes have appeared!

The bandits forced bricklayers to elaborate the walls before.

At the moment, it does not play the role of defending against foreign enemies.

Instead, it became a cage!

Above the head is a drone that is like an eye and crazy harvesting human life!

And they are like headless flies, running around in cages looking for hope!

“Grass, don’t run away, pick up the gun and give Lao Tzu a counterattack!”

“If anyone hides any longer, labor and management will kill him!”

Among the bandits, a small captain looked at the little brother who was looking for cover to escape, and suddenly became angry!

Grab one and drop it directly to the ground.

“Malgobi’s, who let you run!”

“Take a gun and resist!”

Even though the squad leader pulled his voice and roared loudly, the bandits had long been dominated by fear and fled everywhere regardless of it.

Even if someone resists fear and shoots at the drone.

But the appearance of the drone is bulletproof, and their rifles not only can’t damage the drone, but even expose their location because of the shot.

In the next second, a crazy counterattack hit.

In this era, people have no concept of body armor.

How can groups of flesh and blood resist bullet fire!

Wails, weeps, roars, like a grand symphony, resounded all around.

Stand in the distance.

Looking at the picture transmitted by the drone, Zhaolin nodded with satisfaction.

It’s still high-tech and easy to use!

The appearance of this drone is a complete dimensionality reduction strike!

It’s like the Trisolarans coming to Earth!

The bandits have completely become ants!

However, it is worth mentioning.

There are really many bandits in this cottage.

One drone shot all the bullets.

But there are also densely packed bandits who don’t know where to run out!

It’s time!

Zhaolin immediately asked the dead man to order the attack!

Then, three hundred black-clothed dead soldiers, in unison, quickly joined the battlefield with their bodies hunched!


The Buddha who was holding a telescope in the distance to watch the battlefield, the whole person was numb!

What is flying in the sky?!

But what he didn’t expect was that what was even more shocking was still to come!


PS: Thanks 16647… Monthly pass support sent greatly.

Dear Yanzu bosses, kneel down and ask for a little free flowers and evaluation tickets!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning

Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning


Story of: Tomb Robbery: The warlords of the Republic of China robbed dried tangerine peel at the beginning

Zhao Lin traveled through the tombs of the Republic of China and obtained a full-level military industry system.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy airplanes and cannons!

[Ding, rob Zhang Da Buddha and get one billion, which can be used to buy 100,000 dead soldiers]

[Ding, rob Yue Qiluo, get special power to tie up the paper man, and you can buy enhanced gene potions]

[Ding, rob Yin Xinyue, get all the antiques from the Crescent Hotel Auction House, and buy Dongfeng Express]

With the continuous improvement of weapons and equipment, Zhaolin's power is growing!

His empire slowly grew.


Zhang Dafoye was confused: No, do you really treat us, Laojiumen, as leeks?Just letting people fight without paying them?

Yue Qiluo cried: "Zhaolin, don't rob me. The hands of the paper-piercer are smoking!"

Zhao Lin: Everyone is working hard, and recently I have taken a look at the space carrier Luanniao!

Until that day, when the little devil was about to prepare for a full-scale attack, an aerospace carrier comparable to the size of a city came into view. At the same time, two Dongfeng Express pierced the sky.

Jaap: I have a biological mother. I just set off and my family is gone?


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