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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 105 Go prepare the gift for marrying you

It was late at night, and the silver full moon hung high in the sky, covering the Pi City with a slight haze at night with a translucent veil.

As the banquet at the Giramann family ended, the guests from each major family took their own carriages home, greeted by the Giramann couple and their servants.

At the entrance of the yard, with the support of Li Lin and Mel, Jace, who was a little drunk and still mumbling something, also got into the carriage.

After greeting Li Lin and Caitlin, as well as Victor and Skye on the side, Mel also got in the car and sat next to Jace, and asked the driver to drive away.

After that, a few people chatted for a while at the gate of the courtyard.

Li Lin chatted with Victor about the progress of Zach’s tissue cells and shimmering medicine, while Caitlin and Skye talked about topics between girls.

Because Victor is best at mechanical engineering, just like Jess.

Although he had done some research on alchemy technology before, it was limited to physics.

He didn’t know much about chemistry and genes, so his research on “gene enhancement” agents stalled.

There are systematic blessings, but there are not many books on this type of research in Piltover, which does not focus on the field of chemistry.

Alchemy technology is too unhumane, and all experiments require a large number of human experiments to draw conclusions, so Li Lin doesn’t know much about it and can’t help much.

However, Victor said that he had already thought of a method, but Li Lin didn’t ask any more questions.

After a while, Heimerdinger and Mrs. Karina walked out of the house while talking and laughing, and they ended their conversation.

Tonight, Victor was specially selected by the dean of the college, and then he and Skye came with him to attend Caitlin’s coming-of-age ceremony banquet.

“Professor Heimerdinger.”

When Heimerdinger approached, Victor opened the carriage door for him.

“Oh ho ho~~ What a pleasant banquet, Councilor Gila Mann, thank you very much for your hospitality.”

Heimerdinger held onto Viktor’s cane and climbed into the carriage with Skye’s help.

Then, he stuck out his big furry head, blew on his white beard, and said to Karina, who had just followed him to the crowd.

“It’s my pleasure, Senator Heimerdinger.” Karina responded with a polite smile.

Then, Heimerdinger pulled his head back and waved to Victor and Skye who were getting out of the car.

“Okay kids, it’s getting late. Get in the car quickly. Let’s go back to the academy. We have more things to do tomorrow.”

After the two said goodbye to Li Lin, Caitlin and Karina and got into the car, Heimerdinger suddenly thought of something and stuck his head out to look at Li Lin.

“Oh, kid! I almost forgot an important fact. Regarding the research on ‘artificial intelligence’ you mentioned earlier, after you provided the auxiliary chip, I seem to have some clues…”

Hearing this, Li Lin’s eyes lit up.

“But there are still some small problems… Come to the academy to see me tomorrow and we can discuss it further.”

“No problem, Professor Heimerdinger, I will meet you in your office tomorrow morning.”

“Well, okay.” Heimerdinger retracted his head, “Then see you tomorrow, kid. I wish you a good dream tonight.”

sweet dreams…

I guess I’m going to have a sleepless night tonight.

Li Lin glanced at Mrs. Karina, who was standing next to him with a smile but no trace of a smile on her face. A bitter expression flashed across his face.

After watching Heimerdinger’s carriage leave, Karina turned her head slightly to look at Li Lin and Caitlin, and the smile on her face quickly faded.

Caitlin noticed her mother’s unfriendly eyes and subconsciously shrank to Li Lin’s side.

But this move made Karina’s sight even more dangerous.

The atmosphere in the air gradually fell into a very subtle situation.

After a moment, Mrs. Karina looked away, turned around and walked towards the reception hall of the side house.

There were still a few guests there who were being entertained by her husband, Erro.

As they walked, Karina said to the two of them without looking back: “You two, wait for me in the main living room. We have to have a good chat.”

There was no emotion in her voice, which made Caitlin feel very confused.

“I, what should we do? Mom seems angry…”

She gently tugged at the hem of Li Lin’s clothes, and said with a slightly resentful expression: “Really, why did you do this at the dance… Now that mother knows about it, we will all suffer.”

Li Lin looked at the figure that had disappeared at the door in the distance, turned back to look at Caitlin, and said in a teasing tone:

“I don’t see that our mother is angry? Maybe she agrees with what we are doing?”


After hearing Li Lin’s words, Caitlin’s expression turned into astonishment, and she stared blankly at the man in front of her.

“We, our mother? Our affairs haven’t been decided yet! Who is with your mother?”

When she reacted, her face turned red with embarrassment, and she pinched Li Lin’s waist, causing him to grimace in pain.

What special attack skills do women have against men…

Li Lin quickly grabbed her little hand and pushed her a step away, “Hey, it hurts. I was just kidding… You took away my first kiss. Aren’t you going to be responsible for me?”

Caitlin’s eyes widened with a surprised expression, “It’s obviously you…”

Before she finished speaking, her face darkened and she wanted to attack Li Lin again.

“Oh, I’m not even married yet and you’re doing domestic violence to me…”

Li Lin said in a melancholy tone, his funny look amused Caitlin.

“screw you……”

She reached out and poked Li Lin’s cheek, “What you just said to me, it’s okay for us to joke around, but we can’t let my mother hear it, she will be angry…”

Caitlin took back her hand and hummed softly, turning her rosy cheeks aside, but her voice was not as strong as before.

She paused for a moment, as if she had thought of something, then turned back to look at Li Lin, and added with a feigned sullen expression: “Maybe I will kick you out of the house and never let us meet again…”

“Would you be sad if it really got to this point?”

Li Lin saw that Caitlin was completely trying to scare him, so he smiled and stretched out his hand to scratch the bridge of her nose, causing her to wrinkle her nose and exhale twice.

“You, what are you doing!”

Caitlin patted Li Lin’s hand and pouted slightly, showing off her immature girlish look.

“Just you? I wonder, why are you sad?” She looked like she meant what she said.

“Then I’ll be sad.”

Li Lin pretended to be disappointed and sighed, “Obviously you weren’t so alienated from me before tonight, Kate.”

“That’s not the same…”

Caitlin lowered her face like a ripe red apple and stuttered for a long time before she could say a word.

She placed a pair of small hands wearing white translucent lace gloves against her cheeks, trying to use the coolness of the gloves to reduce her hot face.

Caitlin, who is still in her teenage years, is so cute~~

Li Lin stared at the shy girl in front of him with a smile on his face, completely lacking the demeanor of a royal sister when she became a police chief in the future. He couldn’t help but want to tease her more.

After a while, Caitlin’s blank mind finally returned to normal.

“Humph~~ Instead of talking about love now, I should think about how to deal with my mother in the future…oh, and my father.”

She tried her best to pretend that nothing had happened, raised her moist eyes and looked at Li Lin.

“It’s not a problem with Mr. Elro, I think he might still support me.” Li Lin waved his hand, “The important thing is Mrs. Karina.”

“My mother loves me very much and will not let me be wronged. I don’t think she will be impressed by your mere dozen invention design drawings.”

Caitlin’s pretty eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she was also helping Li Lin think about ways to deal with his mother later.

That’s because you don’t understand the value of my more than ten design drawings, Kate…

Mrs. Karina will never refuse this gift, ah no… I should say bride price.

Li Lin smiled and said nothing. He just waved to Caitlin and motioned for her to follow him, then turned and walked towards the main house.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“Go prepare the bride price for marrying you.”

I promised to work hard for three updates, but it was messed up for two days. . .

I’m so sleepy. Why don’t we start again tomorrow?


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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