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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 108 Semi-finished intelligent device

“I’m sorry, Professor Heimerdinger, for making your office look like this.”

Li Lin took back the steel barrier, looked around the messy office, and apologized to Heimerdinger, who had just entered.

“It’s not your child’s fault…”

Li Lin could hear the anger in Heimerdinger’s tone, but it was not directed at him.

Later, Heimerdinger clenched his fists and walked up to Giggs, who realized that he had done something wrong, and shouted at him angrily:

“Giggs, you are simply unreasonable! I clearly warned you not to do such dangerous things! Look what you have done to my office!”

This was the first time Li Lin saw Heimerdinger lose his temper.

However, he believes that Giggs, who likes to play with fire and look for excitement when he has nothing to do, totally deserves it and does not deserve sympathy.

Giggs lowered his face, looking aggrieved, “But I didn’t do this…”

Upon hearing this, Li Lin’s anger, which had just subsided, surged up again, and he almost couldn’t help but curse.

Fortunately, I traveled back in time to Piltover and interacted with the polite Giraman family members every day, thus staying away from the worse gaming environment.

Otherwise, based on his previous temper, he would have to scold Giggs for five minutes without an asterisk.

Heimerdinger’s face became even more angry when he heard Giggs shirk responsibility.

“If it weren’t for you, Li Lin would be able to use his… uh, what?”

“Steel barrier.” Li Lin reminded from the side.

“Yes, how could he use that deployable steel barrier!”

Just as he was speaking, Heimerdinger seemed to suddenly think of something, and turned to Li Lin with bright eyes.

“Child, can you show me this so-called ‘steel barrier’ of yours?”

No, why does your brain circuit change so quickly?

One second I was scolding Giggs, and the next second my attention turned to my invention…

Li Lin resisted the desire to complain, “Of course, no problem, professor.”

Then, he bent down and handed the iron block in his pocket, which was about the size of a palm and not too heavy, to Heimerdinger.

“How does such a small piece of iron expand into such a large space?”

Heimerdinger looked up and down the “Steel Barrier”, stroking his white beard from time to time, with a thoughtful look on his face, completely ignoring Li Lin and Giggs.

After a while, he really couldn’t see anything interesting. He raised his head and looked at Li Lin, with curiosity shining in his eyes.

“How did you make it grow, kid?”

“There’s an activation device here, Professor.”

Li Lin pointed out to Heimerdinger a place on the iron block that was completely flush with other places, except for a slightly different color.

“If you press this button for a short time, it will expand into a steel shield. If you press and hold it for a long time and then throw it on the ground, it will expand into the room just like that in two seconds…”

Heimerdinger followed Li Lin’s instructions and tapped the area.

There was only a sound of mechanical metal friction, and it took only a short second for the palm-sized iron block to unfold into a steel shield about as tall as him.

“Oh~~The gears turn in the right direction, this is really an invention that I didn’t expect…How did you do it, kid?” Heimerdinger couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“I made it by accident…”

Li Lin did not hesitate to tell Heimerdinger the principles of the “steel barrier” that he learned through the system panel.

After all, this technological device uses “matter compression” technology, and Li Lin thinks that he does not understand science as thoroughly as the old and knowledgeable Yodel.

If Heimerdinger is allowed to study this, he might be able to develop the “matter compression” technology in advance.

For a mechanic like Li Lin, the most important prerequisite for summoning an entire army of steel with a wave of his hand is the problem of materials.

The “matter compression” technology perfectly fits the characteristics of his profession.

The earlier it is done, not only will it be more beneficial to his development, but it will also alleviate some of the pressure in dealing with some major events and world-related crises in the future.

Li Lin quickly explained the principle of “steel barrier” to Heimerdinger, and then briefly described his idea of ​​”matter compression”.

After listening, Heimerdinger thought for a long time, frowning and considering the feasibility of Li Lin’s statement.

After a while, he blew his beard and his thoughts returned to reality: “Well, it’s a very good idea. Compress matter through some method… I will study it later.”

“Then this device is given to you, Professor.”

“Oh~~You are so generous, kid, so thank you. Leave it over there first.”

Li Lin helped Heimerdinger retract the unfolded steel shield into an iron block, and then placed it on a mini desk not far away that was not affected.

Having temporarily solved the problem, Heimerdinger focused his attention on Giggs, who seemed to be restless and nervous.

“I’m sorry Giggs, based on your behavior just now, I’m afraid I can only let you go back to Bandle City to practice for a while.”

“Oh what? No, Professor Heimerdinger, you can’t do that!”

Tears suddenly welled up in Giggs’s eyes, and he said with a sad expression: “I haven’t started my project blueprint yet. I still have research results to show. I can’t go back!”

“I have the final say here, Giggs.”

Heimerdinger did not soften his tone at all because of his sadness.

“Even if you were invited by the professors of Yodel College to present your research results, don’t forget that I am the dean of Yodel College and the president of Piltover University!”

Giggs burst into tears and looked sad.

Unfortunately, Heimerdinger has already made his decision, and Li Lin does not want this “dangerous element” to stay in the Twin Cities.

Although it is no longer possible for Jinx to come out to cause trouble in the future, bomb explosions and the like will only add more trouble to the Twin Cities.

Seeing Heimerdinger’s lackluster appearance, Giggs knew he had no chance.

He could only say goodbye to Heimerdinger with disappointed sobs, and then walked out of the messy office, preparing to go back to the dormitory to pack up his gifts and then return to Bandle City.

After the troubled Giggs left, Heimerdinger looked at his office, shook his head, and sighed.

“Do you need me to help you sort it out, professor?” Li Lin suggested.

“No, let my assistant come.” Heimerdinger waved his hand and walked towards the door with small steps, “Follow me, kid, I have something important to see you today.”

Li Lin followed Heimerdinger all the way to the laboratory.

Seeing that the leader was Heimerdinger, the security personnel of the laboratory let them in without even checking their ID cards.

The two went inside, then took the elevator down to the bottom floor of the laboratory, until they reached a large explosion-proof room dedicated to experiments on dangerous and explosive technological devices.

In the center of the room stood three devices that were half as tall as Heimerdinger and looked a lot like baseball pitching machines.

Li Lin’s eyes lit up. He was very familiar with these devices.

Isn’t this the turret placed by Heimerdinger’s Q skill in the game?

“I was so inspired by your auxiliary chip that I designed this turret based on a pitcher I used to make for kids in Bandle City.

“I named them H-28G evolutionary turrets. They can automatically capture moving targets and attack them. This is something that your original auxiliary chip cannot do…

“But unfortunately, it still needs to input the command to fire energy bombs, and I need to use the remote control device to lock the target first, and it cannot calculate by itself to identify the enemy.”

As he spoke, Heimerdinger pressed a button on the console beside him.

With a harsh sound of mechanical gears turning, the floor in the center of the explosion-proof room separated to both ends, and a platform with huge stones slowly rose.

After all the mechanical devices were stable, Heimerdinger opened the drawer, took out a control device that looked like a TV remote control, and pressed a red button on the stone in the distance.

The next second, the three turrets that had huddled quietly seemed to have gained life, and they quickly expanded in just two seconds.

They locked on through infrared rays, aimed at the boulders in the distance and bombarded them indiscriminately, and from time to time they also fired a blue-white scorching laser.

The energy cores of these turrets use Hex energy crystals, and their attack power is even higher than the weapon system of Li Linyuan Project Infinite Kinetic Energy Armor.

But Heimerdinger wanted to show Li Lin more than that.

As he pressed another button, several grooves spread out on the three turrets, and a dark jet device protruded from them.

Then, the bottom of the turret took the lead in ejecting blue flames, and the jet devices in other parts of the turret also started to operate. They slightly adjusted their angles, causing the turret to float into the air.

The fort carried out “guerrilla tactics” in mid-air, quickly passing by in the air and continuing to shoot at the target.

It wasn’t until the four- to five-meter-high boulder was completely reduced to small pieces no larger than a fingernail that the slightly overheated fort stopped.

Li Lin was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

He knew very well that Heimerdinger had clearly opposed the production of weapons before.

But now, in order to study artificial intelligence, he designed such a lethal device, which also contained many technologies that Li Lin longed for.

For example, after the weapon manually locks on the enemy, it keeps tracking and shooting, and the floating turret technology.

Although even these are far from being called “semi-finished artificial intelligence”, Li Lin is already very satisfied with the results.

The technology that locks onto enemies can be applied to your own powered armor.

You can refer to the floating turret technology and develop a more practical floating robot that can provide fire support.

If the Hex flying door technology that Jace has recently perfected and can now teleport humans is applied to power armor…

His combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

“Professor Heimerdinger, your design is beyond my expectation!” Li Lin praised sincerely.

“Well, it’s a pity that I haven’t been able to figure out how to make these machines calculate themselves…”

This requires computers and a network. If you can research it, you will be truly awesome.

Li Lin shook his head and said with a smile: “For now, it is enough to reach this level.”

Two chapters and 6,000 words, so if you round up, it counts as three updates (.’▽’.)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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