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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 115 Traces of Tuqi

Li Lin turned on the lights on the power armor and looked at the pothole in the corner.

The position he was currently in was about two meters away from the sewer floor that smelled bad and had the sound of running water.

After finding the correct position, Li Lin squatted down and reached into the hole with his hands on the ground.

He tried not to jump in too directly and splash too much dirty liquid.

As his footsteps came into contact with the slightly viscous sewage, Li Lin unconsciously felt a chill spread throughout his body.

Even with the mask’s breathing filter, he could still smell a relatively clear stench.

Fortunately, Zaun’s sewers were designed by excellent craftsmen from the Piltover family, so the height up and down is not bad.

At least he who is 1.8 meters tall in armor doesn’t have to bend down to walk.

But the passage is also only two meters wide, making it difficult for two adults to walk side by side.

This is also the main reason why Caitlin said there are too many people and movement will be greatly restricted.

“Ugh…so disgusting!” Li Lin forced himself to hold back the feeling of retching, “I can’t have this suit of armor when I get out…”

I don’t know how the law enforcement officers of the investigation team tolerated such an environment this morning.

“Hey, how’s the situation down there?” Caitlin’s voice came from Li Lin’s head.

He quickly glanced back and forth. The lights dispersed a few meters ahead, and it was still pitch black further forward.

Nothing unusual yet.

However, Li Lin knew very well that Tucci had a skill in the game that allowed him to enter the [Stealth] state.

Although I don’t know how this “stealth” type of skill is achieved in reality, and I don’t know if Twitch can still be invisible like in the game.

Li Lin still kept an eye out and turned on [Digital Thinking] in advance just in case.

“No problem for now.” He raised his head and responded to Caitlin.

“Okay, I’ll go down then, pick me up.”

Li Lin looked up at the hole above his head, raised his hands, and tried to close the distance between him and Caitlin.

When she adjusted her position and slid down, she just landed in Li Lin’s arms.

“Should I let you down?”

“Of course, that’s what you asked…”

Caitlin glanced at the muddy ground beneath her, a trace of hesitation flashing across her face.

However, adhering to her professionalism, she still gritted her teeth and asked Li Lin to lower his arms and step lightly on the ground.

“Hey, luckily I’m wearing boots today.” Caitlin muttered.

It’s just that I can’t ask for these clothes when I go back…

She was very depressed and had the same thoughts as Li Lin.

Immediately, Caitlin quickly adjusted her condition and patted her armored arm, then walked behind him and raised her gun to enter the alert state.

“If you’re wearing armor, just walk in front. I’ll be careful behind you.”

Li Lin nodded, “If you find anything unusual, be sure to remind me. That guy is using a crossbow, and it also contains alchemical poison.”


After receiving Caitlin’s response, he slowly walked forward.

This filthy environment without excessive human influence is a paradise for countless creatures.

Bloodthirsty flies, plague rats, shadow rabbits, jade beetles, and even the larvae of the Demon Swamp Frog…

Along the way, both Li Lin and Caitlin remained silent and extremely vigilant.

Caitlin has difficulty concentrating completely due to the influence of the environment and various creatures.

Li Lin was afraid that Tuqi, who was “invisible” in some way, would suddenly jump out from a corner and throw an alchemical poison bottle at them.

Fortunately, there are no other branches in this section of the sewer, so the two of them only need to pay attention to one direction.

After walking in the dim and smelly environment for more than ten minutes, they finally left the narrow and depressing sewer channel and arrived at a relatively spacious transfer platform.

After Li Lin confirmed that there was nothing unusual around him, Caitlin walked out of the passage, turned over and walked onto the relatively clean platform, frowning and stamping her feet.

Then, she turned her eyes and quickly took a look at her surroundings.

The metal frame and decaying wooden boards taken from an unknown garbage dump were turned into a small object rack.

In the clean inner corner of the platform was a pile of dirty rags and damp newspapers, which looked like the place where the murderer rested.

There was also a large pile of broken glass bottles randomly discarded on the side near the sewage, mixed with a green liquid that was exactly the same as the remaining alchemical poison that corroded the instruments underground in the factory.

As for the glass jars filled with fingers and toes, romance novels marked with crayon graffiti, tightly sealed chewing gum and unlabeled glass bottles containing green liquid, law enforcement officials have all reported on the case report. It was taken to the Law Enforcement Department as evidence.

“This is the murderer’s hiding place that the law enforcement officers of the investigation team said…”

Caitlin lowered her eyebrows and walked to the “bed” in the corner, carefully searching for any possible clues on the ground.

Li Lin, who was not very good at detective thinking, stood by her side quietly, turned on the weapon system, and looked around several branches of the sewer channels with vigilant eyes.

As a transit platform, the level of danger here is much more dangerous than the passage they came from just now.

After a while, Caitlin stood up, lowered her eyes and summarized the problems she discovered:

“Judging from the marks left on the ground, the murderer is about 1.4 meters tall. Yodels are generally not more than 1 meter tall, so it can be determined that he is a dwarf.”

In fact, it was really just a mutated giant mouse…

Li Lin wanted to tell Caitlin that the survivor Hua Luoli’s description of the murderer was correct.

But judging from Caitlin’s performance in the office today, it is obviously impossible for her to believe this unless she sees it with her own eyes.

After thinking about it, Li Lin gave up the idea.

In the following time, they stayed on the platform for a long time.

After gathering enough information, Caitlin walked up the decayed metal steps along the wall that led to the ground.

Unfortunately, this sewer platform seems to have been abandoned long ago. The stairs are cut off halfway, and there is no way to reach the surface.

“This should be where the waste pickers live, right? No wonder the facilities on this platform are abandoned and no one is maintaining them.”

Li Lin sighed.

More than half a year has passed since the five-year agreement with the legislators.

Although under Silko’s control, the lower city is much more stable than before, the hostility of the Zaun people towards the people in the upper city has not diminished at all.

Even though he had asked Hilko and Fandel to try their best to publicize his name and the name of the Giraman family, the effect was very little.

As long as Zaun’s most basic environmental problems are not solved, the conflict between the two city-states will not be alleviated in the slightest.

Li Lin knew very well that the main source of the haze was the Hex crystal production factory of the Philos family.

Even though he has improved it to produce energy crystals that emit less pollution, the production of ordinary crystals has only been reduced.

After all, the upgrade of a product does not happen overnight.

Even the Philos family, as a major shareholder, has invested in the power plant and is preparing to take the improved energy crystal to the high-end route.

However, there are still many places on the market that need Hex Crystal. Before electricity is popularized, it cannot be banned for the time being…

“Now I really don’t want to go against the Philos family, so why don’t we research an air filtration device first…” Li Lin muttered to himself.

Caitlin’s soft call not far away called his attention back to reality, “Li Lin, what are you doing standing still? We should go to the next place.”

Li Lin looked up and saw that Caitlin had reached another fork in the passage and was waving to him.

“Come on, I can basically determine the direction in which the murderer escaped.”

Set a small goal. The number of people joining the group reaches 200. I started writing Caitlin’s extras. Now there are 82 people in the group.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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