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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 122 Next stop, Nashilamei

With Li Lin’s help, Kassadin put on the Hex Power Armor.

Under the influence of the semi-intelligent auxiliary chip, he looked through the metal mask, and the whole world suddenly changed dramatically.

Kassadin was stunned by the scene in front of him, “Mr. Li Lin…”

“Just call me Li Lin.”

Li Lin smiled slightly, knowing what he wanted to ask, and explained to him: “This suit of armor has a ‘neural connection’ function and can be controlled directly through your brain.”

“The holographic interface displayed in front of you first is the night vision function provided by the auxiliary chip. You can turn it on or off through your own thoughts…”

Kassadin was stunned for a moment after hearing these professional terms.

Rao often traveled with caravans between Shurima and Piltover, and he was quite proficient in Piltover Common, so he didn’t quite understand what Li Lin was talking about.

Fortunately, after Li Lin finished explaining the functions of the power armor, he explained it to him one by one in layman’s terms, and also gave him step-by-step instructions on how to use it.

The two went to the experimental field underground of Giraman’s house. Kassadin experienced controlling the power armor for a while before becoming familiar with its functions.

Afterwards, Kassadin took out a dark gauntlet-like object from his bag and put it on the groove of his right hand that he had specially entrusted to Li Linliu.

Following his thoughts, a purple wide-edged magic sword popped out from the back of the gauntlet that looked like it was made of obsidian.

Suddenly, a sour taste of heavy metal decay filled their mouths.

Li Lin only took a casual glance and felt his heart suddenly sink, and a strong fear spread throughout his body.

Even with [Digital Thinking] turned on, Li Lin could only see four names on the panel:

Void Sphere, Void Blade, Energy Pulse and Void Walking.

As for the basic attributes of “Blade of the Underworld” and the specific values ​​of these abilities, it can only show a series of question marks.

“Horok, the warrior of the gods, is the pioneer of the secret way, the only one who pursues the traces of the void, and the first great ascendant who dares to stay away from the sun disk that gave him power and go to the realm of the boundary of nothingness.

“He used this blade of the underworld infused with the power of the astral realm to pierce the despicable heart of the void, allowing his brothers and sisters of the god warriors to see the dawn of victory over the void, and finally ending the void war in Icathia… …”

There was regret in Kassadin’s voice.

Then, he sighed and walked slowly to one of the marbles that rose from the ground after Li Lin pressed the button just now and was specially used for experiments.

“Uh… Kassadin, do you know how to use this celestial weapon?”

Kassadin didn’t look back, just raised his right arm, “The moment I put on this weapon, the method of using it was automatically transferred to my mind.”

As soon as he finished speaking, his hand suddenly thrust forward, and the tip of the “Blade of the Underworld” that emitted dazzling light easily penetrated the hard marble.

With the huge injection of magic power from the weapon, the entire stone was instantly covered with lines emitting purple light, and then exploded.

Then, Kassadin turned his eyes and looked at the marble a few meters away on the other side.

He stretched out the magic wrist blade on his right arm and drew it out of thin air in front of him. At the same time, he thrust his whole body forward and got into a purple “space crack”.

As Li Lin watched in shock, Kassadin briefly disappeared into the physical realm.

When he reappeared, he had teleported to a position three meters behind the marble, and then raised his arms——

Within the fan-shaped range in front of him, purple energy pulse waves like rolling ocean waves spurted out from the wrist blade, instantly submerging the marble, leaving no trace in the end.

The last marble, which was at least 20 meters away from Kassadin, was aimed at with his right arm, and a huge purple-black energy ball was shot out at a high speed, shattering it instantly.

Li Lin, who was far away, stared at the scene in front of him in stunned silence.

It’s just an ordinary mortal who can achieve this with the help of the Ascended One’s weapons.

Then if at the peak period, with the blessing of the sun disk, it can be opened infinitely, and the people and weapons can be transformed into a celestial warrior the size of a hundred meters hill…

Li Lin shook his head with slight palpitations.

Even if I can build a giant mecha in the future, can I really compete with this group of celestial warriors with the power of the Dragon King and defeat the enemy of Runeterra, the Void…

A deep sense of powerlessness emerged in his heart.

Kassadin put away his wrist blade and noticed that Li Lin seemed a little depressed. He thought that the weapon of the god warrior had affected him.

“Are you okay?” He hurriedly ran to Li Lin and asked with concern.

“It’s okay, I just thought of some problems.” Li Lin shook his head and forced a smile.

It’s still early now, I’m only level 18, and I haven’t even completed career advancement. Thinking too much about it will only disrupt my current development plan…

All kinds of distracting thoughts flashed through Li Lin’s mind.

Then, putting aside the chaotic thoughts, he raised his head and looked at Kassadin who opened his mask.

“By the way, didn’t you also say that you wanted to find Master Ionia to bless the armor?”

“That’s right, I’ve already made an appointment with her. It can happen anytime these days.”

Kassadin nodded and added: “I plan to go find her today and buy a ticket to leave the port for Bergun tomorrow…”

Li Lin could see the hatred flickering in his eyes, and could understand his urgency.


“Don’t be impatient, just wait for three more days.”


Kassadin raised his thick eyebrows, not understanding what Li Lin was planning to do.

“The Gilaman family is about to send craftsmen to Bergun and Nasramei to prepare to build the Hex Flying Gate there…”

Kassadin didn’t know much about Hex technology, and he didn’t understand what the awkward name “Hex Flying Gate” was.

But this did not prevent him from understanding what Li Lin meant: “Are you also planning to go to Shurima?”

Li Lin curled his lips and said, “Of course, and I want to find “Void” with you.”

Kassadin: “???”

Because Lady Karina did not allow Caitlin to go to the dangerous Shurima, and she was worried that her skin would not be able to withstand the scorching ultraviolet rays there.

During the three days of waiting for departure, Li Lin was dragged by Caitlin to stay with her for two days.

On the last day, he and Jace prepared supplies and discussed their plans.

Li Lin stuffed at least 5 sets of foldable power armor and 30 energy crystals into the “Morning Light”, as well as filled it with food and water.

In the remaining half day, under Karina’s dispatch, at least 4,000 rounds of ammunition were loaded into the propulsion module, automatically loading the Storm’s spare magazine.

This move emptied out almost one-fifth of Piltover Guard’s inventory, and even caused dissatisfaction among several other arms families.

But Li Lin still felt that these bullets were completely insufficient…

However, under Mrs. Karina’s scolding, he finally gave up the idea of ​​going to the Piltover security inventory to move 4,000 rounds of ammunition to fill “Morning Glory”.

The phobia of lack of firepower…it will pass if I endure it.

The last night spent at Giraman’s house was accompanied by the early morning bells in the Zodiac basement.

Li Lin, Jace, and Kassadin, together with the accompanying Gila Mann and other craftsmen who had invested in the Hex Flygate family, headed to the Sungate Dock in the southern city of Piltover.

Due to a temporary problem with the parliament, only Caitlin, Elro and the butlers and guards of the Gila Mann family saw him off today.

With her mother not around, Caitlin became bolder and stayed in Li Lin’s arms for a long time, regardless of her father.

It wasn’t until the sailor’s horn sounded and the captain shouted to set sail that she pecked Li Lin on the lips like a dragonfly and then pushed him on board.

After the ship left the port and returned to her father, Caitlin waved her hand to Li Lin on the bow and shouted:

“You must come back early!”

It wasn’t until the sea lock opened and the ship was flush with the Piltover Canal along the rising water that Li Lin finally lost Caitlin’s sight.

He took a deep breath, calmed down the reluctance in his heart, and turned his gaze to the distant south.

Next stop, Nashramei.

Thanks to book friends 20220309215831470, Shell House, and Qi Ji for the reward!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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