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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 123 Sivir and Mademoiselle Du Cacao

Nasrameh has been the port of Shurima since ancient times, but this is not its true name.

Before the ancient Shurima Empire fell, this very important trading port was called Nasheramai, famous for the Nasheramai silk——

At least four thousand silkworm chrysalis can produce one piece of cloth.

Nowadays, in addition to the Nasheramai silks, imitations of the Sun Disk and the Ramos Festival are also famous.

Since the first Queen Setaka established the Shurima Empire, Nashrame has a history of more than 5,000 years, which is nearly 2,000 years earlier than the northern trading station Oshla Vazuan.

Due to the geographical environment along the ocean currents, Nashrame has a milder climate than other places in Shurima.

The average temperature in this area throughout the year is about 25 degrees, and the highest temperature in the hottest summer is only around 30 degrees, and the temperature difference between day and night is not large.

Under various conditions, this port has become one of the most livable areas in Shurima today.

A simple tavern in the port was bustling with activity. Many mercenaries waiting to take jobs gathered here, drinking expensive cold beer and bragging about their past experiences.

A young woman with a beautiful face, an emerald gold forehead protector, and a three-point golden armor, with a large area of ​​wheat-colored skin in contact with the dry hot air, sat alone in a corner.

She drank her beer silently, with a large cross blade at her hand.

Under the sunlight refracted into the house through the wooden windows of the tavern, a slightly invisible golden light flows on the cross blade.

In Nashilami, such beauties are the object of every man’s pursuit, especially for those mercenaries who travel through the uninhabited desert all year round and lack women around them.

But the strange thing is that even if they are drunk, these hot-tempered alcoholic mercenaries do not have the courage to provoke this woman who looks very young and seems to have no power.

She is the leader of the most prestigious Zhai Haro mercenary group – Sivir.

Since Sivir led her men to overthrow the mercenary group’s former legendary leader Aha Zhaihaluo, the mercenary group has gained a formidable reputation under her leadership.

As long as the money is enough, they are willing to accept any task… just like today.

As the wooden door of the tavern was pushed open, several Noxian soldiers wearing heavy plate armor and holding large swords and axes rushed in.

“Hey, if you know what’s going on, leave immediately. This tavern is booked by Noxus today!”

The boiling tavern instantly fell silent, and dozens of eyes mixed with various emotions were cast on these Noxian soldiers.

There were also many drunk people with gloomy faces, as if their interest had been disturbed, and their hands had already touched the weapons they carried.

Since they have chosen the mercenary industry, these people have naturally put their own lives aside.

What’s more, the rumors of Noxus’ failure in Ionia have long spread throughout Nasramae, and they withdrew the defenders of this port for this reason.

Just a few lackeys of Noxus, how dare you be so arrogant?

But before these mercenaries could get angry, a female voice came in that sounded extremely charming and gentle, but gave people a very uncomfortable feeling.

“Geez, Ashburn, how can you be so rude to everyone?”

As the voice faded, a young woman with beautiful long hair and a graceful figure walked into the house with elegant steps.

She wore tailor-made Noxian noble standard light armor, which tightly protected all her vital positions.

A dagger-like family crest pattern is engraved on the outer armor of her chest, and a finely crafted dagger is pinned to her waist. The overall appearance gives people a sense of strength under the delicate appearance.

There was a slight smile on the woman’s face. She looked around the tavern and smiled even more when she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in the corner.

“I’m very sorry. This subordinate of mine is quite rude. Please forgive me for any inappropriate remarks…”

She paused for a moment and looked at the bar owner with a pair of light brown eyes.

“Today… no, including the next three days, all the money for everyone’s drinks will be paid for by the Du Kecao family… I wonder if you are satisfied?”

The woman deliberately emphasized the tone of the “Du Couture” family, causing the expressions of most of the mercenaries present to change slightly.

“The Du Cecao family…is the Noxian family that occupies the port of Uzeris in the west?”

“I have heard of Du Cecao. He is a general in Noxus, and his status is not low.”

“Yes, the Du Cacao family is still a family of assassins. Most of the assassins in Noxus were trained by him.”

“Perhaps this woman is the general’s daughter? I heard her name is Catalina?”

“Idiot, Caterina is the eldest daughter, and this one is younger and should be the younger daughter Cassiopeia…”

“I think we should not provoke them…”

Cassiopeia was at the door of the tavern, listening to the low murmurs of everyone present, the standard aristocratic smile on her face not changing at all.

After a while, some members of the smaller mercenary group gave up, complimented Cassiopeia and expressed their gratitude before leaving in a hurry.

With the leader taking the lead, everyone else in the tavern left one after another.

Even if Noxus failed in the battle in Ionia, the power of House Du Cecao in Shurima should not be underestimated.

After all, no one wants to be wary of a dagger hanging above their head while sleeping…

In just two or three minutes, there were only a few people left in the tavern except the boss and Sivir.

The guard Axiburn beside Cassiopeia frowned and wanted to call on his companions to drive them away.

At this time, Sivir, who had been sitting in the corner, put down his wine glass and turned his emerald green eyes to the door.

“They are all members of my mercenary group. They are our own people. You can trust them, Miss Du Cacao.”

“We have worked together so many times, just call me Cassiopeia.”

Cassiopeia waved to her men, then walked straight to Sivir, sat down opposite her, her eyes quickly passing over the cross blade on the table.

“So… why did you write a letter in advance asking me to wait for you here? It’s so urgent?” Sivir asked.

When it came to business, Cassiopeia suppressed the smile on her face and said with a serious face: “My family’s expedition team discovered the entrance to the ruins of Shurima’s lost ancient capital emerging from the sand sea.”

Sivir raised his eyebrows, “So, our mission this time is to assist you in plundering the lost emperor’s tomb? I remember that it seems to be the tomb of the last emperor Azir, right?”

“Of course…what’s going on?”

Just as Cassiopeia was about to tell Sivir the details, there was a loud noise outside the tavern.

It seemed that the guard guarding the door had a conflict with someone.

Cassiopeia and Sivir looked at each other, stood up and walked towards the tavern door.

Before I got close, I heard several men speaking with a very strong accent and cursing rudely:

“Hey! You Noxians, you don’t own this tavern, why don’t you let us in?”

“We are craftsmen of the Myrdalda family, from the Parliament family. I advise you not to provoke us!”

“You think the tolls at Hinanomon are low now and you want us to raise them?”

But it was obvious that the two Noxian guards at the door could not understand their own “Shurima” language.

Not only the guards, but also Cassiopeia couldn’t quite understand, so she walked to the door and looked out.

Before she could ask about the reason for the noise, her eyes swept over the people at the door, and her brows furrowed slightly.

These people wore Piltover clothes and were probably Hex craftsmen valued by a certain family.

What are these Piltover people doing here?

Could it be that he also came to explore the lost tombs in the imperial capital?

But they are obviously not members of the expedition team…

Just when Cassiopeia was confused, the guard noticed his young lady coming forward and hurriedly protected her, his attitude became even tougher:

“Get out of here, this place is reserved by the Du Kecao family.”

“Don’t make us do it!”

As they spoke, they pulled out the swords from their waists, startling several craftsmen.

“I’m warning you, if you dare to attack us, our person in charge will not let you off lightly!”

This time, the middle-aged man at the head spoke the common language of Piltover.

As the daughter of the Du Cacao family, Cassiopeia has been proficient in various languages ​​since she was a child, so she can naturally understand such normal words.


She raised her eyebrows and asked in Piltover: “I am Cassiopeia of the Du Cecao family. Which Piltover family are you from?”

“The Du Cucault family?”

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then the anger on his face turned into surprise.

“We are craftsmen of House Myrdalda of Piltover…”

“It turns out to be the Myrdalda family.”

Cassiopeia thought of the Myrdalda branch of Noxus who helped in the Ionian invasion war, and the standard smile appeared on her face again.

“Speaking of which, our Du Cacao family has a pretty good relationship with your branch family in Noxus…”

As soon as she finished speaking, a mechanical young man’s voice came from the other end of the street: “Lalno, what happened? Didn’t I tell you not to cause trouble?”

“Mr. Li Lin?”

…Li Lin?

Unfamiliar name.

Cassiopeia noticed the man’s panic, looked sideways in the direction of the source of the sound, and her expression suddenly changed.

I saw two men wearing armor similar to lightweight versions of brass and steel diving suits, but more delicate and exquisite, walking over here.

In the midair behind them, there were three humanoid machines floating in midair and a strange-looking floating steel device.

Cassiopeia looked stunned, “What is this?!”

There are 103 people in the group. I’ll write a side story when I reach 200 (`д)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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