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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 13 Codename: C


The concern and worry in Caitlin’s eyes became more intense.

This bullet didn’t even hit the brain, so why are people so stupid…

“Don’t look at me like that, do as I say.” Li Lin glared at her and said with certainty: “This is my new invention, Xiang, trust me.”

Caitlin pursed her lips and hesitated for a moment before nodding heavily, “I hope this gun is as amazing as you say.”

She clenched the handle of the gun with both hands, took a deep breath slowly, tried to free her mind, and roughly conceived the structure of the alley in her mind.

The gunman was approximately 20 paces away, in a room about 4 meters above the ground.

The person on the other side is more than ten meters away from here. At normal speed, he can run over in a few seconds…

I’m on the same side as the gunman now, and the gunman’s muzzle must be aimed at this side now.

Although they said they would not kill me, the enemy could not believe what they said.

There is a huge possibility that I will be shot through my body by bullets as soon as I come out of the bunker…

What should I do?

Caitlin’s brain was working rapidly, thinking of every possible countermeasure.

Suddenly, she saw the metal building wall above the alley, and a feasible idea came to her mind.

“Li Lin, what’s the caliber of your revolver?” she asked in a low voice.

“Well, I modified it from a normal revolver, it should be 10mm…”

Li Lin noticed that Caitlin’s eyes had been lingering on the walls above her head, guessed her intention, and couldn’t help but be surprised:

“Hey, I’m not lying to you. This pistol uses energy bullets, which are different from kinetic energy bullets. Do you want to shoot the bullet through the metal wall and hit the man? I’m not sure if this will work…”

“How will you know if it works if you don’t try? We have no choice anyway, right?” Caitlin said calmly.

She knelt on one knee and stretched out her arm, narrowed her left eye slightly, and aimed the pistol diagonally above her.

Breathe in, then hold your breath.

Then, her slender white index finger gently pulled the trigger.

At the same time, the Hextech revolver vibrated slightly, and the power supply core suddenly flashed with a blue light.

After a short delay, with a dull sound, a blue energy ball quickly shot out from the muzzle.

However, the moment it touched the metal wall, the energy bullet exploded with a “sizzle”, and the flashing blue light illuminated the dim alley.

The gunman was startled by the sudden counterattack and immediately shrank his head, “Damn it! What the hell did you do?!”

Here, Caitlin frowned when she realized that her idea didn’t work.

This was just a warning, but it also let her know the approximate power of the revolver in her hand.

Even I was very surprised by its power, and the other party would definitely use it as a deterrent because of the attack just now.

If you want to get out of the current predicament, you must take some risks…

Caitlin relied on her extraordinary mind to quickly think of countermeasures.

In addition, she determined the approximate location of the gunman through his angry curses just now.

If you use the shock wave of energy bullets, that guy should be eliminated…

Caitlin took a quick breath and held her breath. Without too much hesitation, her whole body rolled towards the side of the trash can.

The gunman hiding in a civilian’s home obviously didn’t expect her to be so bold, and the shock wave just now still left him with lingering fears.

For a moment, he failed to react and fired without aiming, hitting only the open space at Caitlin’s feet.

good chance!

Caitlin, who was still kneeling on one knee, calculated the time, quickly raised her hand and squinted her eyes to aim, and her finger had already lightly squeezed the trigger while raising her hand.

Another blue energy ball shot from the barrel and quickly flew towards the wide-eyed gunman.

Because Caitlin’s series of actions were completed in just two or three seconds, and her movements were hurried and her aim was poor, the bullet only hit the wall below the window and did not hit the gunman.

But that’s enough.

An invisible shock wave suddenly appeared from the soles of his feet, violently impacting his body from bottom to top, knocking him away and hitting the ceiling, and then he fell heavily to the ground.

Affected by the shock wave and impact, the gunman’s pupils were blurred, his eyes went black and he fainted.

On the other side of the alley, several people hiding behind the wall saw Caitlin firing and started talking:

“Damn it! This bitch actually shot!”

“Don’t worry, although I heard that Miss Gila Mann’s marksmanship is very good, but the boss is so far away from her, nothing will happen to her.”

“What the hell kind of weapon is that bright light? Is that really a gun she’s holding? Or is it a new weapon developed by the Gila Mann family?”

“I always feel something is wrong…”

Just when several people were shocked by the abnormal situation in the alley, a strange middle-aged man’s dull voice suddenly sounded behind them:

“I don’t know if the Gila Mann family has developed a new weapon, but this gentleman’s bad premonition is correct.”

“Who… ugh!”

As soon as one of them turned around, a fist as big as a sandbag fell on his face, and he was knocked unconscious without even saying a word.

When the other three saw their teammates being attacked suddenly, they quickly prepared their weapons and distanced themselves from the middle-aged man.

“Who are you?!”

One of his right arms was replaced by a Hex-enhanced prosthesis, and the man wearing a metal skull mask stared coldly at the strange middle-aged man in front of him.

“I advise you not to meddle in other people’s business!”

“Now that you’ve come to the dark alley, you still don’t know who I am.” The middle-aged man rubbed his fists and smiled helplessly, “Didn’t you ask who owns this place in advance?”

“You…are Fandel?!” The man subconsciously took two steps back, “We have no enmity with you, why did you attack my people?”

Fandel laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke in his life, “No injustice, no enmity? Hahaha…”

For a moment, he stopped smiling, put on a gloomy face, and asked sternly: “Then do you know why the black alley is the most orderly area in the whole city?”

The three of them looked at each other and understood what Fandel wanted to express.

After a brief eye contact, they glared at him again, with a hint of evil in their eyes.

“Why are you talking so much to this old guy? There are three of us, and he is only one!”

“Yes, not to mention that this old man is still bare-handed, but we have weapons.”

“There are more of you than there are, right?” Fandel shook his head and raised his finger to point behind the three of them.

what’s the situation……

The man wearing a metal skull mask suddenly felt an inexplicable chill, as if he was being stared at by countless pairs of malicious eyes.

He stiffened his neck, turned around like a rusty mechanical gear, and suddenly took a breath of air.

Just ten meters away from them, a dark group of people had already surrounded them.

They are all fully armed, some with machetes, some with sharp alchemical mechanical devices, and many of them are equipped with alchemical amplification prostheses.

It’s over…

At this moment, this was the only thought left in the masked man’s mind.

“May the smog not enter your home.” Fandel stepped forward, smiled and patted his shoulder, “Hei Alley sends its sincere greetings to you and your friends.”

In Benso’s grocery store.

Caitlin’s face was full of worry, and she stared intently at the two middle-aged men, one fat and one strong, busy in front of the bed.

Lying on the bed was Li Lin, who had been given anesthesia and was in a semi-conscious state.

After resolving the crisis for them, Fandel took Caitlin and the injured Li Lin back to Benso’s grocery store to treat his wounds.

Benso threw the towel in his hand into the basin that was already soaked in red liquid, and shouted outside the house: “Ike, bring in another basin of water!”


Not long after, a little boy with white hair and black skin walked in again carrying a basin of clean water.

Fandel used tweezers to pick out a piece of metal fragment from the wound and threw it into the basin. Then he washed the blood stains from his hands and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm.

Seeing this, Caitlin, who was already restless, immediately stepped forward and asked about Li Lin’s situation, “Is he okay?”

“This kid is in pretty good health. The bullet didn’t go in deep and all the shrapnel has been taken out. I’ll let Bensuo stitch up the rest of his wounds. He’ll be fine after he rests for a while.”

“That’s good.” Caitlin breathed a sigh of relief, “By the way, those five people you arrested…”

“Come out and say it.” Fandel motioned for her to follow him.

The two walked out of Benso’s grocery store and came to the narrow alley next to the store.

Fandel lit his pipe with a match, leaned against the cold wall with his arms folded, raised his head and blew out several circular smoke rings.

After pondering for a while, he slowly said: “My men haven’t produced any results from the interrogation yet, but what I can confirm is that they are not from Dicheng, and Dicheng people do not have the money to install Shangcheng’s enhanced prosthetics. “

“I know that they should be sent by someone who is hostile to our family.”

“Well, the Gila Mann family… I didn’t expect you to be the daughter of the Uptown Senator.”

“I didn’t expect you to be the leader of the Black Alley.” Caitlin’s eyes briefly paused on Fander, “You are very different from the Alchemist Baron I imagined.”

“I’m not an alchemist baron, I just make a living.” Fandel knocked out the pipe in his hand, not wanting to continue on this topic. “What are you going to do if you know the identities of these people?”

Caitlin’s expression darkened, “I will personally send them all to prison, including the forces behind them.”

“Well, this is indeed a good idea, but sometimes the law is not as effective as directly eradicating the roots…”

“I’m not a murderer.”

“Of course, I’m just speaking from personal experience…although I don’t like to cause trouble now.”

Fandel spread his hands and said nothing.

The air fell into a long silence.

Time passed by minute by minute.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the alley in front of the grocery store.

A woman wearing a brown worn leather coat with dark skin and thick black eyeshadow that perfectly highlighted her fierce eyes came to Fander.

“Sevika, how is the situation?”

“They are mercenaries who travel between the upper city and Bilgewater. They were hired by a person to kidnap the eldest lady.”

The woman casually glanced at Caitlin beside Fander, her hoarse voice a bit harsh.

“But none of them know the true identity of their employer. They only know the guy’s code name: C.”

Tips: C is Caitlin’s arch-enemy in the main universe, and is also a key figure in pushing Caitlin to transform from a young lady of a wealthy family to a detective, and then become the Sheriff of Piltover. I won’t spoil it here!

Also, please comment and vote, don’t let the poor author play alone (*)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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