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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 138 Inside the Mausoleum

What made Sivir feel a little relieved was that the mercenaries’ subsequent actions to pry open the tomb door did not cause any accidents.

The trace of black poisonous gas that had killed nine mercenaries before escaped under the sun looked like it was just an accident.

When the sun set again, the door of the mausoleum made of unknown metal was finally cut open to a height of about two meters and a width of more than one meter, which was just suitable for them to enter.

Originally, Sivir wanted his subordinates, who were already very tired after working all day, to rest for a night to recuperate before continuing their exploration.

Unfortunately, the impatient Cassiopeia directly rejected her arrangement and ordered to proceed directly to the depths of the tomb.

Out of helplessness, the persuasion of his subordinates, and mostly for the gold coins, Sivir decided to lead everyone to explore the ancient tomb directly.

When everyone passed through the dug hole one by one, went down through the downward ramp and a flight of stairs until they entered the mausoleum, they could not help but be stunned by the grand scene in front of them.

Although the sunlight on the ground cannot shine directly here, the inexplicable blue light coming from the wall dispels the darkness of the underground space, making everything in the tomb still clearly visible.

Looking at it, this huge underground space is dozens of meters high, made of a large number of smooth marbles, and supported by towering pillars with very exquisite workmanship.

A huge chain as thick as an arm hangs from the ceiling of the hall, connected to the golden metal gears on the stone pillars, and connected to some secret mechanisms in the mausoleum.

In the passage to the deep hall, there are countless gold-made statues that are more than ten meters high. Guard statues with solemn expressions holding spears stand on both sides, guarding the resting place of Shurima’s emperors and ascendants.

How majestic it is, even more magnificent than the Ascended Tomb I excavated before!

Sivir’s eyes widened and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Cassiopeia, who followed her down to the underground space, also stared at the scene in front of her for a long time, feeling even more excited.

But at this moment, a young man’s voice suddenly attracted their attention: “Wow! This thing is gold!”

Sivir’s heart trembled, and she, Cassiopeia, and everyone else looked at the source of the sound.

They saw a dark-skinned young man who looked to be about 20 years old standing in front of the golden soldier statue closest to them.

He pulled out a small hammer from his waist and hit the statue hard, trying to knock off a piece of gold from the top.

A trace of panic flashed across Sivir’s face, and he hurriedly yelled at him: “Idiot! Stop it!”

Unfortunately, by the time she reacted and shouted, it was already too late.

With a crisp “ding” sound, the metal hammer hit the statue heavily.

The crisp sound accompanied by Sivir’s lingering sound echoed and weakened in the empty hall, spreading to deeper places.

“Eh?” Hearing his boss’s roar, the young man looked back in shock.

Sivir angrily ran towards the newcomer who had just joined the mercenary group three months ago and had no experience in digging graves, and slapped him in the face.


Her strength was so great that the young man’s face instantly became red and swollen.

“You are such a fucking rat shit! Didn’t I teach you before? Don’t touch things with your hands when you go down to the tomb!”

The young man covered his face and realized that he had done something wrong. He lowered his head and did not dare to refute.

“Sivir, it seems that you haven’t trained your subordinates well enough.” Cassiopeia chuckled from a distance.

“Don’t gloat about your misfortune, Miss Du Cacao, don’t forget that we are grasshoppers on a rope. If there are any mistakes in exploring this ghost place this time, it will be your loss.”

Sivir turned to warn Cassiopeia with a sullen face and a serious tone.

Then, she looked at the young man in front of her again and said with a solemn expression: “Next, you’d better control your greedy thoughts for me, otherwise don’t blame me and I’ll deal with you, the troublemaker, with my own hands… Do you understand?”

Seeing him nodding hastily, Sivir looked at his men again, and along with Cassiopeia’s guards, he suppressed his anger and warned:

“I will only say the following words once! Everyone must obey my orders. I tell you to go east, but you cannot go west. I tell you to stop, and you cannot move forward one centimeter…

“My warning to Joyce also applies to all of you! This is about your life… to be precise, all of our lives!

“If anyone dares to do something secretly or not follow my arrangements in the future, don’t blame my subordinates for being ruthless… Do you hear me clearly!?”

Everyone present was not a fool, and no one dared to touch Sivir’s brow when she was angry, including Cassiopeia.

Seeing that no one said anything, Sivir withdrew his gaze and said, “Very good.”

Then, she glanced back at Joyce and said, “Hurry up and return to the team.”

After everyone was adjusted and ready, Sivir asked a few experienced subordinates who were good at solving the mausoleum mechanism problems to explore the hall where they were currently.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the mausoleum of the emperor and the ascended ones in the imperial capital. They found no less than 20 fatal mechanisms at the outer entrance alone.

Including but not limited to ground spike traps, wall flying arrows, giant hanging chain meteor hammers, the dark poison gas seen today, etc.

There were even magic circle traps that were very secret and could not be discovered unless special means were used, causing Sivir to lose four more capable men.

And that’s not counting the actual entry into the tomb, she lost no less than 10 people.

The danger level of this mission completely exceeded her psychological expectations.

Sivir finally led the expedition team through numerous traps and climbed the stairs leading to the interior of the mausoleum.

When she looked back at the two corpses that were burned to charcoal by the raging magic power in the distance, she couldn’t help but secretly cursed: “Damn it!”

But Cassiopeia didn’t want to waste time on the dead, “Hurry up, Sivir, time cannot afford to be wasted.”

You’re such a long-winded Noxian bitch!

After this mission is over, I will never accept your commission again.

Sivir became increasingly fed up with Cassiopeia.

Immediately, she took several deep breaths to calm her irritable heart, “Miss Du Cacao, the danger of this ancient tomb is far beyond my imagination. I think we should first…”

“I’ll give you three times the gold of the original contract, don’t waste your time with me.” Cassiopeia looked cold and didn’t give her a chance to finish her sentence.

“…” Sivir’s face froze.

Three times as much gold…almost close to 10,000 gold plates.

With so much money, it was enough for her to support the mercenary group for half a year without opening a business.

After all, Cassiopeia’s family was a famous top-level noble in Noxus, at the pinnacle of the empire’s power and wealth.

Sivir wasn’t worried at all about whether she could afford the price.

Cassiopeia’s light brown eyes stared at Sivir who fell into silence. She thought she was not satisfied with the price, so she said coldly:

“Don’t be too greedy, Captain Sivir. Will you agree or not?”

Hey, I really hate how arrogant you are…

Sivir frowned slightly and thought carefully for a moment, “I want 3.5 times the original contract.”

“No problem.” Cassiopeia’s lips curled up slightly and she agreed readily, “Then, let’s move on.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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