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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 141 Do you have any last words for me to bring to Catalina?

Cassiopeia glanced coldly at Sivir, who was lying on the ground, breathing heavily, with a disdainful expression.

“You have completed your mission, Sivir, which is to bring this cross blade here.”

According to the records passed down from ancient times, this cross blade used by Setaka, the first emperor of the Shurima Empire and the ascended queen, can open the doors to the tombs of all emperors and ascended ones.

The reason why Cassiopeia has cooperated with Sivir so many times is that in addition to gaining her trust, the most important thing is this weapon of the god warrior.

She picked up the Chalikar on the ground, then turned around and gave her men a look, asking them to send the three surviving mercenaries away.

In the silent hall, the mercenaries let out feeble screams as the three sharp metals cut through flesh and blood.

Cassiopeia looked enthusiastic, holding the middle part of Chalikar in both hands, and walked quickly to the end of the hall.

She couldn’t help but raise the corners of her lips, “Behind this tomb door, buried is a power that is close to that of a god… Mother, my mission is about to be completed!”

Cassiopeia found the cross-shaped groove on the door and placed the cross blade in her hand that fit perfectly.

Immediately afterwards, as the machine gears “squeaked” and turned harshly, Chalikar was swallowed up by the thick door made of unknown materials.

But before the tomb door opened, a python sculpture on one side of the hall shone with purple-green magical light.

It spit out serpents made of stones and crawled silently along the wall, without attracting the full attention of Cassiopeia and the Noxian guards who were staring at the tomb door.

Cassiopeia waited for a long time but didn’t wait for the tomb door to open, and she couldn’t help but feel a little impatient, “What’s going on?! Why hasn’t the tomb door opened yet?”

“Don’t worry, miss, this mausoleum has been built for thousands of years, and the mechanisms inside are old. It’s normal for the speed to be slower.” Her closest guard Axiburn came forward and comforted softly.

“Then what if it’s damaged or something and the door can’t be opened…” Cassiopeia frowned and looked back at her guard.

However, she saw shock and sluggishness on his face, “What’s your expression?”

The stunned Ahiburn raised his trembling finger and pointed behind Cassiopeia, “What kind of monster is this?!”


She turned around in confusion and found that a giant python statue had risen from nowhere, leaning half of its body from the top of the tomb door, revealing its sharp stone fangs. The forked tongue that stretched out of its mouth almost licked her face.

At this time, the guards who noticed this scene in the distance quickly reminded: “Miss! Be careful!”

However, the python statue with purple-green magic light in its pupils had already launched an attack.

“——Uh-huh ahhhhh!!”

As Cassiopeia screamed pitifully, the huge teeth of the python statue pierced her flesh and blood, injecting purple-green venom into her body.

This came from a snake-headed ascendant who survived the Void War and injected his own curse magic into it, in order to prevent the emperor’s tomb from being tainted by the younger generation.

The curse of arcane poison and astral magic quickly spread throughout Cassiopeia’s body. The poison eroded her body and the curse burned her soul.

Cassiopeia discovered with horror that her flesh and blood were falling off and her body was transforming in some unpredictable direction…

Seeing this, the guards hurriedly surrounded him to protect him.

After injecting poison and curse into Cassiopeia, the python statue lost its firepower, and its hanging body fell to the ground and broke into pieces.


“Are you okay?!”

“Quick, Ashburn, take out the magic potion you brought to lift the curse!”

“Fuck! Stop shouting, okay? I can hear you!”

Urged by others, Ahiburn hurriedly took out a palm-sized glass bottle from his satchel, which contained a bubbling gray-brown liquid.

He had just pulled out the cork from the bottle, and Cassiopeia, whose voice was almost hoarse from shouting, hurriedly took the curse-removing potion from his hand, raised her head and poured it into her mouth.

It’s a pity that she is not completely cursed, but also has secret poison.

Moreover, such a potion that can only act on ordinary curse magic cannot compete with the astral magic originating from the heaven in the body of the god warrior.

“It’s useless! It’s useless! Ahhhhhh-!!”

Cassiopeia could feel her fingers transforming into a yellow-green hard chitinous carapace.

And something seemed to be growing on her skin that made her itchy and painful.

She didn’t dare to scratch her skin with her hands, whose fingertips had turned into terrifying claws, but this group of stupid men could not help her.

“Hurry! Uh-huh… You idiots, hurry up and send me back to Uzeris… Ahhh!”

The middle section of the tomb.

Li Lin and Kassadin walked carefully through the huge and silent underground space, and walked as lightly as possible.

They had just encountered a Bakai guardian with two dog heads, and they were so frightened that they almost used “Flicker” and “Void Walk” to escape.

Fortunately, Li Lin reacted quickly and realized that Bakai was looking into the depths of the mausoleum, seemingly in a state of sluggishness, and did not take action against them.

Kassadin originally wanted to persuade Li Lin not to continue risking his life.

But he knew that Li Lin would definitely refuse, and judging from his appearance, he even wanted to go deeper, so he sighed and did not speak.

They carefully walked around the Bakkai and continued towards the deepest part.

Under the path opened by the storm, the two continued to move forward along the tracks of the expedition, and one after another they discovered two or three corpses that were too miserable to be human.

“They look like they have been bitten by Milos beetles…” Kassadin lowered his voice and reminded, “Although they are not a threat to us, it is still right to be careful.”

Li Lin nodded and continued walking in the dark passage that was no longer illuminated by the inexplicable blue light.

Time passes by minute by minute.

They walked forward for a while, only to hear a faint hoarse female scream coming from the silent corridor.

They both stopped at the same time.

Kassadin frowned and popped out the Blade of the Underworld from the back of his right wrist, ready for battle.

Li Lin recalled the storm leading the way back to him and put the two floating robots into combat alert mode.

If you guessed correctly, this somewhat familiar scream should be that of Cassiopeia who was cursed when she hit the tomb door…

Li Lin and Kassadin didn’t wait long, as a burst of noisy footsteps quickly approached from a distance.

After about a minute or so, five Noxian guards ran over carrying a girl who was crying and screaming, her legs stretched and twisted in an irregular shape.

As soon as they saw Li Lin and Kassadin with a glowing sword on his wrist, the five guards immediately stopped and assumed fighting postures.

“Why are you here?”

“Don’t be like this, I made an appointment with Cassiopeia…”

As he spoke, Li Lin secretly connected with the storm above his head and locked onto the five soldiers in front of him.

Hearing what Li Lin said, several guards looked at each other with suspicion on their faces.

Ahiburn hurriedly asked Cassiopeia, who was still conscious: “Miss, that guy named Li Lin is following us…did you arrange it?”

“Li Lin…Li Lin?!”

Upon hearing the name, Cassiopeia, who was suffering from severe pain, quickly asked the guards to put her down.

The pair of vertical pupils that changed from light brown to yellow-green reflected two sets of power armor that emitted blue light, and some hope emerged in his heart.

“Li, Li Lin! You, you are Cang… uh uh, Cang Lady, do you have the potion to lift the curse?!”

Her words were sporadic, even slurred.

However, Li Lin guessed her problem through some keywords.

Several other soldiers from the Du Cacao family, who were carefully trained by Cassiopeia’s mother, did not lose their luster because their young lady said the name “Pale Lady”.

“I’m sorry, your curse was imposed by a celestial warrior. It is essentially a kind of astral magic. Even the potion to remove the curse cannot heal your body.”

Kassadin turned his head to look at Li Lin in surprise.

He had many questions in his mind, but now was not the time to ask.

“W-what?!” Cassiopeia’s expression was dull, with a look of fear on her face, “Impossible! There must be… there must be a way!”

“There is a way to help you stop the pain and changes in your body…”

Li Lin chuckled, and clearly saw a glimmer of hope in Cassiopeia’s eyes.

He raised his hand slightly, and the two storms raised their left arms.

As the orange firelight illuminated the dim environment, five consecutive deafening gunshots echoed in the quiet and far-reaching passage.

A blood hole appeared between the eyebrows of the five guards, and they fell down, instantly losing their breath of life.

Cassiopeia, who had just been supported by them, fell to the ground with a dull expression on her face, looking in disbelief, “You…what did you do?!”

“Of course it’s the method you want? As long as you die, all problems will be solved.”

Li Lin slowly raised his right hand, the armor on his palm unfolded, and a blue-white energy light was gathering, making a “buzzing” charging sound.

“I, I so…believe you!”

“Don’t be silly, Mademoiselle du Cucault, we all know it.”

Li Lin sneered, “You know that I am not the pale lady’s subordinate, and I also know that you have never trusted me…”

As soon as he finished speaking, the energy ball that had reached the limit of charge flew out from his palm, instantly covering Cassiopeia, whose eyes widened.

“Oh… damn, I forgot to ask you.”

When the blue-white energy light dissipated, Li Lin looked at the empty space where Cassiopeia had just been, shook his head and said regretfully:

“Do you have any last words that you want me to bring to your sister Catalina?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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