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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 143 Shurima, your emperor is back

Li Lin and Kassadin rushed to the main hall, and the first thing they noticed was the huge tomb door that had been opened at the front and a humanoid soul made of yellow sand standing in front of the door.

“What’s this?”

It was obviously impossible for Kassadin to know an emperor who had been dead for three thousand years, but Li Lin could guess his identity even without using [digital thinking].

Azir’s soul awakened by Sivir’s blood.

“It doesn’t look like he’s hostile to us. Leave him alone.” Li Lin quickly pointed at Sivir who was lying in a pool of blood. “Let’s go and see Sivir.”

With that said, he didn’t wait for Kassadin’s reply, and ran to Sivir before Azir, who was still stunned, started his digital thinking to check her situation.

[Name: Sivir]

[Personal status: Near death (cannot be treated by conventional means). 】

Li Lin looked at the dagger stuck in Sivir’s back. At the bloody wound, the blood had solidified into dark red blood clots and stopped flowing out.

“She is hopeless.” Kassadin walked to Li Lin and put his hand on his shoulder, “Unless I find the healing master of Ionia… But in this big fortress, where can I go… …”

At this time, Azir, who was approaching them, interrupted him: “Her name is Sivir, right? Leave her to me.”

A flash of suspicion flashed in Kassadin’s eyes, “…are you?”

Azir didn’t answer his question specifically, but just shook his head silently, “It’s not important anymore.”

The water of life in the Dawn Oasis is only enough for one person to be fully resurrected.

Azir originally thought that he would be resurrected to restore Shurima’s glory.

But as soon as he saw this dying descendant with his own bloodline, all the thoughts about the empire and power were thrown out of his mind.

I am already a lament from ancient times. If I have to choose a person to be resurrected…

Azir slowly squatted down, struggled to lift the daughter of Shurima, and staggered towards a low-lying corner on the side of the hall.

Neither Li Lin nor Kassadin had any intention of helping.

One of them knew that this was a necessary process for Azir to ascend, and the other saw that this was the last thing that the unknown soul must do before he dissipated, and he did not need help.

Although Kassadin didn’t know what he had to do to save the life of Sivir, who was fatally injured and dying…

As Azir approached step by step, the Dawn Oasis, which was originally slowly flowing with clear water, began to gush, filling the small basin made of stones.

The majestic life force emerges from every drop of water. Even Li Lin and Kassadin, who are wearing power armor, can clearly feel the unusualness of this faintly emerald green water.

“This is…the water of life recorded in the classics?!”

Kassadin’s expression changed and he took a breath of air.

Legend has it that at the peak of Shurima, the Water of Life waterfall flowing from the Sun Disk gathered in the Dawn Oasis and was transported to various regions of Shurima.

At that time, there were few desert areas with harsh environments in Shurima. Green grasslands and large lakes and rivers spread across the entire continent.

Under the leadership of the Emperor and the Celestial Warriors, even after experiencing the Void War, the people of the Shurima Empire still lived a comfortable life.

However, all this disappeared after the Sun Disk collapsed and the City of the Sun was reduced to ruins.

Now, the water of life can flow again under the influence of this newly revived soul…

Kassadin immediately guessed the man’s identity, “Are you…Emperor Azir?!”

Azir remained silent and placed Sivir, who had almost lost all his life breath, in the basin, which was filled with water of life filled with green light.

The cold and biting magic spring water entered Sivir’s body along the hideous wound. Under the influence of the surging green life magic, the dagger at her waist was squeezed out of the body by the rapidly healing flesh and blood.

Azir stood up slowly, walked out of the fountain of life, and looked at Sivir who had just opened his eyes in the spring.

At this moment, from the top of the hall that had been destroyed by magic, a dazzling pale white light suddenly shot out from the dark sky.

This magical light from the heavenly universe refracted along the reflective metal in the ruins, and finally converged on the core fragment of the sun disk on the side of the hall. It suddenly turned into a more intense orange-red flame beam, which was reflected to Ah next to the fountain of life. On Zier.

“Is this?!” Under the mask, Kassadin’s face was completely shocked.

As the orange-red magic energy surrounded Azir, he was slowly lifted into the air by the pillar of flames.

The sand grains on his body were squeezed away and surrounded by the magic from heaven, and his original flesh and blood body was rapidly recovering.

But this is not the end.

Accompanied by Azir’s venting roar, he suddenly opened his arms, and a pair of light wings composed of magic power disappeared behind his back. Countless yellow sand continued to pour into his body as the magic power in the tomb made him More and more dazzling.

In the blink of an eye, countless beams of light emerged from his newly recovered flesh and blood body, piercing through his body, and the dazzling yellow-white light like the sun illuminated the entire dark space.

Li Lin and Kassadin turned their faces away unconsciously, unable to look directly at Azir any longer.

As the strong taste of rancid metal in their mouths gradually subsided, the two opened their eyes, and the dazzling light of the huge underground space had dissipated.

Standing in front of them at this time was a celestial warrior who had the appearance of a magnificent eagle armor made of celestial magic and had the power to control yellow sand. He was also the last emperor of Shurima.

Azir was dressed in golden battle armor from head to toe, and in the center of the armor on his chest was a gem that was as transparent and bright as the spring sky.

His shoulder pads were magically carved into the shape of outstretched wings, and hung from them were a tawny dust-proof cloak and several crimson cloth belts inlaid with gold.

At this time, Sivir also stood up from the spring water, looking at the ascendant who was gradually falling from the air with a vigilant face, his eyes shining with golden light.

“Who are you?!”

Azir shook his head and did not answer to defend himself from Sivir who was very wary.

He just stood firm on the stone platform next to the Fountain of Life and gently stretched his hand forward.

In an instant, among the ruins of the ancient tomb, countless fallen rocks recovered and reorganized into their original appearance, and then slowly rose up under the drag of magic power.

Above everyone’s heads, a beam of golden light illuminated the dark night sky, dispersing the darkness in the hall.

Li Lin, Kassadin and Sivir raised their heads at the same time, looking through the huge and magnificent architectural structures that were being restored, and finally focused on a sun disk suspended in the air about 800 meters above the earth, like a golden sun.

Azir ignored Sivir, as well as Li Lin and Kassadin who were some distance away from them.

He just looked up at the sun disk above his head and said slowly in a very majestic and powerful voice:

“Shurima, your emperor has returned.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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